Almost a milestone!!

Feb 11, 2009

I am now at 201 and can;t wait to get inot the 100's!!  I have been experimenting a bit with what I can and can;t eat.  I have my indulges (word?) but only a little bit.  I feel great and I am looking more and more healthy every day and compliments are just pouring in!  Now just got to work on the date thing!!  in due time!!

DOWN 60lbs

Jan 31, 2009

I am so happy with how things are going.  I have been "stuck" for a good 3 1/2 weeks at 55-56 but then thanks to a lovely stomach bug- got me over that hump with a 5lb loss in one day!!  I have met and known so many ppl who have had some type of WLS now or are going in for it and it is great to be able to educate them about it and answer questions.  Not to mention being living proof that it works and leading by example that even though I probably could have a cookie and not have it effect me too much-  that is not why I did this and I have seen too many ppl who take this tool and abuse it.  Why would you put yourself thru this whole thing physically and psychologically if you aren;t gonna make any of the necessary changes?  Obviously what we were doing before got us in this predicament so - of course- that needs to change or you may have some success early on but then you are guarenteed to blow back up again- and you should not be able to blame the surgery or anything else except the fact that you didnt make the total change that needed to be made.  OK just venting  I am good again!!

Halfway there!!!

Jan 13, 2009

Well I am pleased to say that I have lost 56lbs and my goal is to lose 100 (originally 113 but as I am losing I feel like maybe that may be too much).  It is very exciting to see the scale continue to move in my favor.  Although I will confess- I started making some bad choices here and there and actually gained 2 lbs but it was gone wiothin a day or two.  Although I am allowed to have mixed nuts- I was having too many- sound familiar Andrea!!  So I have had to re-examine myself and reconnect with my goal to contiue on this weight loss journey and not to sabotage myself like I have so mnay times in the past.  I hear some people say that they can really eat whatever they want- no you can't!  Not without consequences!!  If I want this to conitinue to work for me and use this as the tool that it is meant to be used as than I need to keep focused and on target!!  The gym-  I love going to the gym but for some reason i find an excuse not to go at times when there really isn;t a reason.  I will go to cardio kickboxing this morning and kick some ass!!!!  

Happy New Year

Jan 01, 2009

This is gonna be one hell of a year for me, I can feel it!!  I have put so much of my life ahead of me now.  I have to let go of the regrets of not doing things sooner and get out that awful habit of putting all my eggs in one basket.  I am officially going to be taking control of my life again.  I have gotten my head on straight and this surgery has done and continues to do exactly what I had expected if not better.  Now having the "food" under control has led me to see what else I was out of control on and given me clear vision to see and fix.  I hope that anyone who takes the time to read these and myself when I go back and take a look at my changes since starting this will be inspired to look at life differently and take hold of your own life and do what you want in it now.  Good luck in your future


Dec 19, 2008

I feel awesome and so grateful to everyone involved in my surgery and self- healing process that I have started a couple of years ago!!  I have made it down to 217 which is right around where I started my job at 7yrs ago so I am down 47lbs and feel great and look great!  I am going to the gym regualrly and eating healthy and am able to hear my stomach when it says enough is enough.  I have gotten sick a couple of times due to eating too fast.  Have found a happy balance of getting my proper nutrition in as well as having "treats" so I am not feeling totally deprived.  My life is almost to where I want it to be personally.  I am feeling happier than I have in years becuase of all the positive changes -of course including the surgery- that I have made recently.  I am finally taking the time for me and focusing on me becuase if I am not up-to-par than nothing I put out there will be!! 

Feelin Groovy!!

Nov 25, 2008

I am down to 225!!!  Can't remember when I was ever down to that- just remember blowing right by it on my way up!!  I am exercising but Dr's orders to take it easy!  I keep getting dizzy when I exert myself at the gym so I was told that I needed to drink Gatorade 2 for the electrolytes and chicken broth for the salt and get more fluids in.  So I have been trying to do that and trying not to get frustrated when I am working out becuase I am not nearly as strong as I was prior to surgery.  So I feel like I made several steps back but yet my weight is much lower than when I was doing all that!!  So it works out in the end!!  I am very happy with my decision and I recommend it to anyone who will listen!! 

Keep pluggin!!

Nov 16, 2008

That is what my Dad always says- Keep your eye on the prize and just keep pluggin!!  Well  I am just pluggin along here.  I have dropped 33lbs so far since 10/1 and 41 all together since I started this fabulous journey!! I have been exercising reguarly and feeling so good about it!  I even went to bellydancing class the other night-  talk a bout a riot!! The only place you can go where shaking your belly is a must!!

So I am going to confess that I know that I am not getting enough of anythig in bewteen water and vitamins and protein and I need to get on top of that like yesterday to keep my body in check!!  It is a strange feeling-  I almost am enjoying the feeling of not feeeling starving all the time so I am OK with not eating cause it is so new and refreshing not to feel that constant urge!  Like this is what skinny ppl must feel like- having to remember to eat and all!!  So bottomline-  if my hair falls out and I end up having to get shots because I am not nourished enough I will have to refer back tothis date and look at the fact that I knew I wasnt doing it right and I didnt change that!  I wanted to do this healthy all around thing-  get on it!!!!

Had my first real yucky moment!!

Oct 27, 2008

So I tried scrambled eggs on Sunday morning casue that was what the kids wanted and it is on my list of OK foods and I have heard plenty other people say that is one of their staples that they stick with so what the hell, right?  Couldn;t be more wrong for me!!  So I eat a few bites and immediately feel like someone has put a vice across my chest and back and is just squeezing but I can;t do anythig about it so i try to lay down and try to wish it away.  It helped a little but I am saving the best for last!!  So after I get out of the shower- also thinking this might help- not really- I still feel nauseous and just am so afraid to throw up that I just deal with it.   I take the kids to a huge halloween party in Boston and as I am driving I can feel  FOAM- yes FOAM coming up my throat and I keep tryig to swallow it and then I started to spit out the window cause there was just no relief from it it just kept creeping up and I thought I was gonna throw up a few times!  So we get into Boston and I am about to turn onto Congress St and I have to fling the door open and all this FOAM comes out and then I felt fine.  The kids were like "Did you just throw up?"  I was like- Well kinda but not really!! But that was a very unpleasant experience all around from the pain to the foam- just all around nasty!!!  But I felt much better once I got home and was able to get something that works into my stomach.   So I will not be trying those again- talk about creating an aversion to a food, huh?

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!

Oct 25, 2008

So things are going very well for me.  I am tolerating a variety of different things and have run into a couple of episodes where I ate too fast and had that awful uncomfortable feeling but again- learned my lesson!!  I think this whole concept of WLS and what the bypass actualy does for a person is phenominal.  The fact that my eating too fast has an effect on me is changing my behavior by my body finally telling me that it will not work like that.  I have no desire to fall off the wagon cause I know what eating too fast feels like and I don;t like that so the idea of trying something "not good for you" is being thwarted  by fear of getting sick.  It is just what I wanted!!  An aversion to overeating, eating too fast and eating foods that aren't good for you- check!!!  Last checked my weight yesterday morning and down to 241- so happy cause I can;t remember seeing that number for years!!!    

Good days are here again!!!

Oct 20, 2008

Everyone that sees me can see the glow I have on my face!!  I am just so happy and loving every minute of this journey.  Starting from being excited about getting on thescale to putting on some clothes that I feel so roomy in- the compliments just keep on coming and I am no longer shying away from them!!  Keep em coming!!  Down to 242.5 but then up again to 243.5 due to a little bathroom issue I am having but hopefully that will be resolving itself  very soon.  Boy is that uncomfortable!! 

Well I am having a great time and I am looking forward to having some great times in the very near future.  I have been invited to many places in the next few weeks but just don;t feel like I am "ready" yet.  I think I am just really not ready to be around people who are drinking yet since I have always loved to have a few and now I will be unable to.  I know that I will not be a hermit for long just not quite ready yet. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 12, 2008
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