Life Plan Devotion #242 [Abide in New Light]

Jul 01, 2010

Hi, Everyone.
Usually, I retype the devotion in one forum post, and then copy and paste it into another forum, and then into my blog. Today, I'm going to try to copy and paste from my word-processed document. I've tried that before, and, for some reason, the result was that certain parts of the devotion were in different order. That was early on, in posting, though, so I'm hopeful it will work now. It will save me some time, for sure. 
Please pray for those having surgery, those recovering from surgery, and all those trying to living in both light and darkness, as well as those living in total darkness (see devotion).

Life Plan Devotion #242 [Abide in New Light]

John 8:12 “[Jesus said,] 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'” (NIV).

     There are results of abiding (dwelling, continuing, enduring, remaining, standing) in Christ. Last time, we looked at the robe of righteousness, with which we are clothed at the moment of salvation, with true salvation being the entrance to abiding. Today, we look at another, most precious result, and that is light.
     Webster's gives many definitions for the word “light.” I have chosen three, in the interest of space. 1. something that makes things visible or affords illumination. 4. an illuminating agent or source, as the sun, a lamp, or a beacon. 9. a device for or a means of igniting, as a spark, flame, or match. For the believer, Jesus is all that and more. He is The Light of the World, He is the Light of our mind and heart, and He ignites a flame of power and passion within us.
     Webster's defines “darkness” as: 1. the state or quality of being dark. 2. absence or deficiency of light. 3. wickedness or evil. 4. lack of knowledge or enlightenment. 5. lack of sight; blindness. For the unbeliever, not knowing Jesus keeps him/her in darkness. The sad thing is that unbelievers do not realize they are in darkness. Only when the Holy Spirit presents an unbeliever with an opportunity to open up, even if it's just a crack, will enough light come in to bring some enlightenment, some sight. There is that first inkling that perhaps one has been living in darkness, that one's knowledge has been merely natural facts instead of supernatural truth.
     When one is truly abiding in Christ, there can be no darkness, no evil, no blindness of mind or heart. You see, what we surround ourselves with is what we become. If I live in light, I become full of light. If I live in darkness, I become full of darkness. I choose to live, to abide in Christ, and His light is in me, His light surrounds me, and His light shines through me. I do not say that with a false sense of pride or arrogance. It humbles me, like nothing else. There is nothing about me that warrants that, but that's the beauty of the light that Jesus gives. He is no respecter of persons. Light is available to all.
     The darkness of this world, of the enemy and those who follow him, cannot affect us believers, because darkness has no affect on light. Darkness cannot cause light to become dark, but light will always overpower darkness.
     What is surrounding you, today? Is it light, or darkness? If you are a believer, but there is some area that is tainted with what belongs in darkness, then you are not truly abiding in Christ. You may be saved, but any darkness means that you are holding something back from the Light of the World, Jesus. Trying to live in both darkness and light never works. There's too much conflict, within. Invite the Light of the World to shine His light into every corner and crevice of your mind and heart, and wherever there is a dark blemish, turn it over to Him. He will heal it and make you wholly full of light.

What this has to do with weight loss: 
For the believer who has experienced issues of obesity, one must look at the root reason. It's never just about food or appetite. There is an area where the believer has sought to be filled up with food, rather than filled up with Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what the root reason is, for you. He will be faithful to do that. Once you see it, and ask Him to make you whole, He will do so. You will then release weight, as you continue to abide in Christ.

Prayer for Today:

Heavenly Father, I want to be full of Your Light. I don't want to hold back a bit of darkness, in some closet of my mind or heart. I want all of me to abide in You, and You to abide in me. Light of the World, I invite You in, and I welcome Your Light to illuminate and consume me. In You, there is no darkness, and with You in me, there will be no darkness and no reason to fear. I pray, in the name of the Light of the World, Jesus. Amen.”  

