Again, it's been a long time... Update

Jan 14, 2015

Hello everyone, I can't believe it has once again been a long time since I updated. This past year has been a tough one I must say and I'm not sure just what to write. Although I have been through hell and back in my personal life I will mainly focus on my weight loss. I weighed this morning fully clothed in heavier sweats under clothes and a hefty hoodie (it was cold this morning :) ) and I was 142; I think this is my lowest to date. I credit it to stress and have actually attempted to gain but seems like I am at a low plateau. I was injured at work last February and I hate to say I have not been in the gym for almost a year and am going to try and at least start working out cardio wise and lower body. I am in the process of making a apt for blood work because I am almost positive I am once again severely anemic, which if I am would be my own fault. I admit I do not regret my surgery at all other than the fact I am still a fatty trapped in a now small frame and I just can't eat like I want to. yes, I know this is a good thing but man do you know how bad I just want to eat a big mac??? lol

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2 years was my last post... bad!

Sep 09, 2013

Well hello out there in weight loss land.. I am so shocked that it has been 2 years since I have posted. I remember when I was on this site everyday, in fact multiple times a day. Well here I am now 3 years post sleeve op and  weighing in at  153-156 depending on the day, lol. I am now severely anemic and need 2 units of blood, but I am not to comfy with that so am working on trying to get iron infusions instead. As for the weight loss, I am still happy with it although I still battle with that "your fat," demon who still lives in my head. My little stomach is still intact and still does it's job by keeping me full after a small meal, it also punish's me when I try to take that extra bite. I will try my best to get on here more often, rather than letting years pass....


Much needed update

Aug 24, 2011

Wow! I can not believe how long it has been since I have been on here. I am now down to about 148-150lbs... I have reached my goal and then some! I feel great I really do not have any complaints at all. I hate to say that I kinda slipped through the cracks and have not had the right follow ups with my doctor. It has been so long I already know he is going to give me a ear full!. As for my body, I am going to look into some plastics in the near future. My skin has actually done pretty well, of course I do have a little bit extra on my arms and upper belly but it is not that bad. I do need to have my breasts done. I am going to try to update and visit more often.

New Year 2011

Jan 01, 2011

Hello everyone... Happy New Year! I guess I am still in the bad habit of not posting or not logging on very often. I do have to say everything has been great. I have not had any problems and still do not have any complaints. I do have to admit that I am way over due for a check up with my doctor and will be making one next week so I can have my blood checked. If anything I may be a little anemic, but I was borderline before. As for my weight I have kind of plateau'd but will try to start working out and watching that I eat more often. I often forget to eat, causing me to maintain instead of lose. I have posted a couple pictures of myself from the last couple of months... the one where I am in the black dress was taken the beginning of last month. Well again Happy New Year again.....

It's been a long time...

Oct 25, 2010

Well I just noticed it has been almost 4 months since my last post. It is kind of true... before surgery you are on here everyday, multiple times a day even; then when you finally make it past the scary stage after surgery you kind of dissappear. I admit I am on here maybe once or twice a month now. As for my weight loss, I have hit a typical stall.. I think it is mainly due to poor eating habits. Yes, I said it I have poor eating habits. Not that I am eating the wrong foods, it's that I am not eating enough. I have been so busy lately that there are times that it's 8pm and I can't even remember if I ate all day or not. Yes, I am really trying to get out of this habit. I get so wrapped up in what I am doing I forget to eat, and not feeling hungry doesn't help either. I think what I am going to start doing is setting a alarm on my phone to help remind me. Other than that, I am doing well. Even though I am stalled I still manage to lose at least 10 or more pounds a month. I am about 15 pounds away from my goal. Not bad! I will be 7 months post op on the 29th... I have not had any complications since having surgery and am still getting used to my new body. Shopping is a challenge because I still find myself going to the "Big," sections and finding all the sizes I couldn't find before and now I can't find the smaller sizes I need! Oh well, I'm ok with that, because now there are so many other options. I have no regrets at all, other than not doing it sooner. I don't miss food, I do miss being able to finish my food though. But that is where my kids come in! LOL Well as long as it is something they like. I hope to come back more often, but if not Happy early Holidays to everyone.
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Still here!!!

Jun 22, 2010

Well hello everyone... my computer had a ton of virus' in it and after it was fixed I forgot to go pick it up!!! So anyway, finally got it back and I am now checking in....

As far as surgery goes, I am still happy and have no regrets. I am steadily losing about 2lbs a week and usually every other week or 3rd week I lose about 4lbs! I am still amazed on how much my body is changing. One complaint I do have is I have less padding on my hips and butt! So trying to find that comfy spot when sitting or laying down isn't as easy as it use to be, but hey I can get used to it. LOL

I have only gotten sick twice and it was my own fault, I still have a problem eating to fast and trying to get just one more bite working on it though. I also have had some problems with milk, so I have been staying away from that for the time being. I go back to the doctor for my 3 mo check up in 2 weeks and am hoping he takes the restriction off of me. I am so tired of eating just protein it is not funny! I crave veggies and can't wait until I can try them. I am so tired of meat that I am now becoming nauseas with the smell of it.

One other problem is my clothes! I get cheap clothes, but after wearign them for about a week it's already time to replace them... Also the gym, I have joined but have only gotten to go a few times so I walk. I am hoping things start slowing down for me a little so I can get into the gym at least 3 times a week.

Keep everyone posted>>>>
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Slowly getting it...

May 14, 2010

Well I am down even more, I am losing a average of 2-4 lbs a week. I must say it is still hard to get in all my fluids; I hate to say it but I have yet to get in 64 oz. I am also having probs getting my protein in. I am still not supposed to drink protein shakes and my tummy just can't hold all the food I need to get it all in. I know if I could get that protein and water in I would lose more. I am still losing more inches than lbs, and now am a size maybe a size and a half smaller! I have to break down and go buy some pants! And none yes none of my scrubs fit me anymore. I wear a tank top under a regular shirt to help hold my scrub pants up. LOL I don't even wear the scrub tops anymore because they are just to big. I joined the gym yesturday and am ready to get started next week, I can't wait to do the Zumba and water exercise. Well thants it for now..... more to come............................................

1 month down many to go...

Apr 28, 2010

So I went to my 1 month visit with my surgeon today. I was in and out of there in 20 min! First of all I was a little irritated with my weight loss. My scale is always 2-4lbs less than his. Well after my lovely bags of fluids a couple of weeks ago I gained almost 4lbs, so when I weighed in today it looked like I only lost 2.5lbs in two weeks. He was happy with my progress though. He said he wanted to see me back in 2 months and wants me to lose 10lbs a month. He also said he doesn't care about my calorie intake at this time as long as I get my protein in. He was surprised on how well my scars are healing; he said they probably will be invisible by the time I go back to see him. He also cleared me to do whatever I wanted. First on my list is going to be a nice....long.......relaxing bath!  I went back to work yesturday,and I must say I have been dragging a bit.
My pain is almost all gone. I still do have some discomfort in my actual stomach area. He said this is due to the healing inside and also in the incision where he took my stomach out. It is still very tender and still has a hard lump under the skin. He said it would go away and it was also from the healing.

Looking foward to next week because I can then have almost all meats!! Woohoo, I'm gonna get me a bunless hot dog! Or maybe a crustless pepporoni pizza! MMMMMM
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I sicky.....

Apr 14, 2010

So I ended getting my baby's stomach flu. I was okay until yesterday morning, when all hell broke loose! I was at a friends house working on details for her upcoming wedding over breakfast. Well breakfast for all of them but 1/4c of yogurt for me. After about 3 bites my stomach started to gurgle and I knew it was time to head to the bathroom. Ne way to spare you the details, lets just say I was in there for 15 min, while everything I ate and drank escaped my bottom half. That was just the beginning, the whole day I could not keep anything in. I do admit I know I was already a little dehydrated but this was making it 100x times worse. Needless to say I did call kaiser last night and I told them about the bathroom issues but I also mentioned that I was having pain in my left upper side. Of course they wanted me to go to the ER, but being a nurse, I was not going to waste $50 for them to hydrate me and sent me home. So I stayed home and endured the worst gas pain and stomach cramping I have ever had in my life. I would take 2 sips of water and it would come right back out, not to mention the gas pains that woke me up out of a dead sleep.
So this morning I ended up having more dry heaves, but as much as I wanted to I just could not vomit! I called and got a appointment with my surgeon so off to Kaiser I went. Once there my blood pressure was high and I started to get a little dizzy. When the doctor came in he examined me and said everything looked good and he was happy with my weight loss. He did say I didn't look dehydrated, but I convinced him I was so he agreed to 2 liters of fluids. Well here came the fun part. It took 4 nurses to get my IV started because my veins were so collapsed. I was glad when the nurse finally got it but irritated that she put it in my right AC. (crook of the arm) So I could not move my arm at all! I was so worried about how I was gonna wipe if I had to go to the bathroom. I joked with my friend and told her she'd have to come wipe me. LOL Well thank god I never once had to go to the bathroom through the whole 2 liters. (wow)
So now I am at home, trying to keep my fluids up and trying to eat food. Not going that well but I am trying.
Good news is according to my home scale I am down 20 lbs!!! Kaiser says 16lbs but either way, amazing!!!!

I wanna eat

Apr 08, 2010

So here I am 9 days post op and I wanna eat! I just wanna taste, just a little. I have been feeling a little better so I have been making dinner and it sucks that I can't even taste it! I am still on 1 protein shake a day and nothing else. I talked to my doc again the other day and he still will not allow me to have anything else, not broth, jello nothing! He said I can start soft foods on Monday, which is only cottage cheese, cheese, milk, and eggs! (which I don't eat) I am so bummed, I read how everyone gets to try the fudgesicles and jello or pudding or beans, I want that to be me.
Okay enough about the food complaints. I actually feel better. I am still really sore, but at least now it feels like I did 100000 sit ups rather than the sharp pain I was having. I do feel alot of burning around my right incision site, but I hear that is normal. I do admit my back is killing me. I think its from the bad posture I have been having, I'm gonna need a massage! I will have to go find a special man to help me out with that!!!!

Oh yeah and I am down almost 13lbs since surgery!!!! Woo Hoo 13lbs in 9 days, WOW

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 01, 2008
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