Do I have INSOMNIA or am I just addicted to OH?

Nov 06, 2009

Well, it's official... I am an "Insomniac"...
I have only slept about 2-3 hours a night since I have returned home from the hospital...  Is that insomnia? Is this a side-effect of RNY?
Am I just addicted to my OH CLUB?
I love being on this site.  I find that the time flies when I am on here! I get on here and I look up and realize that it is 1:04 am (that is what time it is now)...

I feel like I am not losing as much weight as I would if I were sleeping more.
Does sleep affect weight loss? If so, I desperately need to get this under contol...

I am not napping during the day, so, I know that I should be tired... but, I am just wide awake right now!


