Post Op Isn't Too Bad!

Apr 04, 2009

Well, here I am, at home, after having my surgery four days ago.  It is kind of a weird feeling.  Haven't really had any bad pain to speak of - mostly just gas pain, which I am taking gas-x for -- little bit of tenderness, so I take what the doctor prescribed for pain just in case -- I don't want to be a HERO here!   Gonna use that pain med when I need it!  LOL!

The whole experience for me was a very positive one.  Tuesday morning I took my shower, got my things together, and then went to the hospital.  Didn't have to wait long before they took me into the preop area where I waited to have the IV put in and to be taken to surgery. All of the nurses at Memorial were so nice!  When they took me into the operating room, there was music playing!  I commented on the music, and the nurse asked if I'd like to hear something in particular.  I said "I like opera" so they put opera on.  When the anesthesiologist came in, he said "ok, quick quiz here -- who is the singer of this song, what is the title, and who is the composer?"  I had the oxygen mask on, but I raised my hand and answered two of the three questions - that is the last thing I remember before I went out.  Kind of a funny thing to remember, I guess.  The next thing I remember is being freezing cold in the recovery room, but the nurses put warm blankets on me quickly, and so I was fine.  Then they moved me to my room.  Later that evening I got up and walked a bit - I wanted to start doing that as soon as possible.  My husband and the nurse helped me.  The rest of my stay at the hospital was great - I slept alot - a couple friends came to see me - I was very well cared for.  It was nice to go home though.  No place like home!  My sweet husband had bone and bought some bricks to put under the soft chair in the livingroom so I could get up and down easily from the chair (it is kind of low to the ground normally) -- I bundled up in my warm fuzzy blankets, watched some TV, and dozed alot.  Put a fire in the fireplace that evening and lighted some candles - oh, how nice home is! 

Today (Saturday) I finally took a shower -- I feel so much better after taking a shower!  I was afraid to take one sooner - but today I just had to do it, and I'm glad I did!  I am a little light headed today, but I feel pretty darn good overall.  I'm going shopping today (hubby is taking me because I cannot drive for a week).  I am doing daily walking around the house, and getting in all the fluids I am supposed to get.

You know, one thing that is funny about this is that my desire for food has not gone away -- I "think" I am hungry -- I had thought that after surgery you would tend to forget to eat -- right now, food sounds really good!  However, I know that I cannot have regular food for a few weeks yet and I am okay with that.  Thus the retraining of my mind begins -- when I "think" I am hungry and yet my body is not telling me "eat" (which it isn't telling me to eat at all).  So I guess this is my first step in retraining my mind to not eat just because something looks good or smells good if I am truly not hungry (which I am not).

I am really looking forward to week two when I get pureed foods and week three when the solid foods begin -- I want to do everything right - "by the book" - bring it on, baby!


About Me
Twain Harte, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 09, 2009
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