Scared it wont happen

Feb 11, 2011

Sent off for medical records.  8 long days to wait for it.  I  do have my  psych visit a week from today.  Filled out alot of paperwork today for it.  Eating habits really suck right now.  Heart palipatations are worse,must be the worry from all of this.
Lord pls stand by me.

Saw the Doctor

Feb 10, 2011

On 2/8 i visited US bariatrics in Orlando and met the team.  They were wonderful and encouraging.
Dr Marema is a kind, patient doctor.  I stayed for an inperson seminar and garnered much more information.
I brought as much info with me home to share with my husband as well.  He has many questions that i was able to answer.
As of today i have my letter of necessity from my primary, his doctors notes, my detailed diet history submitted.  Stil need to get some past medical records sent to Dr Marema before they submit to my insurance company.  I have been able to schedule my pysch evaluation for 2/18.  i actually feel like I am working myway thru the system with their help.  Thank the Lord i found them.
Will update you all soon.


doctor office called

Feb 05, 2011

Dr Marema's office called.  I was very nervous but listened as best as i could.
I wrote down what she told me about her conversation with my insurance company BCBSIL.
She said that they are different than most and we have alot of work to do.

Need a primary doctor visit, get his office notes, get a letter of necessity.  HAHAHa.  bmi over 50 and they want that.
History of my diet attempts,  man that is going to be a novel.

Supposed to send me a link to complete a health questionaire and have an appt with them this coming tuesday.  Quick like and that makes me happy for physical etc.

Cost is less than expected just the paperwork and journey will take time.
Pray for me that we can do this in a timely fashion.

Love to all on their journeys.


Today the journey begins

Feb 03, 2011

on 2/3/11 my husband faxed my paperwork to Dr Marema.  After much discussion and thought, i have decided to move forward on the journey to RNY.  I have a loving and supportive husband but i am doing this for myself.  I dont want to hide behind the fat anymore. 
