12 months out, what a change in my life

Dec 19, 2006

I have lost over 147 lbs. and I am so glad and happy for this,
one year has gone by on the 4th of January, wow, it seems like it was 
yesterday, I was praying to have it done and all the work and preparation, for the surgery ,  
what an adventure this has been, and was a change for the best,
I have met my goal, before the surgery, my goal mas low, to be
healthy , and happy,   and I was in my goal, like after 3 months,
so I set my self new goals, excersice , and do everytning posible to 
get fit,  I have set new goals, and new things in my life to concord,
I think I can set new goals that will be hard to reach but a great challenge.
I will love to run 2 miles , I can do 6 miles in the bike, of course, in the gym, with air conditioning and  not up hill or holes in the road, I olso 
can swim a mile and walk 2 miles,  so I am working on my routine,
and have a trainer that is helping me with this.
I still have difficult time with chicken,  it is rubber to my pouch, 
funny I can eat a pork shop,  and nothing happen,  or ham, 
but not that white meat.  no rice, either, it is like a boom to me
olso my portions are small and I get to enjoyed the first bite,
and the second, the rest, I start feeling not so good, and knowing
that I will get full soon, somethimes make me sad, because
the food is so good, and specially now on christmas time,
there is no room for a bite of everthing, so I have to pick 
one thing and chew the hell out before I swallowed, and get
to enjoyed the taste of the first bite,
I will do it all over again,
My doctor Amy Olsen, is the best, she is so nive and sweet
she just got out of the service and will be going to work
civilian, in Pine Hurst , about 45 minuts from home , I will\
see her , she is the best.  
I have lost of skin hanging,  but I sitill have to wait, 6 month
to have them removed.  she said I will loose 3 dress sized
when we are done/

I when to get me a dress, first, i started on size 22 24, and 
remember that I was smaller,  so I when to 16, and they were
to big, the lady  belks was helping and she look at me , and said
honny, that is to big, for the little you.  you are a 10/12,  jajajaj
I said to her, you are crazy, she said to me have you ever
got a dress. that big thas looks good,  well to make the 
story short,  got me a dress size 10   wow, my parents 50th
wedding anyversay is this week end, all the family will be there
and my brother and sister of PR, have not seen me yet,
there will be 250 people and most are family from out of town
I know I will be so happy to get to see them too.

well I will up date later, to all my friends, keep in touch,
thank you  Yvette, and welcome back girl, cant wait to see you
April, good luck with the new baby, you are in my prayers,
Ann, girl , give me a call and keep in touch, glad you are doing
well, Tammy, do no be stranger you skinny you !!!
my sister love you with all my heart, keep up the great work
you look favulosa !!!!

About Me
Fayetteville, NC
Nov 07, 2005
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12 months out, what a change in my life
