2 year surgiversary

Jul 25, 2009

The day of the DS bbq at my house on July 11th was my 2 year anniversary.  What better way to celebrate your surgiversary than with 60 good friends??!!  I have been trying to come up with something to say, but to describe these past two years would have to be in the form of an e-book, pretty sure none of you really wanna hear it!  Lol! 

It's been so amazing going from a size 26 pants to size 4's, and from 4X shirts to XS or Small!  Buying clothes off of the sales rack rocks, apparently not many people wear this size, or the stores over-order the smaller clothes, either way I'm not bitchin'!  My mobility amazes me at times.  I still have awful pain some days with my scoliosis, but I'm amazed at the distance I can walk these days.  I mean really, 5 miles feels like a long time but hurts WAY less than just a simple trot through the grocery store used to feel being MO.  I'm constantly amazed at the things this surgery has changed for me.  I have to say that my favorite part of being thin aside from better health, is the reaction my kids have to me.  My oldest son is no longer embarassed when I am around him and his friends (not that he would've ever SAID anything).  I'd even go so far as to say he's proud of me, he even lets me hug him in front of his friends!  Lol!   My 7 year old daughter admires me, tells me how pretty I am and says she wants to look just like me when she grows up!  My youngest son was 2 when I had surgery, so he'll never even have memories of when his Mommy was fat.  Simply cool, can't describe it any other way!

Overall, the past two years have been one blessing on top of the next.  Sure, I've had some speedbumps along my path, but I'm getting through them.  I will not allow myself to be the victim, as if these things are just happening to me and I need to lay down and accept them.  It is what it is, and I stare my troubles down and figure them out.  I still am not sure if I'll be getting a common channel revision, I'm going to try to avoid it if I can.  I am drinking 5-6 protein shakes a day to get my protein back up to snuff, Vitalady thinks if my protein comes back up that my other numbers will also fall back in line.  When your protein levels suck as bad as mine did last month, it's like the floor has fallen out from under your house and there's no foundation holding you up.  I have gained 14 pounds (yay!) and am holding steady around 130, my period has returned after months of not having one, and my energy is getting better and better!  I am getting labs drawn again this week, and I am sure that things are taking a turn for the better.  I am meeting with an endocrinologist for the first time tomorrow.  Pretty sure she may fall over when I tell her how many vitamins I take.  I'll cross that bridge tomorrow.

I am so grateful for my DS, and have zero regrets about having it done, even when things are looking kinda bad I still love my DS.  If I hadn't had the DS, I'd be taking meds for diabetes by now, and who knows what else.  I'm cool with the trade-off! 

I'll keep you all up to date as things progress with my possible revision.  Thanks for being here for me, you all mean more to me than I can describe in a simple post.  If I EVER start talking about feeling as crappy as I was feeling this winter again, could someone please kick my ass and remind me to hit the protein shakes again??  I don't know what I was thinking ever going off of them in the first place!!!!




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, IN
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2007
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