Karen *. 18 years, 3 months ago

I just got off the phone with Meliss's hubby. Her surgery started a little late, but everything went well and she is now in recovery. Yeah!!! She is now officially a loser. :-D I will be visiting her at St. Francis tomorrow, so I'll update more then. Kathy

*~ D ~* 18 years, 3 months ago

I'll be thinking of you ALL DAY LONG tomorrow ... Wishing you only the best as you strive to be the very best Melissa you can be. :-) ((((( Hugs ))))) ~ Dawn

~ Julie ~ 18 years, 3 months ago

Hi Melissa! We have the same surgery date! Hope you have a safe, complication-free surgery. Congratulations on beginning your journey, and I wish you nothing but success in the days, months and years to come.

Tonya M. 18 years, 3 months ago

Melissa, I just want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Heavenly Father I ask on this day at this time that you cover your child Melissa with comfort and peace. Let fear, anxiety, and all negative thoughts be eliminated from her mind and from the minds of them that love her. Place a hedge of protection around her Lord, keep her from harms way. I pray that You guide Dr Bours hands and the hands of all who will assist him with Melissa's surgey. Let kindness and tenderness be in the hearts of those who will care for her in her recovery. I ask that her recovery be uneventful, yet quick. I thank you in advance for your Mercy and Grace concerning your daughter Melissa. Jesus, in yiur Mighty Name I pray. Amen.

Tonya M. 18 years, 3 months ago

Melissa, I just want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Heavenly Father I ask on this day at this time that you cover your child Melissa with comfort and peace. Let fear, anxiety, and all negative thoughts be eliminated from her mind and from the minds of them that love her. Place a hedge of protection around her Lord, keep her from harms way. I pray that You guide Dr Bours hands and the hands of all who will assist him with Melissa's surgey. Let kindness and tenderness be in the hearts of those who will care for her in her recovery. I ask that her recovery be uneventful, yet quick. I thank you in advance for your Mercy and Grace concerning your daughter Melissa. Jesus, in yiur Mighty Name I pray. Amen.

Black Beauti 18 years, 3 months ago

I wish you a journey that is safe, and uneventful.  I commend you on having the courage to take your own health and happiness into your own hands.  Be Blessed!!  Stay Strong in the struggle, and remember you never walk alone *smile*  You'll be in my prayers!! *smoochies* NEVER SURRENDER ~T~

Karen *. 18 years, 3 months ago

Melissa, only a few more days before you will be on the losing side! Hoping your surgery is uneventful and your recovery is quick. I'll be checking up on you frequently! - Kathy

Tonya M. 18 years, 4 months ago

Melissa...Hi,my name is Tonya...I too am a patient of Dr. Bours. I had an open RNY 2-8-06. I know this optifast phase can be tough...you hang in there Sista...it won't be long until that big day starts your new beginning...and remember it's all about shrinking that liver, because beleive me when I say "open surgery is no joke". I'll be posting again soon to offer up a prayer for you before you surgery. Big Hug of support, Tonya

Tonya M. 18 years, 4 months ago

Melissa...Hi,my name is Tonya...I too am a patient of Dr. Bours. I had an open RNY 2-8-06. I know this optifast phase can be tough...you hang in there Sista...it won't be long until that big day starts your new beginning...and remember it's all about shrinking that liver, because beleive me when I say "open surgery is no joke". I'll be posting again soon to offer up a prayer for you before you surgery. Big Hug of support, Tonya

Karen *. 18 years, 4 months ago

Melissa, I just want to send some encouragement your way on the Optifast. I know those moments of weakness can make you feel like a total failure. I've been through it many times in the past couple of weeks. Just keep doing what you have to and your surgery date will be here before you know it! Then you will be on your way to feeling and looking FABULOUS!
About Me
Easley, SC
Surgery Date
Feb 22, 2006
Member Since

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The many faces of PMS
Another day...another battle...
Good days and bad days....
What to do...what to do????
I am in a size 10!!!!!
Will I be ready???
I did it!
I think I like myself today....
School bells are ringing!!!!
