Almost to my personal goal.

Feb 19, 2010

Feb 19, 2010 - 130.6lbs - almost to my personal goal.  Boy is it going slow.  I started working out to that Jilliam Michaels DVD, boy does she kick your butt!  I did notice that I put 1-2 lbs on not sure if I was gaining muscle or not because boy was I sore.  I couldn't have possible gained from anything else at least I hope not.  I have noticed I have been lax on my documenting on my plate and I haven't been getting in enough protein and noticed my hair falling out again.  I have to definately get back to that.  I am worried about getting out of the honeymoon stage I think I am there, but I don't think I fully understands what your body goes through??? Is there something different with the absorption?  I see so many different things in the posts, guess I will ask at my one year appt in a couple weeks.   My brothers wedding is in May I really want to get down to 125 if I could and really tone up my arms, butt and stomach.  I hope with this exercising I can tone up my stomache enough that I don't have to resort to surgery to remove the excess skin.   Well, about 4 more lbs before I am considered NORMAL weight, can't believe it.  People at work think I am crazy, but that's what the BMI chart says.  I have to weigh 126 to reach normal weight and I should weigh about 115 but I don't know that I would look healthy at that weight, who knows maybe I should try.  I need to drink, drink, drink more water and start getting that protein in.


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May 01, 2008
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