
Oct 03, 2009

Well, it's been a while, but just wanted to update everyone. I am down to 276 pounds and I feel great! I set a wedding date for October 2, 2010.... I have already booked the reception hall.. It's really beautiful and it was a really reasonable price it included the hall, the food, the alchol... everything!!!!!!! It's all red brick and wood on the inside and I can't get over how it's gonna be mine for my wedding reception!! Anyway, I am gonna go I'll update if anything changes... Thankyou all for the support and I thank God for protecting me and watching over me... Goodnight!!!!!!!!
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Goin' Down!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 23, 2009

Hi everyone! I'm doing great! I'm at 283 pounds today,(i finally bought a scale!). So everything is good I'm down to a size 26 now from a 30, I bought myself a really cute outfit to show the slimmer me off and I have been getting a lot of compliments. I feel lighter and sooo much better about myself already! I hope all of u r doing alright. I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers and wish u all the best of luck!  So if I was 319 pounds when I started the program and I'm 283 today that means I've lost 36 pounds so far since I began my journey! I was 298 the day I left the hospital on September the 4th, and I'm 283 today, September the 23rd, soo, I've lost 14 pounds in 19 days, not bad at all!!! I can handle that! Thanks for all your support! Goodnight World and thank you God for blessing me!

Oh, Thank You Jesus!!!!

Sep 10, 2009

Well, a lot has happened. Yesterday I was at home in so much pain I was exhausted! I couldn't pee, my whole bottom of my body, including my back, it all hurt. I cried out loud for hours. Finally, I called my mom to come and take me to the hospital because something was wrong. I trew up 2 times but it was just one gag with just foamy spit, I hadn't eaten or drank anything because I hurt so bad. I got to the hospital and I was hysterical with pain and agony! They took me back and put a catherter in me and that hurt really bad too. Nothing came out of me, and they said I was dehydrated and put an IV in me and I had a couple ice chips. I really made a scene of myself because I was in so much pain I was screaming and crying really loud. The doctor finally got me morphine, valium, and an anti-nausea medicine to put in my IV and that helped me out some. My hunny got there as soon as he could because he was in Philly transporting a patient, as soon as he got there he called up to Geisinger and waited 30 minutes before actually getting a hold of my surgeon to tell him what was going on. My surgeon wanted me up there ASAP and I was transported by ambulance to Geisinger, It was an HOUR drive and the back of the ambulance was really bouncy! So I got up there and my hunny, Steve, got there 20 minutes later and the doctor on call for the bariatric department came to see me and the regular ER doctor saw me, they took a sample of my urine from the catheter and it was normal except for that it showed that I was dehydrated. They gave me more fluids by IV and by that time I was screaming out loud in pain again and they gave me more anti-nausea medicine and then some MIRACLE heavy narcotic drug that took the pain completley away for 2 and a half hours, they sent me for a catscan and found that my right kidney was enlarged and it seemed if though I had just passed a kidney stone. So nothing was wrong with my belly or the surgical point of it all. They gave me another dose of the miracle pain killer and told me I had to see the Urologist up there, my appointments in a week. I was told taht I had to keep the catherter in me until then and that really sucked! So I got home at like 3 in the morning and slept on the recliner. I woke up this morning around 9 am and looked at my pee bag and it was totally BLOOD RED! I was so scared! So my hunny drove all the way back up there and by that time it was 2 full bags of bloody pee. The doctors saw me and I was in no pain at all, except for the catheter feeling like a rod up my UHOO! I asked if they would take it out and just then my surgeon, Dr. Petrick came to visit me and was relieved to hear it had nothing to do with the bypass, it was just a kidney stone that I apparently passed and the catheter was the reason for the bloody pee because it was irritating and scraping my pee hole. So now I'm home and I feel so much better with that thing out of me and guess what, I finally got my period for the first time in like, 1 and a half years!! So, it has been crazy the past couple of days and I hope I stay feeling better. Well I HAVE to RELAX now, so Goodnite everyone!!!!!!
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Hello New World!!!

Sep 06, 2009

 Hi everyone! Well, it's almost 5 days post-op and I'm feeling ok, except for my butt and back hurting really bad. I did a lot today, I swept and did 2 full sinks of dishes and cooked  big batches of Halushki and Beef Strogenoff for my hunny and his mom to eat for the next week. My hunny was gonna do it but I really wanted to do it, I have a lot of energy from the liquid pain meds. I am not pushing myself. I stop if I feel it's too hard on me. Do any of you have any similar storys like that? I am just wondering if thats normal or not. I finally slept last night, I got 9 hours of sleep in! I'm getting sleepy now though. I woke up this morning feeling like I had just ate, and felt really full, and I had the taste of chocolate or something sweet in my mouth, I didn't eat anything from up till 3 hours before I fell asleep. WEIRD! Anyways, I gotta go sit on my comfy chair, this one is starting to hurt! Goodnight everyone!!!!

I'm Alive!!!!!!!

Sep 04, 2009

Hey guys! I'm back at home now and I'm feeling ok. I got a little pain but nothing serious that my medicine won't take care of. I'm soo glad to finally have gotten it over with and I'm a whole new person! Everyone who helped with the surgery made me feel soo comfortable and reassured me that everything would be great. I'm very happy to have had them there with me. They were even holding my hand while I was in the operating room before they put me under. All the staff came to see me after surgery and told me how much of a success it was and that everything went perfect. Everyone was so nice. I was in the hospital Wed, Thurs, and I got out at 12 this afternoon. I'll post the pictures I have as soon as I can. I need to rest a little and get some rest from the ride home. I thank all of you for your prayers and thoughts and words of comfort and the motivation! You all are soo wonderfull!!!!  Love you all!!!


Sep 01, 2009

Well, it's 7:53 and I'm on my way out the door for Surgery! Keep me in your thoughts! LOVE U ALL!!!!!
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Got a Time!!!

Sep 01, 2009

Well, I got a phone call for my surgery time! I need to be at the hospital for 9:45 and my surgery is scheduled for, get this,...... 11:11, my lucky number is 22, I thinks it's a good omen!!!! I'm so excited! I'll be taking photos and sharing them with u all. I'm ready for my new journey to begin!!! WISH ME LUCK AND PRAY FOR ME!!!!!!

It's almost time!!!!!!!

Aug 31, 2009

Hi everyone! I'm really nervous now, surgery is like, ONE day away!!!! It's been a long time coming and I feel like I'm getting married to myself! You know, because it's a lifetime commitment to myself. I'm ready to make that step FOR ME! I wonder if I'll go on a honeymoon?! LOL! I'm so excited! I just want to wish you all luck on your journeys and I can't wait to see some of your results! My hunny has been more nervous and scared than I have been. We both CANNOT sleep without each other in the bed, it's physically and mentally impossible. I guess that's what they call TRUE LOVE!!!!!!! Well, I'll post again tommorrow! Goodnight!!


Just 4 more days!!!

Aug 28, 2009

Well its coming up very fast now! I still wish I had a scale so I knew my exact weight. I've been battling hunger and I have been TRYING to ignore the fast food joints. Its a been really hard but I have been faithful to myself and the liquid diet. I want to find myself MORE than I want to taste the things that all look so good. I've been stronger now than I think I've been in my entire life. It feels good, but it has been soo different than I'm used to.  Just 3 days till the liquid diets over with then I just do clear drinks the day before surgery, then nothing to drink after 12 the morning of... So keep me in your thoughts and prayers and good luck to everyone else who's on the same journey I am!!!
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Just 9 more days!!!

Aug 23, 2009

Hello out there! It's just 9 more days till surgery, YAY!!!!! Anyways, I stopped taking my metformin and actos and I realized that I haven't had the usual cramping and diarrhea that I usually get 1 or 2 times a day, I guess that the medicine had a big part to play in that area. I've been a little tired and runned down feeling since I started the liquid diet, I've been wanting to go for walks but I just feel so BLAHHHHH. I hope I can hit the trail today if the rain holds up. My hunny fixed my old bike up for me but the seat really hurts my butt. He called WalMart and they sell bigger seats for $25 , so I'm working on getting over there to get one. So I am still very anxious and I wish I had a scale at home to see how much I weigh, but I don't and I have to drive to the mall to get weighed on a scale in there( in front of everybody!), I hate that!! But I guess I can buy a regular scale now that I'm down next to 300 pounds. Ok well I have to go! BYE!!!!!!

About Me
Minersville, PA
Surgery Date
Jan 06, 2009
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