Today is my 2 years aniversary,   what an experience this been,  a new life,  just recently on November 20 , 2007 I had the 
excess skin removed from my abdomen,  I had a skirt,  it is call a panecolectomy,   it was done by my suergon , dr Amy Olsen,
she is the best ever, she was so good to me , and understanding,  she gave me life, two years ago, by doing my gastric by pass
and last  but not least , she did my panecolectomy , and reconstruction of the vaginal saging.   I look great and feel better than ever
it is been a very long road , and not easy, but it is all good, looking at the results, and how do I feel, and how healthy I am.   
My diabetes is gone, blood presure, is perfect, my back pain now is gone with this surgery, I was having lots of back pain, lower
back pain, and  she removed 43 lb of excess skin.  only in the abomen and vigina area.   I got my own belly botton, and it is so 
cute,   Iam on different size cloth, what ever feels good, from small, mediums , and even large,  no extra large, any more or 3x
i do not weigh my self, any more, i do exercise, and watch why I eat, to maintain,  I do not feel that i should be woried if i do this
and continued with eating healthy, and excersise, for once i feel like a normal person,   i stop eating once i feel full , 
and try to eat 7 times a day , very small food,  try to coult , the proteins,  because that is still a big thing for me , I still can't have 
chiken, or hard meets, everything else, small portions , it is ok,
january 4, 2008,  thank you Lord for all the bleesing you have given me. !!!


About Me
Fayetteville, NC
Nov 07, 2005
Member Since

Before & After
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and happy
very, very happy

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12 months out, what a change in my life
