
Oct 04, 2005

Hello AMOS Family,

Well it's the day before surgery and I just finished taking that horrific Fleets soda drink!!! That is the nastiest crap I have ever tasted in my life...I almost through up twice urghhhh... Anyhoo I packed and ready to go. Keep me in your prayers and thoughts. I hope to have an uneventful surgery. I'll post tommorow.


Oct 02, 2005

Hello AMOS Family,

Well it's 4 days and counting Yall! I've benn running around my house scrubbing,dusting and mopping everything in sight. I recieved a call from Cori Center today to let me know my surgery will be @ 9:30 a.m. I have to be at the hospital by seven thirty. Tommorrow I start my full liquid diet, I'm not concerned about being hungry cause I've cut back on my portion sizes over the last couple of weeks. I'm ready to get this thing going, ok? Since I don't have anything else to clean, I'll be doing my Pre-op photos tomorrow. Until next time Fam, Later...


Sep 30, 2005

Hello AMOS Family,

I've been keeping myself busy by writing down and collecting any info I think I can use. Only 5 days to go... I'm nervous but so excited at the same time. I want to do everything right but I'm afraid I will do everything wrong... What if I don't lose the weight?
I'm trying to work out my schedule now because I work midnights and it's going to be hard for me to eat every two hours. I'm determined to work this tool though, so here's what I've come up with so far:
I will drink 70-100 oz water EVERYDAY
I will take my vitamins EVERYDAY
I will walk at least two miles EVERYDAY
I will plan out my meals EVERY Saturday


Sep 23, 2005

Hello AMOS Family,

I've been really busy lately, working and trying to get myself prepared for surgery. I went to the hospital on Thursday for my pre-testing which was a breeze. They gave me an EKG, chest xray,and I had a chance to meet and talk with the anesthesologist. He was very nice and educated me well on the kind that I will be having. I felt very comfortable but I'm still nervous. I will try to stay busy and think about the positive effects this surgery will have on my life. Until next time Fam, Later...


Sep 14, 2005

Hello AMOS Family,

Today the surgical testing center called me to schedule my testing for September 22. It just hit me, I am really going to do this!! I have been experiencing all type of emotions lately... Most times I'm happy and excited and feeling really ready for this much needed change... Other times I'm leery or question my decisions. Can you say Apprehensive??? That's todays word... Anyhoo I've been really emotional today because I tried to sit down and write letters to my DH, my 2 boys and my favorite sis. You know those letters... just in case something goes wrong? I was on the first letter about three lines into it and I started bawling like a baby!! I started to question myself.. Why should my kids have to suffer without a mom cause I can't seem to get it together? My husband loves my dirty drawers, why should he have to go through this? I started to view myself as selfish and self-centered. At that point I just started asking God to give me strength for my family... I calmed down somewhat and called my DH @ work. He is the love of my life...always there for me. He assured me we would do something together like a video for the boys (not letters, he said I get too emotional for those) and there was no need to do anything for him because we are in this together and if something was to happen to me we have no regrets cause we've said all we need to say..Oh that man of mine. Have you ever heard the song by Heather Headley called " He Is"?

He Is...
The mind injector
the heart protector
the sole defender of anything I feel
the baby conciever
the make me believer
the joy bringer
the love giver...
He Is...
The doe increaser
the pleasure releaser
the I'd like to know all the skies will show you...
He Is...
The nite school teacher
the good life preacher
the caretaker
the kisscraver
He Is...


Aug 25, 2005

Hello AMOS Family,


O.k before I get into that let me start at the beginning I am so geeked my jaws hurt from smiling.... I had an appointment for my consult with Dr. Wood ( who seems to be genuinely a sweet, funny, down to earth guy!!) on Tues @ Cori. When I arrived @ 3:15 they informed me that he was still in surgery and would not be arriving until 6. I was a lil upset but hey what are you going to do right? I left to run some errands and was back by six on the nose. We were weighed, vitals were taken and we were all put into the conference room. When he arrived I liked him instantly. Really funny and explained things in terms I could understand. He really didnt strike me as a doctor more of a teacher... Anyhoo he answered all of the questions on my list before I could ask them. We were then put in seperate rooms to have our "private time" with the Doc. I was third in line so I didnt wait long at all. We discussed my goals as far as what I thought the surgery would help me accomplish and he told me what he would expect from me. He finished up with a short physical exam and that was it!! He told me I could schedule my surgery!! I was blown away, I was like wait a minute, slow down, what... Anyhoo he sent in the nurse who gave me my "Bible" and told me to read it completly over the next 4 weeks cause it would answer alot of questions. Wednesday morning when I woke up I called my PCC because I didn't even know if BCBS had approved me. I got her machine and left a message. She returned my call and told me she had not heard anything but to schedule my surgery anyway. I was like ok cool I'll be ready when they call...how about she called me back Friday morning saying I am APPROVED!!! I am so happy... doing my happy dance...Heyyyy so I am scheduled for October 6 @ Harper Hospital. I feel soooo good. Everyone say a prayer for me... I am so ready for this. Until next time, Later...


Aug 18, 2005

Hello AMOS Family,

I'm running around my house!! Doing my happy dance...
I recieved a call from my PCC @ Cori today she informed me that they have a policy that allows them to pre-approve patients based on the information they submit. She stated that her supervisor looked over my chart and said that I had all the neccesary paper work, yada yada yada... and I should have no problem being approved by my insurance, so they would schedule my consult for next Tuesday at 4:00 pm!! Heyyyy!! Go me..Go me. I was beginning to get so anxious and irritable. I know it's only a small step but I felt so good after getting that call I got outta bed and walked 2 miles on my treadmill!! It's so amazing the way God works... I was just complaining last night (actually about one this morning) on BAF about when things were going to start happening for me and then Ms Impatient gets a wake-up call at nine this morning!! So this good news should hold me over until I hear from my insurance company... Anyhoo I wanna say thank you to everyone that responded to my post to encourage me last night especially Pretty Cat thanks for helping me to see the light!!(LOL) So until next time, Later...


Cross my legs at the thighs...
Ride amusement park rides w/out worrying if I'll fit in the seat...
Beat my 11 yr old in a race...
Run 1 mile on my treadmill w/out stopping...
Shop @ any store in the mall I like...
Zip my favorite pair of brown leather boots completely up...
Sit Indian style w/out my back hurting...
Weigh under 200 lbs (never in my adult life)...
Go horseback riding...
Learn how to swim...
Ballroom Dance in public...
Kickboxing Class


Aug 10, 2005

Hello AMOS Family,

I hope everyone is well. I'm kind of down on myself right now but I know it's temporary. I feel so stupid... I've been trying to get in touch with my PCC at Cori Center for over two weeks. I was calling everyday getting frustrated leaving her messages to no avail. Finally I decided to act as if I had a brain and call Cori Center directly. I explained to the nice gentleman that answered the phone exactly what was going on. He took all my info and pulled up my records and told me that my assigned PCC was no longer withn the company and that my new PCC's name is Shawnaca. O.K....
What tha F*&K??? He transferred me to her direct line and at this point I'm pissed cause I've just waited over 2 weeks for nothing!! She answers her phone and after I explain who I am she says "Oh, I was just getting around to calling all of her list of people." Then she tells me my former PCC never submitted my paperwork to BCBS!! CAN ANYONE SAY L-I-V-I-D!! So I've been sitting on pins and needles for two weeks thinking the insurance company is just taking thier time saying NO and here it is my papers haven't even been sent off?? She assured me they would be sent off that same day(monday). But from here on out I'm not going to take for granted that people are doing thier job, I'm going to make sure of it. So starting tommorrow I'll be calling her everyday and the insurance company!! Thanks for allowing me to vent, fam. Just keep your fingers crossed cause I really need all the help I can get!!Until next time, Later...


Aug 02, 2005

Hello AMOS Family,

Sorry I haven't updated in a couple of weeks, I've made a little progress so I guess I'll tell about that. I had my psych eval on July 22. It was originally scheduled for the twenty first but the Doc was out of town. Anyhoo... that was a breeze and I found Dr Altier very easy to talk to. He was very understanding and kind. We even talked about me going back to school and he gave me some very good advice. Afterward, I touched bases with my PCC and she told me she had recieved my psych eval and my packet to the insurance company would be going out pronto!! Now the waiting game...
Wish me luck Fam, hopefully I'll be one of the lucky ones who are approved the first time. If so I'll be on the other side before the year is out!! Until next time, Later...


Jul 14, 2005

Hello AMOS Family,

You wouldn't believe the trouble I've had. First off, Tuesday night my car was stolen from the parking lot of my job!! You wouldn't believe we have security, so what the f*%k is really going on?? I guess they were too busy sleeping ( I work midnights ). Anyhoo... I was upset about the car but a sista got insurance so I wasn't trippin'. Wanna know what I was trippin on? How about Lil Mrs. Procrastinater (that would be me!) decided to wait to mail off all my paper work to CORI Center until Wednesday morning when I got off work!! So yes everyone all my paperwork was stolen. NO PROBLEM, I said to myself. That's why I made copies of everything and put them.... in the same freaking folder as the papers I was mailing off!! ARGHHHH... I'd grabbed the entire folder off my table instead of just the papers I was mailing. Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket!! Luckily, my PCP copied the letter he'd signed for me so I just had to go pick up a copy from his office. For some odd reason the staff at Bally's couldn't print me a copy of my personal training records so I had to call the corporate office and have them fax it to Kinko's. I'd downloaded a Welcome packet from Cori on my computer and had saved my personal letter to my laptop. So after I made my police report I made a Bee-line for the post office. Guess what?? NO ADDRESS!! I had no idea what the address was cause CORI sent a self address envelope to send everything back in.. isn't it terrible the way my head was on backwards? So then I rushed home to call my PCC at CORI, she gave me the address and I rushed backed to the post office. As my luck would have it, it was 5:00pm and they were locking up!! The nice lady must have saw how desperate I was cause she let me in!! YEAHHH, that's one for ya girl!! I sent those papers express for $14.00 bucks cause I didn't want anymore drama!! After I left the post office I started thinking maybe all this drama was a sign that I was about to make a terrible mistake. What do you think family? Someone pleeze email me with some encouraging words... until next time family...Later

About Me
Way out, MI
Surgery Date
May 05, 2005
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 32
