Another surgery!!

Mar 23, 2008

Well I am going in for another surgery on  wed. Recently I have been having left side pain. It is like the same pain I had with my glabladder only on the Left side. It gets worse when I eat or when I do physical activity. Dr. Chasen had been running tests for two weeks, Well last thursday he did an upper GI and small bowl. There he saw that my intestin was wrapped around my colon and maybe my blood supply to my intestine. They call it and internal hernia. So on the only way to fix it is surgery. Wed I am going in so they can reposition my bowls. Dr. Chasen said it should be no problem and I should be able to be back to normal by sunday. I may still have some pain but it won't cause my harm to normal activity after sunday. 
     This bowl issue is effecting my eating. I have been vomiting. I can feel everything I eat, the heaier it is the worse the painand feeling is. The pain is effecting my everyday life so much that I am living on percocet at night just to get so comfort to rest.
         As for my feelings I am nervous and aggrivated. The fact that I am on my third surgery and not one is a plastic surgery is frustrating. I am nervous the last time I went under for my galbladder I has many problems. I had breathing issues coming out of anestsia and then I had an illergic reaction to the gas they use to inflate my abdomin. It cause my to have extream joint pain and limited my mobility. I couldn't move my neck and back and I could barely open my mouth. I am afaird to go through that again. I guess I have to do what I have to do. I can 't live with the restrictions this problem is causing.

The new me

Jan 18, 2008

You know when the doctor tells you before the surgery the problems you haven in your head will still be there after the surgery.... I am coming to realize he is right!!!! I had a self esteem problem and I thought is was because I didn't like my body image well the smaller I get the more uncomfortable I feel. No people are approaching me and making suggestive talk about me and I don't know how to handle it. I am feeling more anxious. I guess when I was bigger people approached me less.  I was happy with that. now I feel less worthy of attention and people are giving me more of it. I am not talking just attention for my looks but just friendly conversation. Come on lets face it when your the fat person in the room you were talk to less then the others... At least that was the way it was for me! PLEASE SOME ONE OUT THERE GIVE ME ADVICE!!!! I am going to see a therapist but I would love some advice!!!

Some doctors don’t think you know you own body!

Oct 03, 2007

Today I went to the doctors again for my UTI (urinary tract infection). I have been seeing the same Dr. Although it is not My PMC (primary care manager) so she doesn’t know me that well. Let me sum it all up quickly. I was on antibiotic in the hospital to avoid the UTI. I ended up getting one any way. Then about a month later things got really bad and I went to the ER twice. On the first visit they gave me and antibiotic. This was at about 5 am. Then latter that night I had to go a second time. I was in even more pain and the first doctor refused to give me any bladder numbing med. ON my second trip tot he ER They added a second antibiotic and bladder numbing medication. That didn’t work. When I was done taking the antibiotic it got worse. On Monday I saw a doctor about it. She ran vaginal infections test because she thought I was mis diagnosed. (Even though the ER ran urine tests) Well yesterday the doctor called me. The results of her Vaginal tests were negative. Like I knew they would be. So she called me back into the office today and ran another urine. She said I still have a UTI and there was a substantial amount of blood in my urine. Also today I started with an extremely sharp achy pain in my upper right quadrant. ( I think it may be my gallbladder.) Well she said that it could have gone that far yet. I think it has. In the end she put me on another antibiotic and bladder numbing medication. I feel like I am running in circles. If the first three didn’t work what makes her think this one will. I think she should have ordered kidney and gallbladder ultrasounds. I call me PMC and left a message for him to call me back. I want a second opinion before I end up in the ER with something worse than now!


Sep 28, 2007

Ok I am a bit discouraged. It started when A friend, Heather stop losing weight less than a month out... she wrote: 

Well I have been in Louisiana since Sept. 22. It is Sept. 27 and I haven't lost any weight. I lost 20lbs my first 8 days and now I am losing nothing. I have been eating nothing but finely chopped ham and turkey 2 times a day and a SF Carnation instant breakfast shake for breakfast. I have been walking as time permits. I didn't get any walking in over the weekend. Monday I walked a 1/2 mile, Tuesday I walked a mile, Wed. I didn't get any walking in. I have walked a 1/3 of a mile today but I plan on doing the rest of my mile this evening when it cools off. Anybody got any ideas?

Heather ( this was posted on the fort gordon wls yahoo group.)

In Response she recieved:

1) Heather, This is very normal. In the beginning your weight loss will slow because of the repid first bit you lost. Just keep doing what you are and it will continue. It is not always as quickly as we had hoped. Also I'd recommend not weighing very much in the beginning. It can cause you a lot of heartach. Wait until you see a little jump UP happen! Don't worry it goes back down, but you'll have ups and down. Try to stick with once a week weighing. You will get there! Amy

2) Just keep in mind you can't lose 100 pounds in a day a month even a few months its going to take time. Don't weigh yourself everyday. It will fluctuate so much that you may get disappointed and then that leads to eating things you shouldn't specially if you are an emotional eater like I am. You will have months that you don't lose "weight" but you are because you will build muscle and you will notice that all the sudden 20 pounds drops in a weeks time. Give yourself time to level out. At the end of the month if you haven't lost anything then look at what you are eating. I think at this stage you are at the point of seeing so much come off quick that not seeing anything has you worried. Don't be! It will come off. You are in control! Keep walking and getting in that exercise. Don't rush it. For some people it takes 18 months to lose the weight some only 6 months. As long as you follow the rules you will do just fine. :-) Mare

Not to be selfish I thought thank god this is not me. I would not want to stop losing wiehgt at this point. Well instead I am deling with the shock... I GAINED!!!! it is only 3-4 lbs and it is starting to come off again, but I can't believe it. What shocked me the most is that I didn't know this would happen untill a few days ago. Positively I am trying to think it is because I am lifting weights, But there is that mean voice int he back of you head going... " NO it's because you fat and your always going to be fat." I can't wait to kill tat voice lol.  BE positive is what I keep telling myself... take what you can get. Baby steps!

One month surgaversary!!!!

Sep 24, 2007

             started      1 month
BUST:    48"                  46"
CLAVES:  17.75 "          16.5"
WAIST:  49.5 "            47.5"
HIPS:       55"               50.5"
THIGHS:  29 "              28"
ARMS:       15.5 "            13"
BUTT:        51.25 "          48.25 "  

I lost a total of 16.25" .
So far this has been an amazing and challenging journey, but it is all worth it.

Another complaint... A uti

Sep 17, 2007

 I have been batteling this since I got out of hospital. I guess from the cathater I got a urinary tract infection. Well I went to the Emergency room last night. They put me on another antibiotic and nothing for the pain. Well now the pain is getting worse and I can't pee. As soon as matt gets home... 30 min or less I am going back to the hospital. I tried to get an appointment in family pratice for today and I couldn't. now what??? we shall see.

Other than that I am doing great. The weight is comming off and it seems to be evenly so far. I am still trying out things to eat some work and some don't but it is a day by day thing

Update and VOMITING!

Sep 04, 2007

I went away for the weekend and had an amazing time. To be surrounded by people who care about you and support you. I even attended a party on sat night and i didn't care that I couldn't eat or drink alcohol. It was amazing. A friend who lost a ton of weight gave my some really nice cloths I am excited they already fit. I  told her to keep it up!!!! Well I am home today and having a rough day!! my sotmach doesn't want anything and I keep vomiting I think it is from a lot of traped gas. I can't stop burping!!! Well I will pervail!

Follow up and seeing Donna

Aug 30, 2007

Well I had my follow up with the doctor today. Everything went great he could not believe how well I was doind. I am down 12 lbs in 5 days. Itis amazing. I feel so good!
       Well while I was there Heather and I went to see Donna. She had her surgery lap, yeaterday. She is out of ICU and doing amazing. Just as well as I did or better. She said she feels great the only problem she had was that the cut her tonsil while trying to put in the breathing tub so they had to fix that.  Even with that she is doing so good!!!

Pain physical and emotional!

Aug 29, 2007

Ok I don't know what is wrong with today. since the surgery it has hurt to eat or drin anything. Espically eat. i just don't know what it is and when does it go away? It is really getting to me today. I guess this is the start of the emotional time.


Aug 28, 2007

Went to the doctors with my son today steped the scale for fun I am down 6 lbs already!!! Gotta love that water weight! Well I am doing great last night was horrible. The blood stools and the gas, I guess you know where I spent my night!

About Me
Fort Mitchell, AL
Surgery Date
Aug 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 17
Another surgery!!
The new me
Some doctors don’t think you know you own body!
One month surgaversary!!!!
Another complaint... A uti
Update and VOMITING!
Follow up and seeing Donna
Pain physical and emotional!
