
Mar 04, 2009

I went to Nashville by myself this morning. Not a good idea. I missed a turn. I had to call Tim all wimpy and let him know that I was lost and ask for his help on getting me to Vanderbilt. He is such a good sport. He gave me good directions and got me there. I just hate being lost and on top of that I was having a pancreatic episode. I had been fighting pancreatitis for the last couple of days. NOT GOOD PEOPLE!!!!

I arrived at my appointment about 10 minutes late due to being lost. Upon checking in the time said that my appointment with the dr. was at 2:10 that afternoon.  WTF?!?!? No one had told me that my appointment time had changed. It is now around 10:10am. I went ahead and checked in and walked over to the receptionist to ask her about the time change and to see if this could be a malfunction of the computer. After presenting the problem to her, she looked at me like she could have cared less and then began to tell me that so and so changed the time in the computer and that I was seeing Dr. Williams. OK, I have to admit my side is hurting, my blood pressure is up due to being lost and it took every ounce of control in me not to yell at her. I told her that was probably why that particular employee was probably not with them anymore because she really messed up my file. I do not see Dr. Williams and not one soul has contacted me about any change of appointment time. I told her that I live about 1 1/2 hours away and there would be not way I could sit in there waiting till 2:00 to see the dr. This heifer had the nerve to look at me and say, Oh, well - have someone in the back look at this when you see the nutritionist and they will fix it. My blood pressure just shot through the roof!!!!!!! I took my paper and sat down and stewed. 

Approximately 10 minutes later, I was called back to see the nutritionist. She asked me how I was doing. I told her right from the start that the rant that was to follow is in no way directed at her. I began to tell her about being lost, the pancreatitis, and now the appointment mix up. I let her know that I thought her receptionist was highly unprofessional to pass the buck by saying OH Well, just let them in the back take care of things. I told her in no way shape or form was this acceptable on any day. Of course, my nutritionist was like oh my goodness and immediately began to try and sort out the appointment problem. She was really great and handled the problem in an efficient, polite and professional manner. Ms. Angus really came through for the dr office and saved the day!  She let me know how I needed to tweak my diet for it to be more effective. I did manage to lose about 5 lbs.  
I immediately went and seen the Dr. Richards after finishing with the nutritionist. His attending came by to see me first and seemed really confused as to why I was there. I told him I did not know why Dr. Richards asked to see me at this point. I never did figure out the reason for this visit. Dr. Richards did send me down for blood work to see about the pancreas.

I went on home but later had to come back to Vanderbilt ER due to being in so much pain because of the pancreatitis. The pain is excruciating.

I just keep telling myself I am still on the upward battle to having weight loss surgery. Not much longer. Hopefully, after I lose the weight and can come off all my meds then I won't have to worry about pancreatitis anymore.  


About Me
Russellville, KY
Surgery Date
Oct 18, 2008
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