Surgery moved to 10/9

Aug 31, 2007

After meeting with my reproductive endo dr yesterday, I called to move up my surgery.  I was told I would have to wait 6 weeks to 2 months to allow my body to heal before we could try to do any IVF cycle.

My FSH levels were not that great. One was an 8.4 and the other was a little over a 10. They like them to both be below a 9.  So I don't have much time left with my own eggs.  Sad news, but news that I was already expecting.

We are considering donor eggs at this point.  I wish I knew someone that would agree to go through a round of stimulation and donate some eggs.  This would save us significant amount of money.  We will just see how things go.

I will keep everyone posted!

Endometriosis/Uterine Fibroid - Surgery 10/9

Aug 31, 2007

"As most of you know, my husband and I have tried since early 2000 to get PG, to no avail. We attempted 10 IUI's (intrauterine insemination), 1 Frozen Embryo Transfer and 3 Failed IVF's. I just turned 40 this year, so my clock is on a tick/tock..well it has been for quite sometime.

I went back to my 2nd Reproductive Endo dr today (I was on my 3rd the last cycle in 11/05) to see if he would take me back as a patient, now that I have lost weight, no longer have PCOS and in better health. Of course he said he would. Today was day 3 of my cycle, so he did a TVS (Transvaginal sonogram) and a day three FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) blood test. While doing the TVS, he discovered that I have a uterine fibroid the size of a plum. Not very good news. I told him that I felt my endometriosis was in full blown mayham, because I was in bed all weekend with severe menstrual cramps. He did say otherwise, things look great. Now, the plan is for me to go to another doctor who is the best at the larposcopy and have the fibroid and endo removed again (this will be my 3rd time..which typically is common for women with endo). Not sure what the surgery date will be, but I am just glad to finally get someone to agree with me that it's time to rid the pain.

I am not even considering doing IVF again until Nov/Dec, because I feel that I will be at goal, or close enough.

I know miracles happen on this board with people praying, so I am sending out a prayer request for the prayer warriors to help me through this. I am not near as emotional as I was back in 2005, but I could sure use the extra support.

I am wandering if the fibroid could be stalling me some, because I noticed that I went back up an inch in my stomach area. So not happy. And with the problems my mom had in 1990 with a uterine tumor being malignant, it does have me concerned. My mom was 45 then, but still, who knows how long she had that tumor before it was discovered.

Has anyone else had a fibroid removed? Do you know what it's like? I know it can impede ones ability to get pregnant, so I guess I am glad we found out sooner than later."
"I went to see an advanced gynelogical dr today and I definitely have to have surgery again. It's scheduled for 10/25. He says it will be complicated due to the location of the fibroid, but nothing he hasn't seen before.

I am staying positive about all of this. We are doing a clomid challenge this week to see what the egg reserves are. More than likely we will have to go with donor eggs when the time is right. It will probably be mid/late December, if not next year. I was just trying this year, since I have met deductible and am hoping to be at goal by then.

I am sure glad that I am not getting flamed for trying so soon, but I just know God has the plan.


Aug 17, 2007

I realized that for someone who is still 5 months from my 1 year anniversary and only 15 .2 lbs from goal...I am not doing to bad.  This means at minimum I will need to loose about 3 lbs a month.  However if i continue to loose at 7-9lbs a month, I should be at goal within 2 months.


Bought Size 0-2 and 4-6 Shirts and a Size 2 White Jean Pants

Aug 15, 2007

Okay, I am at Wal-Mart tonight because I needed new tops.  I was brousing clearance and since it was after hours for using the changing rooms, I just put a few shirts on over my workout clothes.  I thought just for the heck of it, I would try on a size 0-2, just for grins...Low and behold, it fit.  There were a couple others that were a little different style and I had to get siez 4-6 in those, but they have a taylored look and fit nicely.  There was one size 2 white jeans mixed in, the absolute last pair of this style in the whole store.  And they were marked $4.  So I thought I will get these and save them for when I get to this size.  I got home and tried them on and I got them over my legs, over my thighs, rear, hips, buttoned and zipped.  However, my stomach was pudging a little bit and they are just a little tighter in the thigh area than I like, so I am not quite ready to wear yet, but this was a MAJOR WOW moment.  I must admit they were the stretch jean, but I don't think I stretched them that much.  

This is just so incredible and is one of the BEST feelings I have had since I started this journey. 

Tomorrow is my last day of my Smoothie Liquid Diet.  I know I have already lost some lbs, but I think inches are coming off too.  That's four days with high protein smoothie shakes that are delicious.  If I had known about these earlier out, I would have been hooked on them for the first 4 months, since I couldn't hardly eat...and I would have had no problem with getting in my protein.  Yummy is all I can say!  Yeah Stephanie B from the January board for her genius creation and sharing so wonderful with us January girls.

I am only 8.6 lbs from NORMAL BMI...That is another WOW within itself.

Well..until next post...

Still loosing Inches

Aug 12, 2007

I tried on a size 7 dress that I had worn back in 1998/1999 time frame.  It fit!!!  Therefore, even though I am not loosing lbs as quickly as I would like, I am loosing inches.


Not Feeling Bad About My last Week Stall

Aug 07, 2007

Date Monthly Weight  Monthly Loss  Cumalitive Loss % of Excess Weight Loss
Pre-Surgery 232      
01/24/07 228           4                4 4%
02/25/07 205.2          23              27 27%
03/26/07 191.2          14              41 41%
04/25/07 180.6          11              51 51%
05/25/07 171.6           9              60 60%
06/24/07 164.2           7              68 68%
07/31/07 153          11              79 79%

Okay after I put this together, I decided that I shouldn't feel to bad about having a week of stall, considering I worked out hard last week.

I am in size 8/10's, so inches are still coming off.  I am excited about this and I know I will make it to goal.


Fitting size 12's in pants very comfortably

Jul 12, 2007

I don't think it will be long and I will jumping on down to size 10's.  I bought three new capri's from wal-mart for $11/each.  White, Black and Tan....all the same style because I love the way they fit me..just perfect.  Not too tight, loose enough to feel like I can breathe and very slimming.  I bought a size 12, but I could fit the size 10, they were just snugger than I like.

I am really happy and can't wait to escape down to the 140's and size 8/10's.  I am in mostly small/medium tops now.  So that is a relief.  I hope I don't loose too much more up top.  My lower arms/wrists are looking a  bit anorexic (sp).  Don't get me wrong, I like being thin, but I want to be healthy first.

Well, I just wanted to post my thoughts for the day!


232/158.8/132....getting closer and I can feel it.  It will be nice to be in the normal BMI range.

I weighed in below my goal of 159 for my 40th Birthday!

Jul 08, 2007

I weighed in at 158.8 on 7/6.  I weighed the same on Saturday, my birthday. 

I had a blast at my birthday party and I had so many compliments that it felt awesome!


Discovered I am 7 lbs and 1 month ahead of Goal

Jun 25, 2007

Per the weight loss estimator, I am 7 lbs and 1 month ahead of goal by my 5 month marker.  Yesterday was my 5 months since surgery.  The weight loss estimator showed that I should have lost 61 lbs by the 5 month mark.  I have lost 68 lbs.  Month 6 shows 67 lbs, so I figure this puts me a month ahead.  If all goes well and I stay ahead of target, I would expect that I would be at goal by December.  Of course, personally I want to be at goal by September/October time frame.  We will just see how things go.  I am currently loosing about 8-9 lbs a month.  Therefore, since I only have 32 more lbs to go, I figure July, August, September and October should put me there with lots of diligence, working out and plateau buster dieting if necessary.  

I have not felt this great since 1999 before I started gaining the weight.  

Thanks for reading.

Not a good weight loss week! Bummed out

Jun 12, 2007

Highest Weight 232 lbs
Day of Surgery 228 lbs
Last Week 169.2
This week 169.8

Gain of .6

Ok, not happy with this past week. I am blaming it on a couple of things.

1) Traveling for 3 days for work and getting up at 5AM each morning, being in a super cold office that kept me from wanting to drink alot of water.
2)Being in office meetings all day that were draining.
3) Returning and being sick for 2 days
4) Not eating my normal weekly meal plan
5) Not getting in the excercise plan for 3 weeks.
6) Being out of my arthritis medicine for the entire week last week, which keeps inflammation down.
7) I also had a couple of issues again in being able to keep food down due to the phlegm problem and inflammation.

Am I just rationalizing or do these make sense? I mostly had soups/salads.

Ok, I really know there are no real valid excuses. So I have to get back in the game and stay motivated that this weight will come off. When I met with my Rheumatologist on May 30th, she told me that I looked healthy at my current weight and advised me not to get too upset if I never get close to my goal of 132, because people tend to end up weight wise wherever their family genes land around in weight. Well, I know my mom weighs between 170-180. That's where she normally stays unless she is walking alot. I don't want to let that happen. Has anyone had this experience from a doctor?

Now with that said, I am still getting lots of compiments and fitting a size 12 just fine.

I guess as long as you get compliments it sure helps drive the motivational spirit. I need some serios fairy dust sent my direction.

About Me
Forney, Texas, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 71

Latest Blog 60
Update on status
Continue to be around 105
Still hanging in around 114-115
Beware of Internet Trolls
Weighed in at 120.8 this morning - Getting close to goal
