Life Plan Devotion #244 [Abide in Answered Prayer]

Jul 06, 2010

  Hi, Everyone. It's a wonderful Wednesday in Kansas. Let's make it a Christ-centered day. Please pray for those having surgery today, as well as those recovering from surgery. My friend (and OH member) Sophie is doing well, after plastic surgery yesterday. Thank you for praying, and please continue.

Life Plan Devotion #244 [Abide in Answered Prayer]

John 15:7-8 “[Jesus said,] 'If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples'” (NIV).

     Abiding (dwelling, continuing, enduring, remaining, standing) in Christ begins with salvation. Clothed, at that moment, in the robe of righteousness (right standing with God), we have a choice. We can abide and grow in relationship to the Lord, or we can begin to drift and stay a baby believer. I have been in both places. Abiding is much more rewarding, in all ways.
     One of the most rewarding, and most misunderstood, results of abiding in Christ is answered prayer. To be sure, prayer is always answered, but the answer (whether a “no,” a “yes,” or a “not now”) and the timing (the arrival of the answer) are up to God. Period. He is not a magic door, that, if we pray the right words, will open to all our fondest wishes and dreams.
     It is all too easy to take a verse of scripture and use it, out of context. Believers and non-believers do it quite often. To understand God's words (and heart), one must read The Book...the whole Bible, and, as far as abiding in Christ, the New Testament is particularly important, for in it we see the way of the Master lived out, based on the words of Christ, and we see the Father as we look at the Son.
     Humans are, basically, selfish creatures. We tend to want what we want, when we want it, and that is seen, quite often, in our prayers. There's nothing wrong with asking God for what you need, but if you ask out of greed, it is a sign that you are not abiding. Those who truly abide in Christ will be others-centered more than self-centered, not only in how they live their life, but in the content of their prayers.
     Having said that, it is true that for those who truly remain in Christ, who walk and talk with Him throughout their day, who spend time with Him in prayer and in reading God's Word, who whisper His name before falling asleep, and who think of Him upon waking, their prayers, which are full of and line up with His Word, receive more “yes” answers than those who are baby believers or carnal Christians. There is nothing like a loving, godly “no” or “not now” to gently guide a believer into a deeper walk with the Lord. The Father longs to say “yes” to our prayers, but we have to do our part, too.
     Our part to seeing rewarding answers to our prayers is to abide in Christ, and to prove that by praying prayers that line up with God's Word, line up with God's Will, and seek to bring God glory. If those conditions are met, the pray-er will “bear much fruit, showing [themselves] to be [Christ's] disciples” (John 15:8).
     The mark of an abiding believer is not merely the number of “yes” answers to prayer, but it is seen in his/her reaction to a “not now” or even a “no” answer. It is at those times, when the abiding believer rests in the sovereignty of God, in His omniscience (all-knowing), and is able to lift up holy hands and pray, “I am not offended with You, for although I do not understand this answer, I trust Your Heart, and it is well with my soul.”

What this has to do with weight loss: God is concerned about that which concerns you, and that includes matters of weight loss and health. If you abide in Him, take your weight-loss journey needs to the Lord, knowing that He will help you, in His way and in His time.

Prayer for Today:

Heavenly Father, I want to know You so intimately that my prayers prove that I am confident in what is Your Will and Way. I long to bear much fruit for the Kingdom, and so I bring the needs of others, as well as myself, to You, in prayer, confident in the knowledge that as I remain close to You, my prayers are 'Yes, and Amen,' just as Your promises are 'Yes' in Christ, to the glory of God (II Corinthians 1:20). Thank You, that as I say 'yes' to You, You are able to say 'Yes' to me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.” 

