Down 30 lbs

Nov 14, 2009

OMG I made 30 lbs... its been quite a road... not much is going in. this week was bad. last night I was at church and had to leave early because my blood sugars and energy dropped off the map. I had not had enough to eat or drink in a few days and only one protein drink all week. I have also given back a few bites of food now and then... I still can not get in more that1 tablespoon of food. I guess its time to have the stricture opened again. since i no longer have an appetite I am not in a hurry to get it done. wrong answer... I need to get more that 1000 calories down in a week!!! its been a bad week for getting in what I need too. but I am trying harder today. at not almost 1 pm and I had 1/2 a protein drink. two bites of chicken which doesn't feel too good yet. but it will make its way down it just takes about 15 mins per bite. I get bored before i get full... what a difference this life is compared to what I use to eat,  use to like, and use to do...

Time is moving so slowly.

Nov 10, 2009

I guess I am bored with the whole thing now. I can eat one day and nothing the next..normal.. I am almost 5 weeks out and down 27 lbs.. I need a spanking... I have not been walking. I am going right after this post. My allergies are in full swing and without Zyrtec I am miserable.... I have been thru four boxes of Kleenex in a week. over the past two weeks I have discovered no vitamin b complex....those come back to visit...if you know what I mean...very little protein getting in and meat is getting down a little bit better. two nights ago I had 1 tbsp of chicken, 3 tbsp on potato, and three tiny bites of salad... Humm yummy and it went down great. I felt human again. so there is light ahead. I have also found that I don't have an in between button. I am either feeling empty or stuffed.... I never use to stuff myself I was a grazer.. I would eat until I was satisfied but go back and snack every hour or two for those extra extra calories. so now when I take that last bite and it hits my tummy all of a sudden I am stuffed and it hurts. so eating a measured amount is crucial...don't guess measure... well I am hoping for a great second month. off for my 1.5 mile hike around the block.

one month

Nov 03, 2009

wow its been a month...down a total of 23 lbs not a bell ringer but thats why I did the surgery.. I can not get the weight off. Its slow for me but its the absolute best I can do. I have already had one sticture and cant get down more that three bites of anything at one time. so I am not eating too much thats for sure. I dont get in all my protein or water... I try but the day gets away from me and boom its over. So I try the next day... I caught my second cold maybe alergy. its very persistant. not sure I am totally happy with my decision yet. I am happy that I dont have to take any more blood sugar meds, but its been a hard month for me. If I could really see a difference I would feel better about it. My tummy is still sore and kinda swollen. My clothes do if better. Just keeping it real. I am not stoked yet. I'll know more later I am sure.

it was what it was

Oct 28, 2009

Dr said its too soon to be a stricture...well it was and nearly closed up. he said he has never seen one form this fast before... well he doesn't know me. I have always defied medical explanation... LOL its been my MO all my life. He also said this will most likely have to be done again... well I ate some potato and tried some milk no no no milk it makes me sick. I cant take the milk anymore. going to get rice dream today for the protein shakes... hopefully those will go down today. I have not had much to eat in that past week. this week was good for 5 lbs but hard on the body with no food to speak of. survivor bring it on... LOL. down 23 lbs in 29 days not too bad.

Potato buds

Oct 26, 2009

Who knew they would go down so nicely... I have an appt on wednesday to be scoped because everything I put in my belly causes mega growling and pain... well I went to the store and got the void of all life food... instant potatoes and what do you know they went down like a dream. You see I am a cook. I ONLY eat fresh and homemade from scratch. I never never never ever eat from a can or freezer or boxed anything. I cant I am diabetic and if I want to keep those blood sugars down I cant eat that stuff... so I have become an orgainic eater. well that doesnt seem to be working with this surgery. I dont know how to eat this instant stuff. so i can use some help with what to eat...soft foods and non dairy protein and no soy. has anyone tried the unflavored proteins and can they be added to intant potatoes or apple sauce?

losing it now

Oct 24, 2009

Literally losing it now. I can seem to keep things down. The past few days have been hard. It seems the farther I get out from surgery the more difficult it is to eat. The past two days liquids only and very few of them. One protein drink and one tea and some broth is all that would stay down. I called the Dr. and the his nurse...they said give it a few more days and call on monday if I cant get anything down. Iguess this is normal!? At least I came down  5 this week. Hopefully today will be a better  day. I want to get those meds and vitamins in today.
1 comment

going slow

Oct 22, 2009

I read all these stories most of them lose big for the first three months. at the rate I am losing I start to wonder if I will ever reach 50 lbs let alone my goal. I am only down 10 since surgery almost three weeks ago.  I am not over eating.... as a matter of fact three days in a row it was very little. I am walking 2 to 4 miles a day. I am easily discouraged and that is do you pick your self up and encourage yourself when others do so much better than you do? Its always been hard for me to lose weight and this is no exception, but I dont want any more excuses only success...I see the before and after photos and I must admit. I can not see myself as being successful at this...why? not sure...I have to get my head on straight... again my weight has not changed in 5 days..with that its time for a looonnnggggg walk. :-)

Doing better

Oct 19, 2009

I called the dr about my pain and could not get food in. He said just take it easy, and go back to liquids and mushy foods. I already did that sunday and things are a bit better today. really getting tired of cottage cheese and I have never been a fan of soups. I want a salad and some meat. that has been the main stay in my diet for many years and I really miss them. I am walking 3 miles a day and getting out for a few hours at a time during the day. I can't just sit. well just a quick note things are getting better.

Honeymoon is over

Oct 17, 2009

Oh man... here we go. I cant get any food down. it hurts to put food in. so far I can get some liquids in but i dont feel good. dizzy, weak and cold. not sure what to do. I guess this is normal?! my blood sugars are not too low. 118. I have a back ache, I put in enough fluids and two protein drinks today with some cottage cheese. right now I am trying to get down some cream of wheat but its not feeling too good. there is some kind of pain under my left rib cage. I will have to call the doctor tomorrow. not sure how to reach him on the weekend. I cant sleep I am not afraid to sleep feeling like this. the not so pretty part of WLS..

One Week Out

Oct 11, 2009

Well, I am one week. down  6 lbs  since last Monday but holding steady the last three days...I have a little surgery site pain but if I don't bend or stretch too far it's just fine. still mostly phase 2 eating. meat and sweet potato is a bit hard to get down. I am 2 for 2 on the vitamins and protein. 2 days I got all of it in and 2 days I didn't. today is a get it all in day. I have not taken any blood sugar meds in the past two days. the numbers are going down really well. that was the goal for this surgery and I am already seeing results... changes... I don't have to get up to go to the bathroom three times a night, only once now. don't like coffee anymore ( good raises my blood sugars), like the taste of things un-sweetened, I like eating slowly and with very small bites, food tastes much better. I cant wait to see what other new things I discover over the next few months...

About Me
Daphne, AL
Surgery Date
Aug 08, 2009
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