12 Years Later

Jan 06, 2019

Hello.  I'm now 12 years out from gastric bypass surgery. Wow, it's been a while. I'm happy to say I am keeping the weight off, currently 151 pounds. 

I still have food intolerances, especially sugar and lactose.  I can eat cheese, but no milk or ice cream, sugar-free or otherwise. 

I walk regularly, mostly outside.  I dread the treadmill. I plank and do some yoga at home. 

I must admit the I have gained and lost weight over the years, at one point I was a little over 190 at a doctor's appointment.  I got that back under control quickly.

One of my biggest successes is being consistent on  weighing daily.  When I stop that, I gain weight.  When I keep it up, I keep the weight off.

Good luck to you all.  Keep positive, but allow the dips.  





Posts From Previous OH Page

Jan 22, 2010

My Story [ Edit ]


 10/23/06 - Well, I just had my six month post-op appointment.  My physician took pictures at my pre-op and this appointment.  I can't beleive the difference six months can make!  His PA couldn't beleive it either.  He said, "Wow, you've lost a whole head".  I got a pretty good chuckle out of that.  They emailed them to me.  I thougth that was so cool.  I'm waiting for my blood tests to come back.  I think they drew at least ten tubes of blood.  I was impressed, the tech only had to stick me once.  I'm going for it.  I only have 12 pounds left to my goal of 170.  I hope I lose most of it in my belly.  It's flat when I lay down, but not when I stand in front of the mirror.  =  )


10/23/06 - Doc just called, my labs are normal!  I'm so happy =  )  =  ).  My LDL is a little high, 137, it shouldn't be over 100.  We're going to monitor it and see what it is in six months.   I'm normal, yippe!


Happy Holloween!  I'm dressed up as a house wife today and I'm at work.  To really play the roll, I comtemplated staying home.  hehe  I told my husband that I'm going to work as a house wife today.  He mentioned that something just didn't sound right about that.  =  )


I'm closer to my goal, I'm down to 179, just nine pounds left.  Once I get there, I'm gonna have to party!  Hopefully by Thanksgiving I'll be there.  We've got company coming in from out of town.  My sister-in-law and her family will be here along with my 12 year old step daughter.  My sister-in-law hasn't seen me for a little over a year.  I'm really excited for them to come.  The last time I saw my step-daughter, I was @ 220, size 20.  I'm down to a size 16, 14, 12 (hehe), depending on the disigner.  I like the 12s the best.  Levi's are size 16. 

Best wishes....spread your wings and fly

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Those that mind do not matter and those that matter do not mind.

11/29/06 -
Hi, today is my hubbies birthday.  Happy birthday Neal!  Now we're both 39....lol.  I have to remember how to left align this again.   I am not sure who hates who more, me or the scale.  I struggled at 178.5 and then went to 176.5 and back up to 178.5.  This last week I went down to 175, I was so happy.  Today I'm at 177.  I can't wait until this thing quits going up and down.  I want to get to 170.  I keep thinking I've only got a few pounds left and then I gain a pound or two.  Okay, so I'm down to 177, better then 180, right?  Hopefully I'll be there by Feburary 7, my six year anniversary.  I want new wedding rings.  My old ones are too big now.  Since they are silver, I can't have them sized.  I am excited for that time to get here.  I want to see if I weigh 170 and I want to see my new rigns.  =  )  Have a great day!  m....     


12/14/06 - Today I did something that I have wanted to so for years!  I enrolled and got accepted into college.  I'm gong to the Axia College of University of Phoenix.  All of my classes will be online.  With my work schedule, I'm not able to attend a regular class room because I never know when I'm going to have to work late.  My degree will be in information technology.  I'm exited and have finished my first assignment.  I had to write a 300-400 word bio to help my instructor and class mates become aquainted with me.  I'm excited and I'll finish my education in a little over three years.  Here I come!
It's been a while since I've posted.  I've got wonderful news!  Last month I hit my goal weight!  I have been holding it too!  I am so happy.  I am hoping that once I get out and play some this summer that I will lose another 5 to 10 pounds.  I'd like a little bunker there just in case.  =  ) God Bless......Michelle 06/04/07 - Hi, thought it is time to write again.  Things are going great!  I feel good!  I have a week off from work next week.  I'll be 40 on the 13th.  I'm thin, 40, and happy as can be.  I hope anyone who reads this is inspired to reach for the torch and go all the way to thin.  I am now a year and two months out and believe WLS is the best thing I've ever done for myself.  Before I had the surgery, reluctently, I took my physician's advice and sawght a year of psych treatment.  I really believe it is the biggest factor to my post-WLS success.  The year gave me time to really think about myself and research the post-op lifestyle that comes with the surgery. When you are a year post-op, except that people are really taken back by the way you look.  You will get a ton of compliments and questions.  I answer all questions and say "thank you" when I get a compliment.  I want everyone I come in contact with to know the facts about my experience.  A lot of them have stories to tell about friends that have had the surgery.  (A lot of people know someone who has had the surgery.)   It is awesome to share my thoughts with everyone.  I get asked a lot about what I can and can not eat.  Basically, I can eat whatever tastes good to me.  I stay away from suger though (I haven't had it for over a year, and I ain't goin' back!)  I am just like very one else, I eat what I like.  If it sits wrong or tastes bad, I don't eat it.  Isn't that what we all do?    The other day I had the picture at the top of my page on my desk and my boss came by for a second.  She wondered who that was in that picture.  We both got a good chuckle out of that.   Here are some recent picutures of me. Have a 
super duper day!

07/23/07 - I did it!  Today I am no longer in the overweight category on the BMI scale!  I finally am down to 159, normal weight range!  I am so happy, I can not tell you how uncomprehendable it is.  I still do not know what people see when they see me.  I really look different, but I really feel like the same person I've always been.  It's hard to put into words.  I am different; happier, friendlier, more comfortable - but in some ways I am not different.  I still care alot about other people and I treat everyone as though they are my equal.  I still have a hard time accepting that I am equal to the "bossman" at work and so on...after all, we are all human when you come right down to it.  We all should treat each other as though we are acceptable and respectable.  Ya see, I am just me still, I just look different.  
God bless....


Hi, I've been gone for a while, but I've returned to update my profile and share a my journey.  I'm 3 yrs and 7 months post-op.  This last year has been a real struggle.  I am having to pay attention to what I eat now.  My best defense to controlling my weight is weighing myself every day!!!!  I've done this since I had surgery and am weighing in the high 160s and low 170s.  I'm fairly happy at with this, but for a little more than the first year, I weighted in the low 160s.  I'd like to weigh that again.  I believe I will, if I can stop grazing.  Grazing is my worst enemy!  Plus, I should talk myself into an exercise routine.  When I excerise, I lose weight fairly rapid.  I need to excerise!!!!  Stay healthy and watch your weight.


About Me
Mar 23, 2006
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Before & After
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8 Days Pre-op March 2006
12 Years Post-op February 2019

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