Jan 3rd, 2007 at 2:32pm

Jan 03, 2007

     Well, Happy New Year everyone!  2007 is going to be my year.  I'm going to get healthy, get thinner and start to live the way I have always dreamed.  I am so excited for the new year starting.  I really feel like this is it.  This is the year when it will actually happen for me.  I will finally stop being fat, tired and unhappy in my own skin.  
     That being said, my surgeons office called today.  The woman that deals with the approvals said she is going to call my insurence today and get the approval.  According to her, my insurence provider will approve over the phone.   She was very confident that I would be approved without a problem.  I hope she is right.  I talked to her around 10:30am today and have been waiting by the phone ever since.  I want to call her at the office every five minutes!!  I am trying to calm myself.  While I spoke with her this morning, I asked her how the schedule was for getting the surgery after I'm approved.   She said the next available date is Feb 20th and that she would block that date for me.  That is my daughters birthday.  She will be nine years old.  I think it would be awsome if I had surgery that day.  It would be a birthday for her and a 're-birthday' for me.  We would celebrate together from then on.  
     Okay so, I'll (of course) post as soon as I know something, which I hope will be today.  Think happy thaughts....

Dec. 29 at 12:06am

Dec 29, 2006

I've been really good this week.  I didn't call the surgeons office agian.  It's been hard not to but I don't want to become a pest.  I do think that I will call on tuesday after New Years.  I figure that won't be bad.  I did find the web site for BCBS of NC and looked to see if it was filed and I don't see it :(  I just hope it doesn't take to long. 

Dec 23,2006 at 12:06 am

Dec 22, 2006

Well, I broke down and called the Psychologist today.  I couldn't help myself.  I know.... My husband says I'm obsessed and can't just leave it alone, but I had to call.  Anyway, they faxed over the evaluation on thursday morning to the surgeons office.  Now it is totally done and in the surgeons hands.  I had to sit on my hands to stop myself from calling them.  But I didn't do it.  I will try not to call and check untill next friday.  I figure once a week isn't all that bad.  I'm releived it is almost done.  HOLLY GOLOLLY!!

Dec 18th at 8:32 pm

Dec 18, 2006

     Well, I called the surgeons office today.  They said my abnormal thyroid test was no big deal.  They will go ahead and submit to the insurence company as soon as they receive the evaluation from the psychologist.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  I hope I can put it on the back burner in my mind and just enjoy the holidays.  After Christmas, I'll call and check on the paperwork agian.  Not thinking about the surgery, however is going to be hard.  Even as busy as it has been, it's hard not to think about it.  TTFN!! 

Dec. 16th at 11:30pm

Dec 16, 2006

I loved this so much that I stole it shamelessly from fngrs132's blog... 

You Know When You've Had WLS When.....

*I have a date" does not mean your going out.
*You have baby food in the house and no baby.
* "I'm a loser" is a good thing.
* All of your silverware says Gerber.
* A wooden spoon isn't just for cooking.
* "Welcome to the other side" doesn't include death.
* New clothes fall off in a week.
* You get excited about hand me downs.
* The scale at Wal-Mart no longer says "one at a time please".
* Going bald and getting wrinkles is a good thing.
* "Just water for me please".
* Hitting the "Century Mark" is actually a good thing.
* You can be touched by an angel and still not be considered crazy.
* When your rear end no longer looks like a mudslide.
* When you get excited that your incision was "only 6 inches".
* When the word lap has nothing to do with a strip club.
* Other women are calling you "bitch" behind your back.
* When you are glared at in the plus size department because you don't "belong there".
* When you really don't have a thing to wear.
* You have to prove you are the person on the drivers license.
* You start being in the pictures not behind the camera.
* You want to hug everyone fat and hand them your surgeons card.
* You are never parted from a bottle of water
* When you order a doggy bag at the same time as your meal.
* Being too small for your britches.
* When the only way your nipples are where they belong is to roll them up, position them with your bra and secure with a ponytail holder.
* When you go pick up your child at school and all the other kids say WOW you're mom is hot.
* When you got to the mall a take the first available space instead of circling 20 minutes for one closer to the door.
* You truly are a "cheap date".
* When one drink makes you flipping floozy!
* When you run to the door and don't hear a flapping sound.
* You flip your shirt to show complete strangers your scar.
* Vitamins feel like a meal.
* You go from a 56DDDD to 32AAA in a year and didn't have a breast reduction.
* You've just lost 100 lbs and run into a high school friend who asks "did you change your hair?"
* You can cross your legs... both of them
* Instead of a Wonder Bra you need a Wonder Where They Went Bra
* When your obsession from food turns to your scale.
* They no longer call 911 for the Jaws of life to extricate you from a turnstile.
* No more velcro shoes
* Tongs are no longer to fry chicken.
* "Checking for leaks" no longer includes your panties
* When your stairmaster is no longer used for drying your fine washables
* Your mother says "You don't eat enough"
* When your doctor looks you in the eye and says "I know you will have sucess with this."
* Having sex your husband complains that your hip bones are poking him.
* You can wear corderoy pants without igniting a fire
* When you wave and your upper arms wave back
* You safety pin your underwear
* Someone phones and thinks your husband is sneaking around with some skinny mistress
* Cannot blame the cat for shedding
* Cancel your Lane Bryant Credit Card
* 3 Lean Cuisines a week and thats your total grocery purchase
* The kids wonder what happened to the cake and cookie god..did he die???

Dec. 16th 2006 at 12:40am

Dec 15, 2006

Well, its been a while since I posted anything.  I has been so busy trying to get everything and everyone ready for the holidays.  Run, Run, Run!!

I had my second evaluation with the psych yesterday.  It went very well.  He was very impressed that I have done my reasearch and am aware of some of the pitfalls and challenges after WLS.  I was very happy to get the whole thing over with.  He said he will forward a evaluation letter to my surgeons office in the next day or two.  My goal has always been to have an answer (hope for a 'yes) from BC/BS by the end of the year.  I may have to do another blood test just to prove my thyroid is under control, but that would be it.  I'm so relieved the majority of this process is over with.  HOORAY!! 

Dec 5th at 4:12pm

Dec 05, 2006

Well, I had my appt with the Psych today.  (sigh) It was okay.  I did a 567 question test.  Yes 567 questions!!  It was SO boring.  I even laughed out loud at a few of the questions.  For example, True or False 'you often hear voices telling you to kill yourself'.  I was struck by the word 'often' like if you only hear the 'voices' once in a while you should answer 'false'.  Wierd!!  Anyway, I got my test done and then went to talk to the doc.  He was very nice and I guess it is his job and all, but he asked a lot of questions.  I had to fill him in of my entire life history.  That took up the whole hour, so now I have to go back and see him a second time just to talk about the WLS.  I thaught I would just go in there to talk about the WLS and not so much of all the other stuff, but no, he wanted the whole sha-bang.  Whatever, I made an appt for friday the 15th.  Hopefully that will be all of it.  Nothing agianst the psych profession but I'm so afraid to say something wrong to make him think I'm a nut case.  He seems to read into what I say too much.  I guess that is just the nature of their job though.  

Got my hair done today too... Love it!!  Looks really nice.  Now I'm going to go take a nap... I'm beat for some reason.  Ta Ta!

Dec. 4th at 9:31pm

Dec 04, 2006

Well, I had my final appt with the NUT today.  It went very well.  She is going to forward a letter to the surgeons office to rocommend me for the surgery.  HORRAY!!  Tomorrow afternoon, I go to see the psycologist.  One more step in the process.  I hope it goes well.  

So I should be able to apply for approval this week.  Not sure if I will have to have my thyroid rechecked before they will approve but I won't be suprised.  I guess better to be safe than sorry.  I want to surgery in order to get healthy and that's what I intend to do.

Nov 26th, 2006 at 9:21pm

Nov 26, 2006

     Well, it's been a busy busy day.  I cooked my very first Holiday dinner today.  The stuffing was the best part of the whole meal, but everything was really good.  I made dishes I never tried before and I was suprised how good it all turned out.  It was crazy busy with the whole family running around my house but everything (everyone) survived.  Now my DH is in the kitchen doing the last bit of the dishes.  Isn't that nice?!?!

Nov. 23, 2006 at 6:27pm

Nov 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving all!!  I am back at work tonight, but I can my leftove plate of turkey and dressing.  I thaught of it like 'the last holiday' in a sense.  It is because if I get the surgery in the begining of 2007, I will never have another holiday when I can eat the stuff I ate today.  It was GOOD too!!  I enjoyed every bite of it.  
Well the plane today is to go to the store as soon as I get off work at 6am.  However, I'm pretty well beat and not sure how I'll feel 11 more hours from now.  I better load up on the coffee.  Hee hee!!

About Me
Monroe, NC
Surgery Date
Nov 13, 2003
Member Since

Friends 35

Latest Blog 70
July 3rd, 2007 at 8:40pm
July 1, 2007 at 3:15am
June 13th 2007 at 7:48pm
June 7, 2007 at 3:23pm
June 4th 2007 at midnight
May 22, 2007 at 8:01am
May 21, 2007 at 1:50pm
May 17, 2007 at 7:30am
May 3rd, 2007 at 8:55am
April 28th 2007 at 10:53am
