October 27 2011

Oct 27, 2011

I went to my first support group meeting today. I had no idea what to expect. It was SO helpful and informative. One of the things I had been worried about was that there wouldn't be anyone there who was sleeved. Of the post op people, there was a nice even mix - bands, sleeves, and bypasses! During the meeting, Dad asked a lot of questions and they were all answered. Even after the meeting, 3 of the post op patients who had sleeves came over and talked to us for nearly half an hour. One thing I really like is that they have a list of peoples' contact information, so that you can talk to others whom you've met face to face. I do like the online forum, but it is nice to know that I have contact info for people I've actually met - and they've told me to use it. 

I'm working up the courage to view a VSG surgery on YouTube. I was told it's not bloody. I'm going to try. I really am. I'm so squeamish.

The nice thing was, none of the 3 there had any post-op complications, varied levels of pain, and all were back at work within 2 weeks (some had extra time - the lose or use time). I'm a little less scared than I was....and now a little more anxious for November 21 to get here!!! That's the day of my next consult with the surgeon, where we hopefully submit everything to insurance. It looks like, even if I can't get in before Christmas, I won't need a whole lot of time off from work. I just hate the idea of having to pay my 2012 deductible for the surgery if I don't have to. Thing is, though, I'll have to meet the deductible at some point anyway. We'll see. One day at a time. 

All 3 people who were there are averaging 20 lbs lost per month since surgery. WOW.

Another long day with some exhaustion setting in. I'll be awake another hour and then calling it an early night.  


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Oct 10, 2011
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