Getting ready to start losing!!

Mar 15, 2010

So alot has happend for me in the past week or so! I FINALLY had my consult! It went really well! Dr. Curry wants me to lose 100 pounds within the required 6month diet in order to ensure a safe surgery and recovery. He has required me to do a metabolic diet using Adapix Therapy. Anyone ever heard of this?? From reading online and talking with my mom I found that it is a form of speed of some sorts. Anyone ever used it or been put on it?

The treatment over all is for 6 months where I will have a nutritionist that I will meet with weekly, a personal trainer who I will see twice weekley. All of this happens in a center within Dr. Curry's building called Journey Lite. Anyone every heard of them?? 

The program is kinda exspensive ($1000.00) ( not covered by ins) but this is my life we are talkin about right?

Please let me know any info or opions u may have!! I so so so so greatly appreciate them!!


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Feb 01, 2010
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