My Gastric Bypass Journey

5'6....355lbs. at surgery...

                               SURGERY DAY

(May 17 2006)

Surgery Day...all i remember is being back in my bed with nurses around me thinking..'oh my God what did I just do'... It was like a nightmare. Surreal at its worst. The nurses were extremely attentive though. I can remember 7 around me at one time trying to take blood!!!! (my veins were hiding) You don't get this kind of care from nurses in Canada!
3 days and headed home with Mom and Dad. I'm sorry they have to see their daughter go thru this and all that brought her to this point.
I had to pay $165USD for a EKG by Dr. CHI prior to surgery/his part of the pie I guess ( I could have had it in Canada before i left but Dr. Oh's staff never told me to have it done before hand.... Plus I paid $500USD for drugs to take immediately after the surgery and while at home for the 1st few days before I could get into my family Dr.. If the surgeons office had faxed the prescriptions to my Family DR. I could have had evrything taken care of before hand. Again a wake up call to all who go down to the States for surgery and to this hospital and surgeons office. UPDATE(since I have been home I also received bills for a stomach biopsy from Auburn Pathology for $134usd and after surgery xray for $54usd. A bill for $2400 came for the anesthesia but that was paid by OHIP so I hope that gets cleared up soon)...which it was!!!
After all is said and done, OHIP paid $30000 for this surgery so I can't really complain that I had to pay a few bills.

(MAY 21)

Home pain, just mental anguish


...sent distress letter to a couple of the forums, feeling freaked right out... I actually had to have surgery to help my self????!!!!! YES YOU DID!!!!!maybe this is the real shocker.... Recovery time can not come quick enough...right now just want to sleep, or at least try to sleepthe next month or 7 away.

(May 25th) unhappy, don't  care about the weightloss side of it , just want to know i can eat like a normal thin person one day,what have i done? it had to be done but in shock.

(May26) tears are flowing all over my key pad...
Just so blue, so sad. I'm not me when I wake up. I'm thinking back to 3 years ago when i lost 130 lbs. Maybe if I had known what would happen if I let this weight go back on, what would have happened if I had got into immediate counselling once my eating and binging went out of control .Yet my metabolism was so shot I would have had to eat like a bird to keep weight off. It just went on so easy, even after learning to jog. the mental binging monster struck and I would have killed to abuse food. I'm just so sad/devastated that I had to have a surgery that will change my ability to ever eat like a normal person. Change my bodies acceptance of nutrients. I feel like a science experiment. Plus I read all the rules and it scares me. I don't have the strength but I will just cuz I don't want to fail. I just want to be happy and mentally healthy. I have to face the facts that food became a priority to evryone i love including myself but I also still love food and don't want to feel repressed all my life. I'm not talking about overeating. I just want to have a tazitkion chicken pita, or a slice of pizza, or a hamburger,....maybe I won't be able to eat the whole thing cuz I will be full, which is great.. but I don't want to have an anatomy where I can only eat fish, chicken and some veggies. Like I am having an extreme diet the rest of my life. I also hope the vitamins and whatever else I will be put on full time will not make me feel like I have some major health disorder....because besides my obesity I was surprisingly quite healthy in that I did not need meds.(cholesterol, blood pressure always excellent) Just very scared, sad and want to be happy like evryone else on the forums. I want to get where they are.


What options do I or does anyone have regarding this surgery...
1)Have operation...get slender and healthy but can't eat what you see  others eat............................................OR........................
2)Eat what you want when you want and feel that wonderful, warm content feeling inside but it will then turn around to hurt you by gaining more weight after you eat it. Making your girth bigger and bigger where you avoid life and get depressed because of what has happened to you and how you look...........................
Normal people would not see the (2) option of contiue to eat as even a consideration but I hate feeling hungry or deprived or that feeling it gives me when i eat. Best feeling in the world while it lasts.So I must learn and realize I will enjoy life more being slender (I know been there a few times) but learn that i can still enjoy food without the abuse and overeating. This will be my Goliath. Not having my pleasure foods to comfort me and fill my tummy is  and being hungry is definately the withdrawl of an addict.

(May 30 2006)

starting to feel like me in the morning. I would not wish these last 2 weeks on anyone. Beyond horrible. Decided to break anti depressant in 2 and swallow with water. No probs. Trying to swallow crushed pills was like torture. Horrible 2 weeks. Still not all pepped up. Just a little more accepting. Maybe in 2 weeks when this big elastic bandage comes off from around my waist I might feel like going for a walk. Lots of time for exercise. Still feeling burnt from the last few years of weightloss, gain and now this operation. Just think, 3 years ago i weighed 167lbs....lets not and start the slate clean. this operation will help maintain my weight for once in my life and not let me eat out of control. Just the surgery came before I could really double guess myself. I'm like a alcoholic who needs to stop drinking..and he knows it, its hurting him and his relationships but because he is an addict and has attempted and failed in the past still wants to hold onto the bottle until he can figure out how to muster up the determination this time and that quitting will actually work. For me the opeartion happened and I was not prepared quite yet to give up the bottle but it had to happen. So I am grappling with  this mentally..still dreaming of overeating yet knowing I will never be able to do it agin cuz it was not healthy and made me obese...but it tasted soooo gooood.


Feel weird. Not myself again. I have realized my days purpose was what I was going to eat for lunch and dinner. This brought me something to look forward each day. I have a wondeful husband, home, dogs, family but food is what made me get thru the day. I feel like what a midlife crisis might feellike or a nervous breakdown. I am totally clueless as to what makes me happy or content. Sleeping more than i should cuz i do not know what to do with myself. Scared of reopening salon in few weeks. Not ready for people and talk and what kind of surgery i had. Maybe in 2 weeks when this elastic band and bandages come off I will feel more human. Pls. God I have been punished enough. I was a glutton and had an operation not to be. Just want to be happy and enjoy life.

(June 11 '06)

I'm doing better. I responded to a message on the RNY forum to a guy named Timothy who is nervous about his upcoming surgery. I responded because I was pissed off with a reply he had gotten from this women who was bad mouthing W.L.S. patients (like me)who mourn food after the operation.  I don't think I could have prepared myself or knew how i would react after this operation. Great for the people who are pumped from the get go, but i am still trying to get my sails to work!!! Maybe my failed attempts at keeping my weight off has made this all bitter sweet but it really pissed me off someone could be so high and mighty about how others handle this, like I made it a  choice to be depressed and overwhelmed!!!! I tried porkchop and some peas and potatoes but as juicy as the porkchop was I did not chew it well enough (even though I thought i had)and it was a horrible feeling. I blended the remains of last nights dinner and it went down much better. Only eating 4-6 tablespoons of most things, so use a small spoon to make it seem like there is more. Bought some new foods today like a shrimp ring, skinless boneless chicken breasts stuffed with brocolli and ricotta, low fat lightly breaded chicken strips and a lean cuisine.(and my hubby made some chili) I hope this will help me make proper post op  quick and easy lunch and dinner choices. I am having special k as my breakfast.(1/2 to 1 cup)
Maybe my anti depressants are being absorbed properly or its just time passing post op but I am glad I can laugh again and feel somewhat human,  I would not wish this last month on my worst enemy. I have gone for a couple of walks with my hubby and dogs but felt very weak and sickly. I have told myself since Wed.14  is the one month anniversay of the surgery that I need to start getting on my treadmill. Safer if I am at home, quicker to collapse on the couch. Both walks i went on had hills involved so that probably did not help my situation. See my Doc Mon. June 19  and figure I will be given whatever vitamins and supplemnets that will become part of my life.
Still wish i could sleep the next few months away and a little scared to reopen my salon but babysteps are needed where I am concerned. Just wondering if I have the energy to give an hour was tough enough before! I think i sleep more than i should to make the day go by faster. Just glad its  been a month this week.
ok time for beddy. don't stay up late anymore. the less I have to think about stuff the better.

(June 15)

2 days of vomiting my a fist being squeezed into your pouch, horrible!!!!! Yesterday it was mushrooms and a part of a lean cuisine wholewheat sphagetti, mushrooms slid down, even though I thought i had chewed them well and today at lunch ate chicken too quickly....small bites, eat slow...smarten the fuck up! I have not started exercising yet, but started taking clients in salon this week. I could feel myself becoming agoraphobic if I had not. Baby Steps ....

(June 19)

5 weeks...-36lbs=319lbs!!!! Yeahhh!

(July 4)

7 weeks.....313 lbs (I have been plateauing here)
feeling way  better, no more depression, don't enjoy the taste of food like i used to which has its good and bad points. In the 6th week on holidays  I spent evryday having fun in my parents pool...I mean it was exercise but it did not feel like it! It really built up my strength and endurance and I have now mowed the lawn and walked my dogs and felt no illness or extreme fatigue!!!!! Food still scares me so i cautiously eat small bites and chew till mush. I cringe to get that horrible constricted feeling in your pouch proceded by vomiting. Have not done that in a couple of weeks thank goodness. Had chicken again but its just  for nourishment, don't enjoy the taste like i used to. Sure wish i liked fish. I prefer the battered halibut  kind served with fries! Thank god for chili.

(July 6)

Had the infamous chicken pita with taziki from the Pita Pit that i whined about in my first couple of weeks post op. Ate it slowly, took all day, only ate half of the pitas bread....what a let down. Tasted nothing like i remebered and fantisized about. Maybe the big bites washed down with a coke made a difference. Oh well thats history. Cross it off my list of fave foods.

(July 23)/heading into 10th  week

298lbs.!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!!!!! Enjoying my homemade chicken fahitas, bbq steak, shrimp, chili. Only problem is pork so far. Can't chew it down as well. Spent a week at my parents. Lots of activity in the pool which helped with the weight loss. I also try to drink lots of liquids. Eating has never been better

(July 24)

Vomited today. Had other things  on my mind while i ate and must not have concentrated on  chewing my chicken and fahita well enough.  I  only had had 2 or 3 bites than the chest pain and pressure. God that sucks. Threw up a little and that helped. I will finish my fahita later. Amazing after all I've been thru how easily you can go back to old habits. I do miss having a liquid with my food. I was so use to washing food down after having a bite. A bad habit I guess but one that i miss more than sugar and french fries.

(August 2)

Finding I'm losing my appetite after i had found my appetite had increased for a couple of weeks. Even though my home is air conditioned it might be affected by the heatwave and  humidity we are having right now....or my food choices are getting tired and not enjoyable in the least. chili, chicken fahitas.....gagggg!
I will have to resort to some other options. Still love steak but i can't have that every night, chicken wings tomorrow night should be yummy, slimfast with 2 cups 1% milk for a breakfast option. (hope thats helping and not hurting) Egg and toast as a meal would be good. I may actually have to start making up some recipes even though the thought of standing in the kitchen and cooking makes me cringe. Not going to weigh myself till next week cuz I weighed myself a few days ago and it was the same weight as my last weigh in july. Have not really exercised other than a couple of weeks in my parents pool when I was visiting.

(August 9) 3 mths.

60 lbs lost!!!!.......295lbs. yyyyyyeeeeehhhhhhh!!!!!
Went to beach by myself today and did my own version of water jogging! Mowing lawn every week, have gym pass so i can use pool. It would be nice to have an exercise buddy but there isn't so its all up to me.

(August 23)

weight....287...down 68lbs.!!!!!!!!

(September 5)

My weight has gone up 5 lbs. for awhile, think it may have to do with eating high sodium indian food for a week straight combined with my period!!! Anyways bought a mini trampoline which is supposed to help with lymphatic drainage . I have been peeing more. I am down 3 lbs., 2 to go...thought it was the full 5 but my scale can lie occassionally.

(Sept. 8)

The scale said ...282!!!!!!!!!! Got on it 4 times, just cant believe it!!! Hope my digital scale is not messing with me...again






268lbs.!!!!!! feel great, go to the base pool 4 times a week and bowl once a week. Walk my dogs, my tight pants fit again and I've already sent 4 bags of big clothes to the thrift shop. Luckily i have not had to buy any new clothes because i kept all my clothes from when I lost weight the last 3 times! I love my stuffed chicken with broccoli and cheese and my feta salad. No desire for hamburgers anymore. the bread is just too heavy and it made me sick. totally turned off hamburgers now, chips make me feel ill and don't miss sugar anymore. Life is good. Kinda miss a cold ' Classic Coca-cola' occassionally but I drank enough coke over the years to be considered a cokaholic, so its for the best I can't drink pop anymore.

(October 24)


(November 17)

255lbs.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100lbs. LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(December 17)


(January 13 '07)


(February 23 '07)


(April 10 '07)


(May 17 '07)....1 year anniversary!!!! 140lbs. lost!!!!


(Oct. 20 '07)
Stil 215. Have not really tried to lose anymore. Kind of nice to see my scale not change for months on end even if I have a couple slices of pizza. The fact 2 slices of pizza fill me up is amzing. I used to eat a whole pizza then lay in the living room couch in agony.

In April I left my husband for another man. Sounds sordid but I had been drifting, although oblivious to this fact, from my husband for years and he from me. I had read people losing weight and the surgery could result in marital breakups. I never thought for a million years that would be me!!! I met the most amazing loving man from Michigan who I am now with. He is within a month from getting his roux en y. It was  total fate we met online and I have never been happier! If you had told me I'd be divorcing my husband and moving to the States for another man a year ago I never would have believed you. I just realized my struggle with food and my resulting obesity had kept me in a prison of oblivion and complacency in more ways than one.

(December 2008)

219.5 lbs.

I've been drinking a lot of diet coke for the last year. I have had no problems with this. If I'm given regular coke in the restaurant by mistake it tastes absolutely horrid!! Amazing how my tastes change. It used to be diet coke that tasted wretched now I love it!!! Wintertime seems to be when I eat more by grazing through the night. So cold and icky out. Don't feel like exercising. Too cold and icy.

(August 2009)


Biking, swimming, walking, occasional whey protein drinks when I feel like it or don't feel like anything heavy. My hubby and I love eating out. Both of us always have a second meal in leftovers. Bike riding is our new passion.

(December 2009)...need to minimize my  pizza and  bread consumption!!!! Winter hibernation beginning!!! No worries... spring,summer and fall is bike riding season!!!!!!



About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 23, 2006
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 2
