
Oct 14, 2009

So got a litte fustrated today... 

Back in September I was told I had to see the nutritionist every week for 12 weeks or I could not have the surgery. So I went ahead and set up appointments for every week up to today, sat down with the nutritionist today to finsh planning out my next 6 appointments, well we had a few dates we need to check out, so i went on the see the nurse practitioner for my last visit with her, when I got out the nutritionist advised me that i have been to see her to many times, UGH!!!!! I really only needed to see her a total of 4 times, so far I have gone 6 times. few to many times. Oh well, atleast I did learn some things I will need to know after the surgery.

Good news: I am cleared by the cardiologist, the pulmonologist, and the nurse practitioner. I have 2 more visits with the nutritionist now, and my clearance appointment Dec 9th.

Things are really coming together. Time is passing by, Jan 11th will be here quick  


About Me
Pedricktown, NJ
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2007
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