5.5 months out -- Starting the New Year hopeful and happy!!

Jan 05, 2009

It's been a long time since I've ended a year/started another so happy and full of hope!!   A little more than 5.5 months post-op and all is going really well.   I've lost almost 52 pounds so far and though I've felt through this process like my loss has been unusually slow, I just realized that I'm only a few pounds shy of where my Dr. predicted I'd be at this time (estimated about 10 pounds a month).   My loss has been slow but steady -- haven't ever really had a stall or gain -- and haven't had any complications at all in regards to what I can/cant eat or drink, etc. 

Additionally, I reached two really important goals for myself -- to enter 2009 having lost 50#s and be in the 140s (significant because I can't ever remember weighing this -- probably was like 10 years old or something).  

I realized this Christmas morning while opening gifts with my family that there isn't a gift in existance greater than the gift I've given to myself with this VSG.  As I said at the start of this post... for the first time in such a long time, I feel hopeful and happy about life!!!

I've been bad about documenting my process through photos.  But, just posted some pics from my new year's trip.   I'm all bundled up so its hard to tell what my body really looks like, but the weight loss can be seen even in a big coat! :)


My surgery experience -- July 16, 2008

Jul 27, 2008

On my surgery day, I  woke up incredibly  calm.  Having never  had surgery (or even been admitted to the hospital) before, I expected I'd be so much more nervous than I was.  For whatever reason, I felt detached from the whole experience.  The worst thing about the day was complication with my IV and anethesia.  In both cases, they couldn't find veins because I was very dehydrated (my surgery start time wasn't until 3:30 and I hadn't drank anything all day).  I awoke with some nausea and got a few bouts more while in the hospital, but nothing too bad.

I came home less than 24 hours later and felt really good.  Cleaned up around the house, did some dishes and laundry, etc. and walked around.  Just two days out, I haven't had the slightest trouble drinking.  My stomach gurgles every time I do so, but it's definitely not hard to drink...yes, I consider myself lucky for that.  I am using the pain med even though I hoped I wouldn't need it.  My tummy is sore at and around the incisions, but after I take the Vicodin it feels fine (almost as if I never even had the surgery).  I'm not hungry or feeling really deprived, but we'll see how that goes as the days pass. 

I'm still quite scared about what things will be like when I do eat... what life will be like.  But, if my post-op recovery is any indicator of what's to come, than I definitely think all will be good :). 

About Me
San Francisco, CA
Surgery Date
Jun 12, 2008
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My surgery experience -- July 16, 2008
