Hanging clothes

Aug 25, 2007


Well in the last couple of weeks I have started to lose more inches. My clothes are litterally hanging off of me.. This is so cool. I am now down to 194 as of 2 days ago and I am just loving it. My pants stay on my waist like they are supposed to and my waist isnt folding over my beltline anymore. I weigh less than both my dad and my fiance. I can eat practically anything. I just eat a fourth of what i used to now. I love it! I have really noticed a change in my confidence too. I find myself crossing my legs when I sit now and its just amazing how much of my thighs I have lost. I am working on toning my arms now and i'm fighting to keep from needing a tummy tuck. I think my stomach is going down some. When I gained weight my stomach was the last thing to come in so it will probably be the last thing to go. Anyway i'm off to the gym.  Ciao :)~

I'm in...... Onederland!

Aug 06, 2007


Well as of Saturday, August 4th, I stepped on the scale and I am now 198.2lbs!... I was so excited. I weighed myself again tonight and i'm still at the same weight but Im just so happy that I'm finally in the 100's again. This is amazing the last time I was at this weight was more than 7 years ago. It was at some point in high school. I want to say I was like in the 11th grade I think when I was still in the 100's. This is too cool. I never thought i'd see the 100's again. I am now halfway to my goal.  I dont regret one bit ever having this done. My friends thought I wouldnt be able to eat anything but they are amazed that I eat practically anything, I just eat 1/4th of what I use to now.

3 Month Post Op appt

Jul 20, 2007

Wedneday I went to the doc for my 3 month post op appointment. He thought I was doing very well. I have lost 7 percent of my fat mass and I have lost 52 lbs since April. He thought that was darn good so I guess i'm doing the right things after all. Meanwhile, I think that the scale has started moving again. Today I was at 201lbs! I'm almost in Onderland again! I saw pictures of what I looked like this year before surgery and wow... I was a lot bigger, I can see it in my legs and my face. OMG I looked like El blimpo...lol. I have noticed my upper thighs getting smaller of course because my tight pants arent tight anymore and my legs just look so much smaller now. Now, im fight to keep from getting flabby. I asked my doc if I needed a tummy tuck and he said that I may very well need one :(. I told him that I wanted to look hot, he laughed and said "you'll be just fine". So I started looking for plastic surgeons who do surgery as soon as the weight is gone... Some wanted people to wait 2 years but I found one that will do it 6 months to a year post op, so that looks like a possible winner. Anyway, i'm going to bed.

Stopped again scale

Jul 14, 2007

Well, As of last week the scale stopped moving again. Boy was that short lived. I thought I'd lose another 30 lbs or so but I only lost 15lbs this time and as of the first I stopped losing weight. I have been steadying at 204-205 for almost 2 weeks now. This sucks. I don't think this is normal for me to be almost 3 months post op and i've only lost 42 lbs since surgery. Altogether I've lost 51lbs but that means nothing to me after seeing all the people who lost that in like 2 months time. On top of that my body fat still is the same at 47 percent. So if i'm not losing fat then am I losing muscle? I must be doing something wrong.

The scale is MOVING! YAY

Jun 29, 2007


Today is now June 30th.... and I am sooo excited... the scale really is moving again. I am now at 209.8. This is too cool... I think the last time I was this size was about 8 years ago. By the next year I had ballooned to 220. Since then I have only gotten down to 220 once and that was four years ago and it was short lived. I went to see a friend after I got off work tonight. She hasn't seen me since before surgery and she noticed all kinds of changes. It was so cool. Just last week my dad really noticed that I was losing weight. Its strange because I don't take pictures and I really don't pay much attention all the time when people tell me that i'm losing because thats inevitable and I know when Im losing because I pay so much attention to the scale but every now and then when I run into someone who hasnt seen me since before surgery and they notice... I just bathe in my glory moment. I guess when its happening to you, your happy but you don't waste time hanging out in the mirror glorifying at yourself all the time because you have so much energy that you just don't pay attention and time flies by and so does your weight. I'm guessing i'll lose another 20 lbs before I halt again for another month before losing again, so I can only estimate that I'm going to halt weight loss next time in mid July and then restart in August. Its just amazing how the body will stop losing weight and give itself time to configure to its new size. Hopefully by then I'll be at an estimated 189 by then. Either way i'm just happy and I hope to look great by fall.  Thank God my wedding is a year away. Lots of time to adjust.

scale moving ?

Jun 20, 2007


Well I haven't been on here in a month so I thought i'd write... Well my weight as been at 220.4 for the last several weeks and it hasnt really moved much. Today I weighed in at 215.4 so maybe its starting to move again. I dont think i'm getting all the protein I need in but how can I? Im constantly on the go and I just dont have an appitite. I must be getting in only like 400 calories a day. I have heard that sometimes eating more will get the scale moving again so now im trying to eat more. Gosh I cant wait to talk to my nutritionist again. Anyway all is well... i'm just still trying to get the store opened. 

Back in the 220's

May 17, 2007

Well it is now early Friday morning and it has been one heck of a week. Because of all the fluids I had pumped in me my scale couldn't calculate my body fat. It would only calculate my current weight until tonight. I am now back to 229 and it was able to calculate my body fat and water this time. Meanwhile, slowly but surely I am starting to heal from the recent procedures. I noticed something odd yesterday. I woke up suddenly feeling nauseous... Before I had these complications I never felt sick at all and on top of that my tummy was hurting so I just stayed in the bed during the day and tried to rest. These are symptoms that most people with this surgery had right away but for some odd reason I didn't get them at all until I had to go back in for surgery. I guess whatever went wrong they fixed it and now I am functioning like a normal bariatric person.  I also have started feeling full quicker than I did when I first had the surgery done. My pouch wasn't stretched out at all when they had to go back in but I do feel pain from when they had to go into my old stomach, it still hurts where they cut at. I can also say that I have stopped bleeding internally so they fixed everything but I still have to take it easy because my blood level is rebuilding and i'm still losing some volume because now I'm on my period :(. Anyway I am just thrilled to know that i'm back in the 220's.... I can't wait to see how much I weigh on Monday. Stay tuned!

Such a terrible setback

May 12, 2007

Well today is May 13th and yesterday I got out of the hospital after being in there for 6 days due to complications from this surgery. I was having GI track bleeding and after 2 scopes, 1 surgery and a blood transfusion they could not find where I was bleeding that would have caused me to have a blood count of 20 where it should have been in the 40s and I was only 2 weeks post op. I'm upset because once again i'm in a lot of pain and I thought I picked the best doctor for the job and I dont smoke or drink so I'm having a hard time understanding how if my doc did the surgery right and I was perfectly healthy as in not having any ulcers or stomach problems prior to surgery then everything should have gone fine but it didn and now i'm all banged up. They had to reopen me to get a look at everywhere they had done the gastric bypass and then they looked at my old stomach to see if there was in probs there and they found nothing. Now i'm down for another week or so and doped on meds again. For the first time i'm starting to regret I ever had this done. They fattened me up on IV's so much that I gained 7lbs. I was at 229 and now i'm back up at 236. I'm just sickened right now.


May 02, 2007

I had my week post op appointment today. While I was there I got to meet a nice OH friend.... That was pretty cool. Then I got to get my stitches out and I found out that I'm now at 236. I have lost exactly 20 lbs since 4/11/07. Thats amazing!!!! I have a burst of energy, and I even wake up early. I have recovered quite well as by day 2 after being out of the hospital I was driving myself to places. I rarely ever feel pain now but I got a refill on my pain meds just in case I need them.  Now if I can lose about 30 by the end of the month that will put me at 206. That would be sooo cool, either way I'm just thankful that I'm losing and I was able to get this done.  Other than that everythings been okay.. I went to Kentucky today after I got out of the docs and picked up some pretty puppies. Tomorrow I will get some Vitamin E so so rub on my scars and renew my membership at the YMCA

One week out...

May 01, 2007

Well, I am one week out and I feel great. I was in pain of course but I actually felt worse in my last surgery. The only thing that was awful was that I could not have anything to drink the first day of surgery. So when I got back to my room I was only allowed to wet my mouth but I could not consume any water. I was so miserable. I was tempted to drink but for my own safety I didn't. Then when I got out I ate my chewy bite of calcium citrate and I took too big of a hunk and I started hurting at the chest. I learned that feeling is whenever something is stuck in the "pouch". Then along the way when day 3 post op came. I forgot my liquid suggestions list and I thought that maybe I could eat cottage cheese. When I got home I took a big spoonful and ouch I was in pain. When I looked at the list I realized that I couldnt have cottage cheese until my pureed phase went into effect. The whole week was funny because I wouldnt realize that  my stomach really was smaller until I ate something wrong.  Now im on my pureed diet and I feel like I pig out all day long because I get full so quick that I cant even finish the small portions and I go back to them later. Right now I'm eating grits, cottage cheese mixed in with a lot of my liquid stuff still. I am able to tolarate eggs still thank goodness. So far I have lost 10 lbs. When I went in I was at 247, my scale was off by 4 lbs and now i'm at 237. This is so cool. I take care of my animals so im up and about most of the day but I have noticed that since this surgery I am waking up earlier now. Go figure!

About Me
Columbia, TN
Surgery Date
Jan 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 30

Latest Blog 34
Baby Constantine has arrived....
A New Birthday....
Final Month
One Year Later...
Its A Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Week 15
Month 2
Storks Coming....
Six Months Post Op!
In the 80's
