Julia H. wrote Better late than never...1 month update 6 years, 10 months ago

So it's been a month since I decided to recommit to following the rules...this after 8 years and I've lost a about 7 lbs, which I am super proud of. I know it's not much,  but it's a start.  I've a...

Julia H. wrote Back to Basics 6 years, 11 months ago

Gosh, I haven't been on here in forever. Well the other day I was feeling all sad and depressed about my weight. I started looking up all kinds of stuff and finally I found a book called, "Back on ...

Julia H. wrote a blog post 12 years, 5 months ago
3 years post op - Yesterday was my 3 year post op anniversary. When I hoped on the scale I wasn't very please, but I'm still working on it. I will never regret my surgery I just wish I would have ma...

Julia H. wrote a blog post 12 years, 6 months ago
M new motto - My new motto for this year is "No More Excuses!" I have all the tools I need for weight loss and getting in shape, now I just have to use them and continue to use them. After this ...

Julia H. wrote a blog post 12 years, 6 months ago
I started a family weight loss support group - To help me stay motivated I decided to get my family together and start our own support group. All the members that are trying to lose weight will all be getting together weekly, w...

Julia H. wrote a blog post 12 years, 6 months ago
Attainable - I weighed today and looked at how many pounds I had to lose to reach my goal weight. And to the average person 107 lbs would seem like a lot, but to me it seems very attainable. Li...

Julia H. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
:( - This is my first time posting on here. I'm from North Carolina. I will be 3 years post op next month. I lost weight from the surgery. Didn't reach my goal, but then I started gaini...

Julia H. wrote a blog post 12 years, 6 months ago
I think I figured it out - So I think I figured out what works for me best to do what I need in order to reach my goal weight. For me, it's easier to count calories. I know I should eat between 900 - 1200 ca...

Julia H. wrote a blog post 12 years, 6 months ago
:o( - So I stopped getting on here and pretty much lost my motivation. I have gained 40 lbs over a year and a half and now I'm feeling like I'm starting all over again because I'm finall...

Julia H. wrote a blog post 14 years, 5 months ago
One Year Post Op - So today I'm one year out. I'm not where I want to be, but I'm far from where I was so I'm happy about that. I think I've learned from just these last 24 hours that I need to stop ...

Julia H. uploaded a photo 14 years, 6 months ago

Julia H. uploaded a photo 14 years, 6 months ago

Julia H. uploaded a photo 14 years, 6 months ago

Julia H. uploaded a photo 14 years, 8 months ago

Julia H. uploaded a photo 14 years, 8 months ago

Julia H. uploaded a photo 14 years, 8 months ago
About Me
Fayetteville, NC
Surgery Date
Oct 30, 2008
Member Since

Friends 54

Latest Blog 36
