Blissful Thinness.....

Aug 09, 2009

Yes - I said the word "bliss" -- I guess that is a word most people don't use in every day life - maybe I've been reading too many Christian romance novels.....

I find I look at myself in the mirror and hardly recognize myself.  I am "throwing away" (giving, actually) my larger (sometimes barely worn) clothing every week.  Incredible!  I sure hate getting rid of good clothing that I really enjoyed wearing, or in some cases didn't have the opportunity to enjoy wearing more than once or twice!  Did I know this would happen?  Sure I did - I did my homework - I read the forums - I knew I'd blink and one day clean out half of my closet -- yeah, I KNEW all of that, but now that it is actually happening - it is like "PINCH ME! I MUST BE DREAMING!"  But no, it isn't a dream - it is true! 

Yesterday I walked another 5K walk/run in Sacramento, and this morning found I'd lost 1.5 pounds since the day before.  I've been super busy and so have not had as much time for exercise since my water aerobics class ended the middle of July -- needless to say, I've had a few plateaus since then, so it was great to see that "250" on the scale this morning.

Difficulties?  Sure I have them....mainly trying to keep myself away of the emotional side of stress eating and head hunger verses true stomach hunger.  I never realized until now how much I truly did depend on food to sooth the aftermath of stress and difficulties in my life -- I mean, I knew I ate to subdue stress, but didn't realize until now just how OFTEN and how BADLY I abused my body by my love affair with food.  Whoa - wake up time!  Really a BIG realization for me.  Do I still struggle with this?  Sure I do -- bought some sugar free cookies last week and ate them way too fast due to stress!  Needless to say, I won't be buying sugar free cookies any longer!  Just too tempting!  But it is a perfect example of how food has been used to numb pain in my life for so many, many years.   Fortunately the scale has not gone up for me since surgery - only down - albeit there have been a few plateaus along the journey.

Head hunger verses stomach hunger - what can I say?  That will probably be a life long battle -- especially in relationship to emotional eating.  How do I overcome?  Support from friends and family, reading positive materials, and continuing to keep updated on current trends in WLS, reading the forums, learning...learning...learning.....reading books I enjoy, exercising more -- these are just a few things I've done that have helped me. 

So, I'm four and a half months into this new life experience, and the water feels great!   Being thin and healthier is true bliss!


About Me
Twain Harte, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 09, 2009
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