Well new update on whats been going on...

Oct 14, 2009

These past few weeks have been nuts! My son had a birthday on Sept 20, my oldest daughter Oct 4. My son turned 5 (cant believe he started kindergarten!! Now I feel OLD!!) and my oldest turned 10 ( cant believe that one either!). Now in a couple of weeks I am turning 33yrs old (Oct 25). 33?? I still remember when I was 18 and I thought anyone over 30 was OLD. One time my oldest daughter (she must have been like 4 or 5yrs old) asked me if I was around when cars were first made. Was F'n hilarius!! Gotta love kids! School started for the kids and I and I have been so bogged down with homework (studying, papers that need my attention..which reminds me..I have one due soon, again..just did one a couple of days ago.LOL). Then there is the issue of kiddos and work. I have cut my hours down at work to be home with the kids more. I was only working 3 days a week, Im down to 2. Just Friday and Saturdays.

I have lost a total of 80lbs since surgery in May and I only have 32lbs until my goal of 115 lbs. Just to make a note here...I am only 5ft tall exactly, so that is a good weight for me. It is a bmi bmi between 18 and 20 (as of 20 mins later, I checked the BMI calculator and I was able to go to 96lbs before it said I was underweight, So I could go down to 96lbs, but I dont want to) for someone of my height..so it is not too skinny for me.

Im still having problems with protein, and my hair has been falling out by the handfuls. I was contemplating on buying a wig. I usually have thick hair, and now it is thin. I have also cut it up to my chin so I dont get so depressed about it, but I have started eating 3 Lean Cuisienne Meals aday. They have about 20gms protein in them per dinner. If I cant eat it all at once, I pick at it for awhile until its gone. It usually takes me an hour to eat it. I am learning that I love fresh veggies and fruits (which I have always loved, just never spent the money to buy them). Yes I know that they have a lot of sugar, so I watch how many I eat.

I still love the fact I had this surgery. I have Bipolar Disorder and my meds have been cut in half. My meds have been cut in half because usually when the meds were given, they were given for a person that weighs 220lbs, not a person of 139lbs.  When a person is prescribed meds, the dr goes by weight. Since I was in the hospital in Sept, I have been able to keep food down due to the meds they put me on and also able to tolerate a different kind of vitamin. Building Blocks Vitamins, which are a really tasty bariatric vitamin. I also am taking Calcium Citrate, Vit B, iron, vit D, and Vit C. Looks like a ton and it is, but I am able to manage by putting them in a pill container with my other meds and put them on the kitchen counter where I can see them. I have to walk past them all day long.

Well guess this is it..Everyone have a great day..I will be back soon..


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