Okay, I suck at journaling, blogging or keeping track of anything. No, I don't have an excuse, It's just me. Don't get me wrong, I try but...

I started thinking about surgery in March of 2006. I have a friend who had made the decision to have surgery and when she told me about it, I was interested. She is an amazing woman and was very patient with all of my questions. One day she mentioned that caffeine or carbonation isn’t allowed and I said “Well, that’s it for me.” I had a 12 pack diet Pepsi a day habit that I seriously didn’t think I could quit. I drive an hour each way to and from work everyday and so daily for about 3 weeks I thought about quitting my habit. Could I? Better yet, did I want to? Hell no! One day without warning, I decided to have 2 sodas a day just to see if I could handle it. For a week I did this. Aspirin and I became good friends as the headaches hit me. When I realized I could live without it is when I decided to go for surgery. I had several health issues and my diabetes was getting the best of me. I got my referral to Dr. Ludwig in August of 2006 and my surgery date was scheduled for September 29th. My daughters and my husband were behind me 100%. I was proud that I made it through the 10 day liquid only diet my surgeon requires and hella happy I dropped 10 pounds in 10 days. Some of my co-workers asked why have surgery if you can lose weight this way? Duh! Thin people don’t understand. Prime example. My boss maybe weighs 100 pounds soaking wet. One day she said as she pulled on her waistband, “My zeros are getting loose”. I replied with “My 24’s are tight.” They were more than tight. I was packed into them like sardines in a can. Anyway, the surgery went great. I did have a problem with the blood thinner shot and I lost 2 pints of blood. God only knows where it went. I had to have 2 transfusions and had to stay an extra day at the hospital. I recovered well and went back to work 2 weeks after surgery.

About Me
Yuba City, CA
Jul 28, 2006
Member Since

Friends 26

Latest Blog 1
Two post in one day...
