4/1/09 - Update:

Apr 01, 2009

OK.  I received an interesting call on Monday from the Psychotherapist that evaluated me for WLS surgery.  Basically, he called to tell me that he put in his report to Dr. Mueller's office that he thought that I could benefit from additional therapy sessions pre and post surgery.  Two pre surgery sessions so that I could be prepared for what was to come and four post surgery sessions so that I could talk about what I was going through and get the most out of the changes taking place in my life.  Of course, I am not sure if wanted me to go through him for these sessions or not (*NOT*) but he felt that I should start these sessions before my surgery.  I explained to him that my surgery had already been scheduled for April 21st and that I didn't think I would be able to fit two therapy sessions in before then.  He was OK with that so now I ask myself that if these pre surgery sessions are not "do or die" then...?

I can see the benefit of the post surgery sessions because after such a life-changing event, all of my relationships are going to change -- with my family, with my good girlfriends, with the current man in my life, my boss, my co-workers, etc.  I expect to be a somewhat different person, for the better of course, and this may be an adjustment for some.  It would probably to my benefit to speak to someone about all of that.  ALL THAT SAID...I am still looking forward to the surgery, I am looking forward to starting anew with my son, I am looking forward to us living our lives to the fullest.  I am not naive, I know that this will be quite an adjustment but through God all things are possible (Matt. 19:26).



About Me
Temecula, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 13, 2009
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