I don't enjoy eating anymore....

Mar 15, 2007

Another month gone by.  I don't enjoy eating anymore.  Almost every meat gets stuck, even scrambled eggs get stuck. It seems like dinner time is the worst for me.  I'm lucky to get a few forks full of food before I get that stuck feeling.  I try taking little bites, chewing like crazy but it still gets stuck.  You would think I'd be losing weight quickly due to lack of food but it's holding on.  In the last month I've only lost 2 pounds which is about 1/2 pound a week.  I keep thinking of it in a positive manner such as that would be another 26 pounds in a year.  My goal was to lose 100 lbs and I've lost 40 so far. I  have no regrets about having the surgery because if I didn't, who knows how heavy I'd be right now....certainly wouldn't have lost 40 pounds.  I'm eating lots of cottage cheese for protein.  I never liked cottage cheese but I've learned to like it.  To anyone that thinks this is the easy way out.....think again.  Your relationship with food will never be the same. 

Wow....Now that's what I call restriction !

Feb 12, 2007

I had my 2nd fill on February 6th and I finally know what real restriction is.  After very small portions I feel like I ate a huge plate of food on Thanksgiving.  I would have never believed that could be possible.  I was really wondering after the 1st fill if I really had a band in there I could eat just about everything without any trouble including bread.  Those days are gone !  I have to be very careful to take very small bites and chew extremely well.  I've had 3 stuck episodes since last week and although I didn't slime or throw up, the pain I felt was something I would prefer never to feel again.  I'm now using baby spoons and baby forks to make sure that doesn't happen again.  I've went from a size 22/24 to a loose size 18 and dropped 38 pounds since starting this band journey.  The only negative thing so far for me is that my hair is really thinning out.  Hopefully, this is a temporary thing....if not, I guess I'll be thinner/healthier and BALD !


Jan 08, 2007

I can't believe another month has went by.  Weight loss has been slow but with all the holiday parties and goodies around it's amazing I lost at all.  I have very little restriction from the 1st fill I go back in February for another one.  I haven't had any trouble with any foods.  I've never had a PB episode.  My body is fighting to keep every pound.  My husband bought me a treadmill for Christmas and I've been going on it every morning for 30 minutes whether I feel like it or not.  I really didn't think I would like it,  I've never been much for exercise but to be honest,  I like it.  I've been putting in a music CD and walking away.  The time has been flying by and I have walked longer than 30 minutes several times, because I didn't want to get off.  Even if I never lose another pound,  I feel 100% better physically.  I know I'm still in the beginning of a very long journey,  I keep telling myself,  one day at a time. Everyone wants a quick fix,  myself included, but I know that slow and steady, wins the race....so I'm learning patience.   

Where does the time go?

Dec 10, 2006

I'm now just shy of 7 weeks post op.  I had my first fill last Wednesday on December 6th.  It was realitively painless.  I expected it to hurt so I was pleasantly surprised that it did not.  I don't feel much different.  I don't know what I'm supposed to feel.  I've been eating soft solids now and having no problems.  I'm down  31. 5  pounds since my first visit to the doctor.  I feel much healthier.  I'm having trouble with breakouts on my face I feel like I'm going through puberty all over again.  I imagine my body is going through many changes hormonally.  My clothes are starting to get a little baggy especially the pants.  I don't notice too much of a change in myself but others have told me that my face has gotten thinner.  My chest seems bigger but I think that's because my stomach is getting smaller.  It's much easier to get all the protein in each day now that I'm eating food.  I have no regrets about the surgery.  I'm eating to live.....not living to eat.....

BMI below 40

Nov 18, 2006

Wow,  My BMI is below 40 and I've lost 5 inches in my waist.  Since surgery I've lost 15 pounds,  27 pounds since my initial visit to the doctor.  I feel so much better.  I'm not hungry this week,  I guess my body has adjusted to the smaller amount of food.  I had my 3 week post op visit to the doctor he said I'm healing well and I can thicken up my liquids now.  I go back on December 6th for my first fill.  I'll a little nervous about the first fill but from what I hear,  it's not so bad.  I'm thankful for this website.  It gives you a place to journal and to ask advice when you need it. 

I'm Hungry !

Nov 10, 2006

17 days on liquids and it's getting old.  I'm hungry.  I actually chewed a piece of chicken tonight and spit it out.....how pathetic is that?  I miss chewing.  I'm tired of protein drinks, soups and cream of wheat.  Jello and Pudding are not appealing to me anymore either.  Trying to get 60 grams of protein in every day is a struggle but I'm managing.  I still have another week and a half of liquids to go.  My stomach rumbles and grumbles all day.  This is by far the most difficult thing I have ever done.  Anyone who thinks WLS is the easy way out,  needs to spend a day in my shoes.  I know this is the toughest part.  I'll make it.  I've made it this far.

Post Op Visit Cancelled By Doctor's Office

Nov 07, 2006

Well I was supposed to have my post op visit tomorrow but now it is cancelled due to an emergency.  If I was having problems I would have insisted on being seen by someone but since I'm fine,  I can wait another week.  They rescheduled me for next Wednesday.  I hope whoever needs the emergency care tomorrow is ok.  I'm still hungry today and drinking tons of water.  I keep telling myself take it one day at a time. 

TWO Weeks Post Op

Nov 06, 2006

I feel great !  HUNGRY as all heck though.  I never realized how food was everywhere.  TV commercials, cooking shows, newspapers, magazines and the smell of food cooking outside is unbelievable.  I'll be driving in the car and pass a food place and the car fills with the aroma.  I still have 2 more weeks of liquids before I can start pureed foods.  The people at OH are great.  Whenever I need a boost,  a post and almost immediately feel so much better when I see that there are others that are going through the same thing and others that have made it through.  This site is a lifesaver.  My Post Op visit is tomorrow. 

One Week Post OP

Oct 31, 2006

What  a difference a week makes.  I feel so much better physically.  
I've lost 20 pounds since my initial consultation with the surgeon.  8 of those pounds are since surgery.  I've completely stopped snoring and no longer wake in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.  I'm off my blood pressure meds and my blood pressure is completely normal.  What a difference 20 pounds makes...
Now mentally,  I'm missing food.  It's really hard preparing meals for your family, packing lunches, etc.  when you can't eat.  I'm on a full liquid diet for 4 weeks and I have 3 more weeks to go.  It's getting difficult to get my 60 grams of protein in.  I've been adding additional protein to my drinks to try and increase the protein.  I miss chewing.  I've been a little tempermental and my husband seems to be taking the blunt of it.  I'm sure just like the pain,  each day will get a little bit better.  My post op appt. is next week. 


Oct 27, 2006

Well,  It's over.  The band is in.  I had some complications breathing after surgery and had to stay in recovery for over 3 hours.  Apparently I kept stopping breathing.  I've had alot of pain.  Mainly in my middle left side of my back.  I can't sleep on my side and trying to sleep on my back is very difficult.  The Tylenol with Codeine Elixor is nasty but I managed to do a shot last night and got 4 hours sleep.  I keep telling myself that this will all be worth it in the end.  The suffering is the beginning of the reward.  I sure hope that holds true. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2006
Member Since

Friends 36

Latest Blog 22
Has it really been 3 months since I blogged?
Time to get my butt in gear !
As the End of the Year Approaches
Fill # 3
I'm so disappointed !
Party is Over
