October 24 2011

Oct 24, 2011

Monday, Monday. Today felt longer than it was because 4 of my groups were on their field trip... I filled up 2 of the slots to make up kids I will miss tomorrow, and one more with a kid I need to test, but I still had almost 90 minutes unfilled, so I got a chunk done out of my paperwork. Perhaps tomorrow afternoon I'll do another chunk. I have my EGD tomorrow morning. It was 8AM, but they called me today and I have to be there at 6:30 for the 7:00 procedure. YOWZA! The good thing is, no contacts, no jewelry, no makeup....so I get to go in looking like a scrub, which knocks 20 minutes off my morning routine. No food either, there's another 10 (making the protein shake). I get to wake up at 5:45 since Dad will pick me up at 6:15. Shower and dry hair. I can do that. :) At least it's only an hour earlier than normal. 

I'm a little nervous about the EGD, not so much for the procedure since I'll be knocked out.  I'm more worried about saying something inappropriate while I'm groggy....  . I found out the bariatric surgeon does the EGD...news to me! That's good though. Dad is driving me so he gets to meet the surgeon then, which I know he'll take full advantage of if he can... LOL. 

My aunt is in California this week, she called to tell me how much fun she's having, which I'm glad to hear. I asked her about my PCP (she's his nurse) signing for my medically supervised weight loss. He's checking NO, which means I have to pay out of pocket for their medical staff at the surgeon's program to follow me. It's kind of frustrating, I'd like my PCP to be there since he knows me...but his reason is that he wants someone connected directly with the nutritionist monitoring me so that I'm safer...which I get. Ugh. That's one more appointment to get in, which means another day off from work. Or half day. Hopefully they can get me in after work, which would be ideal. 

Better late than never, I finished hanging my Halloween decorations. I have these hanging spider lights...my cats are in the window growling at them. I can't stop laughing! They were pawing at the window, but now it's just growling. Hopefully they protect me from REAL spiders as well. 

I think it's going to be bedtime soon. 2 weeks in a row of early Tuesday doctor appointments....it'll be worth it in the end.  


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Oct 10, 2011
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