
Mar 23, 2009

OK, I will be doing the 5DPT next Monday, if not sooner (gotta buy that wonderful liquid protein "stuff"  LOL).  Some Cali board members started last week and I received Kaye's newsletter that states she will start this week.  I would have also, but I read the email too late last night.  IT was a BIG message to me to do something NOW!
I weighed in this morning and still holding steady at 170, but geez, it's hard!!!  For me, 170 is ok, the problem is that if it is ok now, in 5 years 180 will be ok, etc... I want to be a sexy mama when I'm 80!!!! AND that won't happen if I excuse anything NOW!  So... my current goal is to go down to 155-160.  This still is not my doctor's goal, but I truly did not feel comfortable when I was under 155 (about a couple of days - max).  Too much bone.  160 is best for me.
So... I am off for a few weeks and I am going to make it a priority to not having any plans until I take a morning walk!  I will start off with a 2 mile walk and move towards 4-6 miles before I go back to work.  I will try to post frequesntly to update my progress (for accountability, of course).  I will also read more of the wonderful Cali posts for inspiration and motivation - there is definitely lots of that on the Cali boards, too!
Here I am, wishing myself luck!

I'm still around...

May 07, 2008

March 17, 2009
Ok, at least it's not 6 years!  I'm getting better.  LOL  I am still 170, but I find it more and more difficult to maintain.  I seem to yoyo up and down.  When I hit the 171 mark, I freak!  Literally!  Because I am an emotional eater, I find this economy has not been good for me.  I am constantly wondering what the fate of teachers is and how it will affect my position.  I can't believe that education is not a priority in my state! 
Anyway... I know my tool still works because I can NEVER finish off a happy meal.  I don't drink when I eat (yes, I still follow that rule), and I have not touched a carbonated drink in the past 7 years (oh my, has it really been that long?).  I usually can eat the cheeseburger minus a bun and a portion of the fries.  That's about it.
I have started eating oatmeal in the morning and I can't finish the portion I'm given (from jamba juice w/bananas minus the sugar).  I do add some trail mix because I like the nuts.  LOL
Other than the bad economy, I feel I have been successful in my professional life.  I am in a good school, I am a support group leader, I am a bariatric coach, I will be teaching in Korea this summer, etc... really, really this has been all good. 
My emotional eating still kicks in for everything.  I need to work on that, so I have decided to post/blog more frequently regarding my struggles and also my plans/successes for the day.  I also want to begin incorporating some activity into my daily routine.  Whether it's walking with my hubby and dog, or a couple of times at the gym.  As a matter of fact, I will investigate if there is a local YMCA or something near me.  I know we have gyms, but the membership cost is horrendous!
For now... I will go and will update my findings  a little later or tomorrow.

May 2008

I am not sure how this blog thing works, but the way I see it, it is more of an online diary that can become interactive.  I am reaching 6 years post op on May 30.  I currently weigh 167 pounds.  Today I am on Day 3 of the Pouch Test.  I have had some gourmet cottage cheese with egg and tuna with egg.  I have been taking my supplements pretty faithfully - never want to part from that!
I guess I am starting this because of accountability.  I am one of those that never reached goal.  My doctor's goal for me (BMI chart) was 144.  I made it to 152 (for a day, maybe).  Within a year of being under 160, I went to 170.  I stayed in the 168-173 range for a couple of years.
In March of 2006, my son started going to the hospital.  We were there, literally, one week a month for about a year.  SInce then we have been there twice - his visits are usually 5-10 days.  
Anyway, I digressed, I also went back to school during this time - not the best timing, but I was already registered when my son became ill.  
AND tot op it off, my support group was starting to separate - each lady going her own way.  ANd so.... I ballooned up to 185 pounds.  I got nervous and my doctor (PCP) gave me phentermine for a month to kick start a 'diet' plan for me.  
I was not able to take them because they cause me headaches.  The good thing is I finished school (3/07) and I started walking the dog - to Starbuck's.  I lost a couple of pounds through walking.  But maintained because of Starbuck's - man they're addicting!
I had a torsoplasty done 7/07 and my weight went down to 155.  I had not realized I liked being between 155 and 160.  I was a size 4 and I like the way clothes fit on me.
I started working at a new school and with all the stress and 'newness' I began to graze.  and graze.   and graze.  To a point that last week I weighed myself and I was 172.  I got very nervous about that and decided I needed to do something about it.
The first thing was to realize I need to get rid of the carbs!  So... I got my Achiev Ones together and I began 5/5 the 5DPT.  The first two days were hard because I wanted to chew, but I didn't.  Today is Day 3 and I am feeling better (and full) because I ate something, but I still want the 'crunch' of of something.
This has been the most emotional ride I have been on.  And I now realize that I will be on this ride the rest of my life.
The most important thing I am getting out of the last few days is that I NEED to follow my doctor's protocols for post-op.  I really should be eating a modified Atkins type of diet.  I should be limiting my carbs.  I should be exercising.  I should be drinking my water.  I should be taking those vitamin supplements.  Ahhhhh.... the reminder of all things I committed to when I first had the surgery.
AND... the need for support.  I came back to OH after having been 'gone' for a while and found a wonderful Cali family - supportive, friendly, funny and wise.  Without the accountability it is difficult to maintain and, support groups, not only give support, but are also there to help you get back on track.
I am not sure how often I will post here, but I think it is time I give the story of a long term post op and the struggles we still have in maintaining the weight loss and fighting the food/carb demons.

A little about me (also on my profile)

Jan 14, 2008

I had surgery May 30, 2002 with Dr. Nazarian. Previously I had been overweight all my life. By the time I was 13 I was weighing 220 pouds. At the time of surgery I weighed 286. I am currently at 157 and I struggle with about 5 pounds up and down. I have been like this for the past year. My goal weght is 140, but the truth is that I feel fine where I am at and if I do get to my goal it will be awesome, but the changes from the surgery have been great. I just have to constantly remember this is a tool.

Physically the surgery has heped me with the weightloss and I have not had any problems. I had open RNY and I was able to go back to work a week later (don't tell my doctor that). My prolems with this journey have been more emotional. I would suggest anyone looking into this surgery to start up therapy. I did for a year after surgery and still have some issues!!! It was so easy to blame the weight for all my problems, and I have had to realize that the weight was NOT the cause of my problems (although it did aggravate some).

I also recommend everyone thinking of having the surgery and any post ops (regardless of how many years out) to be active in a support group.  I feel my success is because I have sisters that help me be accountable to myself.  AND that's what this forum is for - WLS family to be able to come together and chat, celebrate, support and keep each other accountable - after all, gaining the weight did not happen just because the food is there.  We eat/ate for many different reasons and for me, it was for any emotion I am/was feeling.  I am an emotional eater and I continue to struggle with it daily.

This is why I am involved with the support groups.  We all need people around us who understand the pain and difficulty associated with losing our best friend (food), and the struggle we face to maintain the success we have acheived.  Together we can make sure we continue to be successful: one day at a time.

About Me
Chino Hills, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2004
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Before & After
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Friends 22

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A little about me (also on my profile)
