'Stall Buster' Success Story, stolen, of course

Feb 10, 2010

                      Thank you 'Mountain Mama'
For your 'stall busting' story on your OH profile page...
I stole her story for my blog...
She explains how she broke her 2 week 'scale stand-still'...

"Yep -- I just went through my first stall.  It lasted 2 weeks and 5 days. 

Even though my new smaller jeans were already getting looser in the seat and thighs, that scale just WOULD NOT MOVE!!  And before anyone tells me to NOT weight every day, I don't.  But I'm required to weigh in at my pulmonary rehab twice a week and their scales register 1/2 pound more than the doctor's scales, so I know they're consistent, anyway.

I went through all the emotions of "Why did I have surgery to only lose 31 pounds?", "What am I doing wrong?" depression, disappointment, etc., etc.  If you've been there, you know. . .

After reading around the OH site, I took all the suggestions to heart on how to break the stall.  So for the past 3-4 days, I upped the protein to around 100g/day by adding a Unjury or Chike protein shake, increased my calories by 100/day and added another 16.9 bottle of water/day.  I cut out the carbs (whole grain crackers, FF pretzels, baked Doritos, etc.) and focused on the protein and green veggies.  Lo and Behold -- when I had to get on the scales yesterday, I had dropped 8 pounds!"

Thank you MOUNTAIN MAMA for your story!

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