new measurements one month out

Feb 15, 2009

41 waist (4 inches down)   (45)
hips 44  (5 inches down)    (49)
Lthigh 26 (2 inches down)  (28)
R thigh 27  (1 inch down)    (28)

So im feeling the success of my band, but am also incredibly confused b/c after my first fill I feel more hungry.. isnt that weird?!?!?! I also feel like food is going down easier than it was BEFORE i had a fill.. even weirder!!! I saw the liquid going in so i know he didnt take any out LOLLLL. Will see how I really am doing at my second fill appt on the 23rd. In the mean I find that i easily get bummed out when i dont see the scale budging. Maybe I should put the scale away and only weight myself once a week or something? Gotta think of a new plan!

