Thanksgiving Folowup Part Deux

Dec 01, 2010

Today I was at the hospital at 10:30am for my endoscope to see what they hell is going on. I was very happy that everything went so well. Of course first I got an IV which made me start to feel better quick. The headache from dehydration was well on its way when I got there and I never look forward to an IV. The whole procedure took only 20-30 minutes and I slept through most of it. After Dr Glembot told me that as soon as he saw the foam he knew there was something up. I had a stricture. For those new, it is a shrinking of the connection from the pouch to the intestine that makes it hard to pass anything out of the pouch no matter how liquid it is. I was told that one of the causes is healing too fast. Well damn, I heal everywhere fast it seems, never thought it was much of a problem except when I get stitches that need to be removed they get taken out a couple days earlier that most. My external scars are already really healed and now it seems my insides are doing great too. My Dr thinks this is a one fix deal because we got it at the beginning, whew! I'm happy about that. What took the longest at the hospital was the extra fluids and vitamins I really needed after not being able to drink more then 8 oz water in 24 hours. Yep I got my Banana Bag, named that because its yellow. I cant believe how fast I felt better after that. They did tell me to not do much today even tho I will want too because of the vitamin high it causes. They were right, I felt hyper but got tired as soon as I tried to do more then I should. I'm am stage 1 fluids today (clear) and will be on stage 2 (pureed) for the next 5 days, then I get to start stage 3 (soft). WOOHOO! Cheese here I come!

My advise here is...Don't ignore anything that you feel might not be right. Bariatric offices have nurses to talk to for a reason, if its a silly thing, they will help you with it. If its not, they will still help you with it. I cant believe there are people who don't call when something doesn't feel right and they end up admitted to the hospital. The possible outcome of something silly is the nurses make you feel better. The possible outcome of not calling them is death. DON'T BE ONE OF THEM!

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Jul 02, 2010
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