A bit of my transition and determination

Dec 16, 2011

  Oh, ok, so I will tell you about my transition and determination to keep pushing on. Well I told you that we have an indoor pool and outdoor pool here at the apts. I was not able to get into the indoor pool because my legs and arms were not strong enough to get me in or out for that matter. Soon enough by the beginning of September 2010 I was able to get myself into the hot tub, and I would roll like a walrus over to the pool edge and plop in. Then I would swim and walrus roll back over to the hot tub and go through the process with help to get out of the hot tub water. Evetually with my weightloss and strength building up I was able to rid the crutch to get out of the hot tub. I was determined to get in the pool without having to roll over in and out. By the end of September 2010 I was finally able to get in the pool at the pool corner steps with my crutch. By sometime in early part of October 2010 I was finally able to get out of the pool using the corner steps. With every pound lost and the strength that I was getting doing excersizes I was feeling more and more accomplishments.

Just a quick note for up to date.... I still swim in the pool almost daily.... and with ease am getting in and out of that pool and finally am able to pull myself out of the pool at the end that has the built in pool wall latter! I am getting arm strength and with lessoning my weight it is all working out great for me.

That brings me to this, I started a bucket list of things that I want to do that I have not done do to my size or stopped being able to do because of my size.  I have been living for almost ten years of my life as a woman weighing over 500 lbs. I managed to work fulltime as a supersized woman until November 2007. I took care of life but certainly always had to adapt the things in my life to accomodate my size.  Some may think that I was not actually taking care of my life.  I was content however.  It was a downfall that occurred in my life in the first part of 2008 that caused me to stop working and then I had difficulties with just getting back to work and making life truely keep happening at the size I was.  I could not just pop back into my full time working and things began to spiral. 

There was not a lack of love for me that caused me to decide to change my life as a super fat lady.

Not wanting to sound as though my life has been terriable due to my supersizeness. I loved life and enjoyed many things and was very outgoing and happy. I loved me and my size.... but sometimes it was a love/hate relationship to myself. Honestly again, I loved EATING, BEING FED, and being ADORED. My soft volumptious self was comfortable. It was not until I was over 600lbs that things really got out of my comfort zone with adapting and so forth.

Yes, there were times that I tried to diet and lose some, but about 10 years ago.... I really tried less cause I just would continue to grow even bigger and I figured I was happy where I was at and I was still able to maintain life. Although as I was growing older my body (joints and things) were telling me something. 

Oh, by the way I have this "bucket list"..... it is exciting.  I keep it on my Ipad and take note to it quite often now.  I will share this soon.

