I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember. But now at 34 years old I'm ready to do something about it. I have been to the seminar that's required and now have a consultation with Dr. DeWitt on March 10th. I am nervous yet exited about this whole experience that I'm about to embark on....or atleast hoping to embark on.

Went to my first consultation yesterday with Dr. DeWitt. He was very nice (and not bad to look at either)HE HE HE!!! It went well except for them taking my blood (don't like needles). He did tell me that I needed to go ahead and be treated for depression since there was a possiblity that I would go deeper into depression after surgery. That news didn't bother me to much because I have heard that many people get depressed after surgery, so I just look at it as being normal. Dr DeWitt stated he would be sending a letter to my insurance and I'm to give them 2 weeks and then start calling and bugging them until I get an answer one way or the other.

Not much is going on right now, still just waiting on insurance company. I did break down only after a week and call the insurance company, I know...Dr DeWitt said to give them 2 weeks....but I just want to be on the losing side NOW!!!! Anyway they told me that they haven't received any paperwork as of yet and once they did it would be 30 days because it would show up in their computers. Hmmm...I just wonder is this is true. But I will be calling them back later this week to ask again.

I called BC/BS today and I was really shocked when I heard the words YOUR APPROVED!!!!!! I had been telling myself that I would be denied because I wasn't sure that I had all the criterias that I needed to get approved. So I was really expecting to fight them but as it turns out...hehehe... I won't have to fight after all. I haven't called the Dr.'s office as of yet but I will in the next day or so to hopefully get a date. The soon the better because I am in my nephews wedding and it's June 5th. I would love to be on the losing side at least a month before then. But if it's not meant to be before the wedding that is ok too because that day is going to be special no matter what I look like. I'll update when I get a date.

I spoke with Judy at the doctors office today and I can't believe it... I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!!!!! MAY 3, 2004. This is happening so much sooner than I ever dreamed it would. I just knew from the way Dr. DeWitt talked at my first consult that June would possiblly be the earliest for a surgery date. I am so excited that it is going to happen for me. I am so so so ready to be healthier and not have to tell my nieces and nephews (range from 1-22...8 in all)all the time that I'm to tired or I just don't feel good so that I don't have to play in the yard with them. This is one thing that has bothered me most. I feel that this is all they will remember of me... that Aunt Susie was always to tired or always to sick to play with us. Well not anymore my precious angels because I am about to get the tool that's going to change my life so that I can get out and enjoy every minute of time I spend in the yard with each one of you. I will look forward to then but for now I will pray that GOD will be with me every step of the way and that I will have a speedy recovery. I will update again after my pre-op appointment, which is April 21, 2004.

I went for my pre-op appointment today. It was a LOOOOOOONG day but it was well worth it because I did learn even more about the surgery and we learned what will happen from the time we enter the hospital til the time we leave. The best information I got yesterday was that Dr. DeWitt doesn't use drains nor a catheter. Out of everthing I have read about this surgery....these were the two things I feared the most....lol..dumb isn't it?
The nutritionist was really informative too. I learned that "saturated fats" are the BAD FATS and "unsaturated fats" are the GOOD FATS that we need. I never knew the different, thought fat was fat....hence....maybe why I failed those low fat diets. LOL
But I know now and I'll never forget.
Had an EKG and more blood work today so now I guess I'm ready for the BIG DAY!!!!! May 3rd here I come. I am still so excited, not nervous at all. Well until I'm able to post again after surgery God bless you all!!!!!!!!!

Well I had my surgery on 5/3/04 and everything went fine. We left a day early and spent the night since I had to be at the hospital at 5:30am. It's a 2 hour and about 15 minute drive from where I live.

I was really dreading getting there and drinking the mag citrate but as it turns out, it wasn't as bad as I had heard. I got the mag citrate cold and I would take a swallow of it and chase it with a cold diet sprite before breathing and it just tasted as if I were drinking the diet sprite. So all you pre-op's don't let it worry you about the taste.

Okay, the morning of surgery: We walk over to the hospital and find where I needed to be. About the time I got to the waiting room they came back to get all of us that was having surgery. They assigned us a room to put on that wonderful hospital gown. Believe it or not the darn thing was too big. hee hee!!! First time that's ever happened to me. We the nurse came in to hook me up to an IV and told me that I was 2nd on the list for surgery. I thought that was great....until it was getting later and later in the morning and no one came to get me. They had given me the LALA land meds 3 times, I had a headache and I was so tired of waiting. Finally the nurses that assist in the OR came in and told me that the doctor had a tuff time with the 1st patient but they would be calling for me soon....and this was at 2:30. Finally...I went to surgery around 3:00pm. I had waited so long and got myself worked up over it that I had gotten sick at my stomach so I asked them to please give me something for a headache and nausea. I don't remember much after that. My family said it took an hour and 5 minutes for my surgery. I was in recovery for 2 hours...but not because of complications...there was a death in the ICU unit and they don't move any patients when this happens. I don't even remember going to my room. I just know that when I got to my room I ask if I could get up to go to the bathroom, the nurse said sure but when I sat up on the side of the bed I started dry heaving something terrible. Not only that but I couldn't get good-n-awake so I like to have fell in the floor. They gave me something for this but it didn't work apparently because that night when the doctor came in I was having another dry heave attack...he asked the nurse what they had giving me and he told them to give me something else. He explained to us that he was giving me a med that they give cancer patients...and believe me I was so thankful for that med. I didn't have another attack. The next morning was better, except for the gas pains....they weren't really bad just didn't know what to expect and well I sometimes thought I must be having a heart attack...lol..but I wasn't. The walking help the gas and just made me feel better in general. I was in the hospital for two days so on May 5th I got to go home and boy was that music to my ears. I have been doing better and better each day. I went back to work 9 days after surgery and haven't had any problems. Since my pre-op day which was 1 week and 5 days (I think) I have lost 30 pds. and my BMI has gone form 46.8 to 41.8. I go back for my 2 week checkup today I will see if his scales are anywhere close to mine. I will post about my checkup later. Until then may God bless you all!!!

First off to all you Pre-op's!!!!! Don't dare give up if the insurance company is giving you fits and don't let anyone talk you out of having this surgery because it will be the best thing you have ever done for yourself!!!!! I am praying for each one of you!!!!!!!

Second, I want to thank a very very DEAR Friend of mine (Michelle) for telling me about this surgery. I had heard about this surgery back when Carnie Wilson had it done and well I guess you could call me a little naive because I honestly thought you had to be rich to have this kind of surgery. I never dreamed that insurance companies paid for it, that is until that dear friend told me that she was going to be having it and got me to asking questions. She gave me the OH website and serval more to research. I started my research that day and less than a year later I had RNY and don't regret one minute of it. So Thank you Michelle, I LOVE YOU GIRL!!!
I also want to say thank you to my Mother, Sister and my Aunt Janice (my biggest fan) for the nonstop support they have giving me and continue to give me each and every day. I couldn't have done this without ya'll!!!!!! I LOVE YA'LL MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY!!!!!!!

It has been a long time, 6 months to be exact, since I updated my profile and I think it's about time I do that!!!! Well I just want to say that this has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. Not only have I lost 100 lbs, YES you heard me right, 100 lbs!!!!!, I haven't smoked a cigarette in 7 months, & haven't had a carbonated drink in 6 months (two big accomplishment seeings how I was smoking 2 to 2 1/2 packs a day and drinking at least a 12 pk if not more Diet Dr Peppers a day) so on top of the weight loss I have become healthier too.....the reason I was wanting this surgery in the first place...so see, it has paid off!!!! YIPPEEEE!!!!!!!

These past 6 months have been wonderful! I have been one of the fortunate ones that haven't been sick at all, I haven't dealt with the head hungry that I hear so many talk about and I can eat anything I want (small amounts of course). Maybe I shouldn't say anything because I haven't tested sugar but I have tried sweets that are made with spenda and do fine with those.

I have been so amazed with what this one tool has allowed me to accomplish... I have seen myself grow smaller in size (pants 16, shirts, i have small, medium and large ones) and at the same time I have grown larger in self confidence, something I thought I'd never have!!!!!! There is just so much this surgery can do for a person and if I could talk to every obese person and tell them just what this surgery can do for them...I WOULD IN A HEARTBEAT!!!
May your WLS journey be as wonderful an experience as mine has been, until the next time....God Bless you all!!!!!!

About Me
Lanett, AL
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2004
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