I Made it

Jan 19, 2010

Well I made it to Michigan my first Flight. Ya hoo. Went for my 6 month visit and everything is on track. what a wonderful feeling. Dads surgery is tomarrow morning and we have to be ther at 5:00 a,m. RNY her we come. Loving my life Sherri.

Getting ready to Fly....

Jan 17, 2010

Well tomorrow is the day. I fly for the first time. Scared to death but excited. This is just one more thing I am going to overcome. Well not sure if I will be on for about 3 weeks. I will be away from my computer. My dad is having his RNY on January 20Th. Were not sure what time yet. He started out at 392.2 and is now about 370. Just can't wait to see my dad be able to walk again. and not get tired so fast. with his diabetic it has made his life so hard. Well everyone I will talk with you in awhile. Good luck to all on your journeys. Loving my Sleeve Sherri
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Wow moment

Jan 16, 2010

It was so funny yesterday. I walked out and my hubby grabbed me to hug me. And said you are looking so good. And as he hugged me he said I can fit my arms around you with extra space. Man was that a wonderful feeling. It is so amazing I now want to get up and fix my self up everyday. I went to Sophia's and bought all new makeup. Went shopping and got some more new close. I kept tell ling my hubby I don't want to buy to many because I have 69 more pounds to go. He said does it make you feel good. If so go shopping. It's time to take care of you. Man I have a wonderful man. Well I am getting ready to fly back to Michigan for my Dad's RNY on Jan 20th. I am going to be his Angel. He says if I can do this he can.
I have noticed one thing through this whole journey I have a wonderful family and friends for all the support they give me.
Thank to everyone again. Loving my sleeve Sherri

Loving my Life.

Jan 13, 2010

Well it is now Jan 13, 2010 I am so happy with my weight loss and my life. I not just started a weight loss journey but we have moved out of state far from my family and friends. I can't say that I don't miss everyone alot. but I do love this journey I am on. I am now down 79 pounds in 6 months. I could not have done this on my own. MY goal now is to get below 200 before June. It will be my 25th wedding Anniversary and we are going to Vegas for the first time.  Things are happening so fast. I went shopping yesterday and was able to buy a size 18 pants from a size 28. I am now wearing heals in which I have not done sense 1986.  I am going on a plane on Monday the 18th for the first time. I now love going out with my hubby and enjoying dinner and the movies. I don't have to worry where I sit because I now fit in any booth or movie seat and have room left. I just want to say thank you to Dr Farhan for giving me my life back. I know this is a tool. But if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have this tool. Loving my life and this sleeve Sherri

Holiday and Stress Weight Gain

Jan 04, 2010

Well It is Tuesday January 5, 2010 and I got on them Scales and my weight is still at 221 I gained 5 pounds back. Today is the day I get back on track. Went to Sam's club and bought fish, chicken, pork.  Going to start working out in our new fitness room. The stress of moving and eating out all the time plus the holiday food got the best of me. So today is protein shake and cottage cheese day. Maybe a small piece of chicken. I am still trying to get things unpacked. Went back to Michigan for the holidays. I find it is hard eating out because the choices are hard. But there are so many new restaurant here and I love restaurants. It has always been my dream to own one someday.  I use to have a Sweet Treats business in my home. I made Cakes, Candy's and Cookies. Then we lost our home due to my husbands transfer to Ohio GM. Now we are again starting a new journey. So I will be looking for a job in March. I am going to stay with my Parents for 2 weeks for my Dads RNY surgery to be done on January 20, 2010. As my mom doesn't drive much any more. I am going to fly on a plan for the first time. Just alittle scared. But one good thing is I know I will fit in the seat now. As we went to the movie over the holidays and I had at least 3-4 inches left in the seat. Nice feeling. I also had fears of rotating turn styles and I walked through one with no problem. I didn't get stuck. (LOL) I love this sleeve it is saving my life. It is so funny how the little things make such a big difference in your life. Getting ready for a wonderful day today is the start of my 2010 weight calendar. 22 weeks post-op.
Time to get moving...

New Years Goals

Dec 31, 2009

Well it's December 31, 2009 and a new year is coming. My New Years goals are to make me help my sleeve work better. I have no reason not to now. I am all moved and live in a wonderful new apartment in Kansas. and have a 24 hour weight room to die for it is amazing. I am going to start working out everyday.  I will be going back to Michiigan for 2 weeks in January My dad is having the RNY on January 20, 2010. With Dr. Farhan at Hurley Medical Center. This is going to be so amazing. he has been watching me shrink and is so excited.  It is going to be so cool to watch my dad get healthier and be able to control his diabeties. I am now down from 295 to 216 in 22 weeks. I love my sleeve and I just want to wish everyone Happy New Years and Luck to all. Thanks for everyones support.

Scales are not moving

Dec 18, 2009

Well I have been stuck again. Them darn scales won't move. I have lost 74 pounds and now it's been 3 weeks. and it keeps reading 221. I know stress has alot to do with it. But I do find myself getting bored with my food choices. Need to find some recipes with more flavor. I still find myself only eating 3 oz of food 3 times a day and 2 extra protein snacks. Wondering is this normal at 19 weeks out to be stalled for this long?
This last week I have found myself getting lite headed a couple of times a day. Has anyone went thought this?

Getting Settled

Dec 17, 2009

Well I am getting settled in my new apartment in Kansas. I really like my apartment and I do enjoy having every store I can dream of so close to me. Now I just need to get back on track. I am at a stand still with my weight right now. I have been at 221 for 2 weeks now.  I think it is all the stress from the move. But I am paying the price for lifting I am now having many pains in my right front of my stomach area not sure what is going on. Hoping I didn't mess anything up. It was only my hubby and I moving things in down here. We hired a guy to help with the heavy furniture. But I'm not sure what is going on. My pain is in the right side front and sometime go's to my back under my shoulder blades. I am hoping it is not my gallbladder.  I found a family doctor here but now have to find a bariatric Doctor. Have to wait to get our new insurance cards. I am still only eating about 3 oz per meal. But I can eat most anything. Chinese not so good. But that's good don't need the fat of fried foods. We found a buffet here my husband loves. But it stinks I have to pay $10.00 for a meal and I can only eat 3 oz.. But my hubby don't care. Says I can pick and choose. I still love this sleeve just got to get back on track. I am 74 pounds down now and 4 sizes I love it. Well enough of that can you tell I am bored. I miss taking care of my grand baby.

kansas Move

Dec 10, 2009

Well it is now the 10th of December and we are all moved to Overland park, Kansas now. Now I am just setting up our new Apartment. I love my place but I do miss my family. This is going to be very hard. Everyone is so friendly down here. I am finding some things are more expensive and some are not. With everything going on I am now down from 293 to 221 it is a wonderful feeling but I am so tired and feel bad because I can't lift alot of heavy stuff my poor hubby is so tire and sore. it was just me and him but we hire someone to help lift the real heavy stuff. Thanks to everyone for your support. Love my sleeve Sherri.

Just wanted to say

Dec 03, 2009

This has been a crazy ride I am trying to move to Kansas and my daughter ends up in emergency surgery with an infected gallbladder that wasn't working.  The most amazing thing happened we were waiting for her to go into surgery and Doctor Farhan saw me and we began to talk. Then he wanted to see her chart and with in minutes he took her case and done her surgery. This man has not only help me save my life. He took care of my daughter and he is going to help my father save his life. I can't say enough good things about him. Well this is going to be my last blog for a couple weeks. Then I have to get a new email and figure how to get back on her. So thanks to everyone for your support. talk soon. Love my sleeve Sherri

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About Me
Overland Park, KS
Surgery Date
Jan 16, 2009
Member Since

Friends 73

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