The Infamous Sleep Study

Oct 02, 2009

Do they really expect you to sleep? Please....

I just finished my second night of the sleep study. The first night, last Tuesday, was kinda uncomfortable and odd. The hose to my nose that was wrapped around my ears was way to tight, but if you know me - I didn't ask for her to loosen it. Go figure, I guess I thought it's supposed to be that way, and who am I to question? So let's just say that I didn't get much sleep that night, and then had to drive 1 & 1/2 hours without nodding off....(only a couple of times). Then I get home and crash and I didn't wake up until 9:00 a.m. and didn't make it into work until 10:00, but at least I made it to work right?

Last night was more enjoyable, did I just say the sleep study was enjoyable? Yes, more enjoyable than the first, that wasn't easy to beat. Christy was my tech and she explained so much to me. Like, after this surgery it has the highest divorce rate, and you & your spouse need to be able to communicate each other's needs. I would have to say that Terry and I communicate very well, but who couldn't improve right? He's the best!

Also, that she had the surgery two years ago, so she was very honest, open, and didn't mind answering the questions I had.

My tech recalled the first time she walked into a store and fit into the first thing she tried on....Just the thought of walking into ANY store and not shopping in the "PLUS SIZES" - what a concept.....I'M READY, BEAM ME UP SCOTTY!!!

We also had a very interesting conversation about the attention issue. Let me explain, whether or not thin to average people want to admit it, they tend to ignore, look past, or not take BIG people seriously. I've always felt that people don't listen to what I have to say, or they do but don't give it any thought. Have you ever been in a meeting and made a suggestion that noone considered, then two days later someone else has the same suggestion and they get credit for it? YES, this happens....

Have you ever passed people on the street and looked them in the eye and they deliberately look past you? Or you can see them looking other people in the eye like the beautiful thin blonde (Jen :) ) walking with you? Oh but others say, don't take this personally. do you not?

Christy also shared her before drivers license, I looked at the license and looked back her several times. See for me this is an awkward moment! I want to say, WOW GIRL LOOK AT YOU NOW!!!! But then the question is did she really look that bad before she lost the 116 pounds? No, not at all, she was very pretty.

I've been told that when I start losing the weight - people will comment on my size very often, but then right now I think is that how others see me? Am I that bad to look at? Yet, I know different, but how can that not give me a self-esteem complex? Anyway, I know how beautiful I how much more beautiful will I be? This is the question, so stay tuned to find out!!!


About Me
Tahlequah, OK
Surgery Date
Sep 27, 2009
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