Actigall antibiotic to prevent gall stones making me sick?

Nov 02, 2009

I am taking 2 Actigall pills everyday to help prevent gall stones. I am taking them at night (opening the capsules and pouring them down the back of my throat, then chasing it with a protein shake)...

I am having diarrhea bouts late in the night and early am.

Is the diarrhea from all the liquids I am taking in, or is this still the normal "poo" for 11 days out of surgery RNY?

My 500 to 600 calorie a day diet is also making me a little sluggish...  

I am needing to up that protein I bet!  I ordered 6 sugar free syrups from DaVinci??? last night and some other protein things off different bariatric web sites hoping a change of flavor/pace might make me last on this full liquid stage for a few more weeks!

Other than these little issues, I am really excited to be 16 lbs lighter this morning!

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