Hi Kyla, Sorry I'm just now getting back to you-have been so busy with my new life since RNY of '00, that I have been remiss in keeping up with obesityhelp.com. My hair loss is mostly genetic, I believe-no Farrah Fawcetts in my lineage!
I have had relatviely few problems due to RNY, but I do feel an obligation to mention the few, because I didn't get any warnings (of them). First, drink lots of water every single day. I didn't and paid for it dearly with a kidney stone (3 centimeters-huge!) in my left kidney, caused from malabsorption. I had 4 lithotripsies over a 4 1/2 month period and had to have a stent placed in my ureter to faciliatate the elimination process. Surgery was not recommended, since the kidney was so close to the bypass site (the doc said problems with adhesions down the road was a major factor to consider). As it was, the 4 1/2 month process was not pleasant (constant internal spasms, not painful but annoying), to say the least, but the good news is that there was no kidney damage. I must take four huge tablets of potassium citrate every single day for the rest of my life (almost a meal in themselves!).
The reason they want you to drink lots of water is to flush the kidneys, which will prevent stones from forming. You are probably always going to be subject to malabsorption, but if you take your prenatal vitamins and drink lots of water, you will likely avoid a kidney stone.
I also have pelvic floor problems and am seeing a pelvic floor specialist for those-surgery is imminent. One thing that might have prevented some of this is, again, drinking more water and keeping my bowels regular. I never realized the damage constipation could create. My overall advice: listen to your body and others who have had side effects and take preventative measures. I'm 8 yrs. out, & while they have been fantastic years, the problems I have had could have been prevented.
My best to you.