
Oct 15, 2006

New self-challenge 10-1-06
Okay so I've been sitting here thinking about my goals. Then I thought about my current weight. Then my brain kinda went in neutral because I'm also watching the 2nd. Harry Potter movie. After a while, my brain thought it realized something. I got out my calculator and did a little figuring. I'm only 36 lbs. away from One-derland. There are three months left until the New Year. 36 divided by three is 12. Does anyone see where I'm going with this? My new goal is to lose 12 lbs a month in October, November & December. Making it all the way to One-derland by January would be super fabulous. I can't think of a better way to start off a new year.
On the 1st., 15th. of Oct., Nov., & Dec. I'll post an updated self-challenge ticker so I can keep track of my self-challenge progress.
36 lbs. by January 1.

weekly update

Oct 15, 2006

weekly update 9-30-06
Okay, so I'm a day late. I just didn't have time yesterday morning for my usual routine. I even had to skip my workout at Curves. I'll try to add an extra one this week. This has been my first whole week with a fill. I don't really feel much restriction. I do occasionally feel a little tightness if I eat too fast. A couple of deep breaths usually clears it right up and I can continue eating without any problems. I"m just going to try to take it one meal at a time and see if I get any more restriction. I'm not sure how long my doctor requires between fills. I'll have to call his office and ask. I've had some good NSVs this week, so overall I'm pretty happy with my band. Also as you can see from my ticker, I now have less than 100 pounds to lose!!


Oct 15, 2006

NSV- "before" no more!!!!!!!! 9-29-06
Today when I was getting ready for work I realized I desperately needed to do laundry. The only clean "work" shirt I had left was the one I wore in my "before" pictures. I've been avoiding wearing it since then. I didn't want to put it on and not be able to tell a difference. NOT a problem! As soon as I put it on, I could tell it felt looser around the arms. And around what passes for my waist. I practically skipped to work.
BTW: I'll be updating my ticker tomorrow. This morning was much too hectic.

weekly update

Oct 15, 2006

Well, my ticker has resumed moving towards the right. Yippee!! I"ve also had an NSV for this week. I weighed myself this morning (always do on Fridays) and had to adjust my ticker. Then when I was getting dressed, I had this crazy idea. I went through my bag of "I'm too fat to wear these" clothes. I pulled out a pair of size 22 petite jeans and decided to try them on. I kept telling myself "they probably won't fit, I just want to see, it'll be okay if they don't." But they did. I put them on, zipped them up and buttoned them. I didn't even have to jump up an down to get the zipper up or lay flat to do the button. AND I can still breathe. I am just grinning from ear to ear.
I've only had a fill for two day and I'm still on liquids. I have to stay on liquids for a whole week until the 27th. This makes my mom upset because she knows I won't be cooking dinner for a week. Since she doesn't cook except on special occasions (like Thanksgiving) that means she gets a lot of peanut butter sandwiches. I think that most of weight loss for this week should be attributed to Curves. I just realized that I am only 10 lbs. away from my next mini-goal! I've already decided which print I want and where it will be hung. This is the link (I think you'll have to copy & paste into your search bar):
and just below is my newly updated ticker. Wahoo.

My 1st. fill

Oct 15, 2006

FIRST FILL 9-20-06
Today has just been the best day. I got 5 new books in the mail from Amazon, I got a fill of 5 c.c. and I got a job that pays a multiple of $5 an hour. My life just doesn't get any better than this. Isn't that kinda sad? Whatever. Let's talk about my fill, shall we? First off, nothing but water from midnight. My doc (who I actually met. It was about time!) did the fill with fluoroscopy. Basically it is a type of xray. (or at least that's what I say, someone who knows what they're talking about might say something else.) I laid down on the table and they positioned a big hunk of machinery over me. The fluoro camera I presume. Then I looked at this little TV screen and there was my port. It was so cute! (o.k. I'm a little weird, sorry.) The nurse swabbed around my port site with alcohol. Then the doc said he was going to inject something to numb the site and he said it might hurt a little. LIAR! It didn't hurt at all. I barely felt it, I've been hurt worse giving blood. Heck, I've been hurt worse stubbing my toe. Then he started feeling for my port. Which also was cool, because I could see his finger bones on the fluoro screen. When he injected the saline, I started laughing. I swear it tickled! The doc probably thought I was off my rocker but that's ok. Let's just hope that my ticker now resumes its journey to the right.

6th. week

Oct 15, 2006

9-15-06 (6 weeks)
I'm finally allowed to lift more than 20 pounds again. Which is excellent because my dog got out and I had to chase him down the street. When I caught him I couldn't put a leash on him. Why, you ask? He had bronchitis a while back and the collar irritated his throat. Plus I kept forgetting to put it back on, but that isn't important. The important thing is, since I couldn't leash him, I had to pick him up and carry him back to my car. Yes, I chased him down in my car. It was early in the morning (early for me anyway) and I was still in my pajamas.
So anyway, I decided I should join a gym now that my lifting restriction is over. For further proof that I should join a gym, see my ticker below. Yes that's right folks, my ticker has slid over to the left. Did anyone ever watch Hee-Haw? "Gloom, dispair and agony on me. Deep dark depression, excessive misery. If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. Gloom dispair and agony on me." Of course, it is all my fault. I acknowledge that. I found a forgotten Hershey's Sundae Pie in the freezer. Did I ignore it or throw it away? Based on my ticker, what do you think? I ate the damn thing. Not all at once, it took me several days. Also to add to my guilt I haven't been walking anymore. I went roller-skating last Sunday but no other real exercise.
Now back to my actual topic (the gym, in case you forgot). I joined Curves. I'm going on Monday for my introductory session. The lady there said they would train me on each machine. This is a nice change from previous gyms. I would usually just wander around, say to myself "hey that machine looks cool, I wonder what it does?" Not very productive. I also like that I can go to any Curves gym in the area, there are several nearby. As part of the sign-up process they weighed & measured me. ("yippee" she said sarcastically) So here they are:
bust- 52
waist- 51
abdomen- 55
body fat- 44.5%

Roller-skating rocks!!!

Oct 15, 2006

I just got back from the roller rink. I had a blast! I met up with Divanita2006 & gonnabethin from LBT, they're both very cool. Skating is harder than it used to be when I was younger. My center of gravity has really shifted. The rythym started to come back to me, I just need to work on my balance. I really want to practice and get better, I would love to take part in the skate race. Not win, just feel brave enough (and skilled enough) to join. Since I went ahead and bought skates, I had to go back and change my list of rewards. I made sure to add a reward that will require some activity. Our next skating session is Sept. 24 at the Red Bird Skate in Duncanville. The link to their website is
The address is: 1206 N. Duncanville Rd. I'm not sure what time they have open skate, but I'll check and update my post. Anyone in the area is welcome to come and join us. The more the merrier! And hey, just think about this: roller skating burns 80 calories in 10 minutes. Can we all say "Wahoo?"

5th. week

Oct 15, 2006

5 weeks 9-8-06
Well, no leftward tendencies. That's good. I was not a good bandster yesterday. My mom & I went out to dinner at Chili's. NOT a good idea. I ordered the chicken crispers and fries. I did do one good thing: I asked for a to-go box as soon as the food arrived. I figured I'd only eat half and save the rest for lunch today. Yeah, that didn't quite happen. The half that I brought home with me I ate a few hours later. I looked up the nutrition info. online and just about fell out of my chair. I still burned more calories than I ate but it is a bad precedent.
I have been walking, at least 1 mile a night. I got a cheap pedometer at Wal-mart and I've been keeping track of everything on Fitday. That is one handy website. Next week my 20 lb. lifting restriction expires, so I think I should start looking into gyms.

I am really looking forward to this Sunday. A few of us from LBT ( are getting together at the White Rock Skate Center in Dallas. We're hoping to make it a weekly (or at least every once in a while) get-together.

I can eat again!

Oct 15, 2006

Today was my first day back on real food. For lunch I had a Chick-fil-a sandwich (no pickles) and a small order of fries. I ate very slowly and tried to concentrate on chewing very well. It took me about 45 minutes to finish and now I feel FULL. This is awesome!!!! Before my band, I would go to Chick-fil-a and get a sandwich, large fries and a 12 pack of nuggets. The nuggets I would eat in the car on the way home. When I got home I'd inhale the rest in about 5 minutes. This is so much better.
Since my fill isn't until Sept.20, I'm really worried that I'll have to make my ticker go to the left. I'll be happy if it just stays right where it is until my fill. Of course I wouldn't mind if it continued on its merry way to the right.
I have come up with a strategy to combat the fact that I can now eat real food. This past week I have been faithfully walking every evening. I go around my neighborhood and the distance is roughly (measured with my car) 1.2 miles. I walk this in 33 minutes on average. Tonight AND FROM NOW ON I am going to extend my route. My neighborhood is vaguely shaped like an E. I live in the middle of the top. I go down the vertical, along the bottom, turn around, go along the middle both ways and then back up and over to my house. Tonight I'm going to do all that, except when I get to my house I'm going to keep going. I'll walk outside the E from the top all the way to the bottom and then walk the E again. That should make my route (for those of you who aren't lost yet) roughly 2.5 miles. I'm hoping that will keep me from gaining before my fill.

follow-up visit

Oct 15, 2006

I had my follow-up visit today. Not much to report. I was weighed, according to the doctor's scale I am 245, fully dressed except for shoes. Which still doesn't agree with my scale. Mine says 246 when I'm wearing just a t-shirt. I met with Arlene (the R.N.) she looked at my incisions. She said they looked "wonderful." I think Arlene may need to get a life (jk). She also advised me to begin taking a chewable vitamin and recommended Flintstones for kids.
I scheduled my first fill for September 20th. Now could someone please tell me that it doesn't hurt?
Oh and I still haven't met Dr. Jayaseelan. I'm kinda curious as to how long I can go without actually meeting him. I wonder if he was even there?

About Me
Waxahachie, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 04, 2006
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Curves report
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The best laid plans...
I GOT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!
