Welcome to the 240's, & alot of pain.

Feb 11, 2011

Today I am weighing 249 lbs!  I am so happy about that.  My stall lasted so much longer than I thought it would, but things seem to be back on track.  I am able to eat a little easier now, but still have some episodes that make me feel sick, shaky, and nauseated.    I think it only happens when I eat too much or to fast.  If I can just master slowing down I think I will stop having these spells. 

I am having another problem.  Since I had my first child, I have had right hip pain.  With the help of Motrin and other anti inflammatory medications I have been able to stay ahead of it.  But now that I can't take those anymore I am hurting so much.   Is there anything that I can take to help?  The pain is so bad.  I'm afraid I will have to miss work because of it, since my work requires me to walk a lot.  I was hoping loosing this weight would end this, but so far...not happening.  If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to help.

Progress with a capital "P"

Feb 01, 2011

Progress; I am losing again.  I went about a week without dropping any weight, but this morning I got up and had lost 2 lbs.  I am glad this first stall is over.  I know there will be more to come, but I am focused on the here and now. 

Progress; I went back to work yesterday!  I pulled an 8 hour shift, and did fine.  I had to work on eating my protein because we were so busy I didn't get a lunch break.  So I ate a bite here and there.  The only thing that hurt me was having to push a wheelchair with a 500 lb man in it.  One of my co-workers saw me struggling and came to the rescue.  They were very concerned about me.  It was nice to be back. When I got home last night I can honestly say that my feet, hips, and back did not hurt.  I can't remember the last time I could say that! 

Progress; I am learning about feeling full, and chewing.  I never realized that I didn't chew well.  But this morning I got a shocker.  I was getting the kids ready for school and had warmed up some fish to eat.  I took about three bites and felt like a rock was sitting in my chest.  I realized that I had not chewed well.  It wasn't long before I vomited it back up.  That was the first time since my surgery that I lost something I had eaten.  But it was a lesson learned.  I have to slow down and chew.  I can now leave food on my plate and not feel like I am doing something wrong.  It feels worse to be full than to leave food on my plate.   

I go back to the doctor on Thursday and have list of questions for them.  My husband keeps mentioning this huge learning curve I am on.  I think I am doing well.  I feel good, my side is hurting very little and I am loosing again.  What more can a girl ask for.  Onward and upward (or downward with my weight)!!!  My spirits are high and it feels good. 

Going back to work!

Jan 29, 2011

I am three weeks out and am going back to work!  I am still having pain on that left side but it seems to be getting better.   I have some concern about  getting all my nutrition on the days I work.  I am gong to have to really concentrate on it to stay on track.  I went to the occupational health nurse Friday to get the all clear, and she warned me about letting my blood sugar drop.  She said that seems to be happening a lot for folks at work who had RNY.  I haven't heard anything about that. 

Now, being only three weeks out, my weight loss has stalled.  I am trying not to worry about it.  The doctor told me it was coming.  My husband tells me I need to get out and walk, but I just haven't felt like it.  It is a nice day out today and I am going to go for a walk.  It seems that my side hurts more if I am up and about.  Don't get me wrong... I am still doing my daily stuff (washing clothes, dishes, straightening the home) but the more I am up the worse it hurts.  So I guess I am going to have to push myself some.  

I have had two or three episodes of pain, and agony after eating.  I think I may be eating too fast.  And I feel like I need to sip something to drink while eating.  I know that is a "no no"  but I feel like I am going to choke if I don't sip.  Does anyone have some suggestions for me?  I am doing great with staying on track with what I eat.  I even took the twins to a birthday party at Chucky Cheese and had no problem with not eating.  I was so proud!  What a change...I have always been the mom hovering over the table trying to get a bite here and there.  But those days are over!!!  Thank you Lord!!! 

I can wear some of the clothes I put away two years ago.  It is so exciting to put something on that I know I couldn't wear.  It feels good.  I'm sure that feeling will continue.  Can't wait for this stall to end. 

Ta ta for now!  Love to all!

Today makes 2 weeks!

Jan 21, 2011

Man time flies!  Thinking about Friday 2 weeks ago and thinking about how uncomfortable I was, and looking at how I feel today.  So much better! 

Went to the doctor yesterday and they told me I had lost 24 lbs!  For the first time in years I can say I am in the 250's!!  I can see a change in my face, but that is the only place I see a change so far.  I know I will soon see changes everywhere.   I got the go ahead to start eating soft stuff.  So I came home and tried to eat an egg.  I couldn't get it all down.  I was surprised!  I felt bad after I ate it, but that feeling passed.   Today I had some cottage cheese, mozzarella cheese, and another egg.  I've got to eat one  more time, and I'm not sure what it will be. 

I have found that my favorite drink is Sugar free Tropicana orangeade.   I can drink other stuff, but this is the best.  I love love love it!!

So next week I will start taking the children back and forth to school.  I will do some laundry and try to cook some.  I  look forward to getting back to my normal life.  I will go back to work Jan 31st.  I hope my energy level picks up some, or there will be some long 12 hour days in the ER.  Will have to wait and see. 

10 days out

Jan 16, 2011

Today marks 10 days after surgery.  I feel better, and am having a little energy boost.  I am going to go for a walk toady and see how I feel.  I am still having some incision pain, but I expect to have that for a while.  The bruises are a nice shade of green now! 

For the first time in my life I am sick of water!  I have always loved it, but...enough is enough!  I am doing good drinking my protein.  I have lost a total of 19 lbs since I started the liquid diet, and 10 lbs since surgery.  One pound a day sounds good right now.  

I haven't been sleeping as good as I usually do, and I have been having headaches.  Maybe I'm detoxing.  Or maybe it's normal... I have know idea.  The diarrhea has eased up a lot.   

My doctor told me I would only need to take 2 weeks off, but I think I will need a little more time off.  I think the  emergency room will need a little more from me than I have to give right now.  

My next doctors appointment is Thursday!  I will then move off this liquid diet.  I can't wait!!  I have never been so excited!  I hope my new stomach is excited as I am and behaves itself.    

4 days out!

Jan 10, 2011

I am home from the hospital, after having surgery on Friday.  I feel a little better today, and am able to get up without a lot of pain.  That left side is a real mess.  Everyone was right when they said the left side would hurt the worst.  I have 6 puncture sites and have had no drainage.  I didn't have a drain which was a real relief.  I have had diarrhea since I Saturday.  And no one seems to understand then problem with Lactose.  They fed me stuff with milk in as soon as I passed the swallow test.  Then they sent me home with orders to drink something with milk in it.  So I guess I am on my own when it comes to this first two weeks diet.  I kind of thought the diarrhea would go away after I got off the milk, but not so far.  I'm wondering if it has to do with the sugars.  I am sending my husband out to look for the protein shots that I keep hearing about.  I looked it up and it is a no sugar product.  

I am doing great with my intake of water.  The only time I am dealing with nausea is after I drink the protein, or take some medication.  I haven't had any vomiting.  If I can overcome the diarrhea I will be home free.  I know the soreness will go away with time.   

So for now, I will rest, drink, and take my pain medication.    
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Friday is almost here!!!

Jan 03, 2011

Friday  is almost here!  I can hardly believe it.  One second I am a nervous mess and the next I am as calm as I have ever been.  As the days go by I realize I have made a great decision.   Little things happen each day that help me know I am moving in the right direction. 

Yesterday I met a lady that was living at a weight between 450 and 500 lbs.  She was no longer able to walk.  She had to live with oxygen all the time.  She had to have help sitting up and laying down.  There was no part of her life that was independent.  She was sweet, and gentle spirited.  I could tell she had been a loving  caring woman her entire life, but that her body was jailing her soul.   She was imprisoned in her fat!  I went to say good bye to her as I planned to leave and I found myself with tears in my eyes as she thanked me for being nice to her.  She isn't used to people being nice to her.  How sad...how sad that humanity has assumed the right to be mean to fat people.  But I knew this.  Just this morning my daughter called my son "chubby!"  His feelings were hurt, and I felt guilty because he learned to happy "chubby" because he has seen me do it his entire life.  WELL, NO MORE!!!!

Life has changed!  Tim (my husband) told me last night that I have to start seeing myself as something besides "fat."  I think he is right.  If you can't see it, in your minds eye, then you will never believe it.  One thing is for sure.  I believe I will be a healthy weight, and will teach my children how to eat healthy.  They will have a life of health and wealth.  I am making this change now, today!!!

Friday is a major step in the right direction.  I have picked the best doctor on the east coast, and have the support of my family and friends.   I have asked God to watch over me and I know he will never fail me.  So, I move forward.    

6.5 lbs down on liquid preop diet!

Jan 01, 2011

I know it doesn't sound like much, but 6.5 lbs is a great start if you ask me.  I started the liquid diet on Christmas Eve, but ate Christmas dinner with my family.  Then I stayed on the plan for 3 days straight,  then I ate 10 almonds.  My stomach felt like I had put acid in it.  Then I had a half of a chicken breast the next two days.  Yesterday (New Years Day), I had a scrambled egg, and a piece of pizza.  So I have not been faithful to the plan.  The pizza is the one thing that I regret.  It was a bad choice, but again shows me how I got to this place.  

My husband says I am still doing great, but somehow I don't think so.  This time of year has been a hard time to start the liquid diet.  I have not messed up at work!  There have been donuts and cakes and cookies and ..., but I have resisted temptation.  Normally I would be face first in all that stuff.  I have not ea ten on sweet treat since Christmas!  With all the temptation I am proud of myself.  I didn't know if I could do it or not, but here I sit, and am proud of myself.  

So, surgery is Friday and I have a million things I can think of to do right now.  Getting the bills paid, taking the Christmas tree down, was hing cloths, packing for the hospital stay, grocery shopping for the family, ... all that Mama stuff, and working 2 more 12 hour hour shifts.  My head is spinning and my heart is beating fast.  But I am excited.  

Almost everyone has been excited for me.  They have said how great it will be to feel good and mentioned how good I will feel by the summer.  I know they are right and I am looking forward to it. 

My journey has begun!!!!   
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Is this normal?

Dec 27, 2010

I am 4 or 5 days into my liquid diet, and am feeling terrible.  I am sleepy, and my muscles are crampy.  I was expecting to feel a little tired but this is a lot more than I expected.   I was hoping some of you will tell me what you all have felt  and been through at this point in the liquid diet.

I am a tuff girl that works with ear infections, sinus infections, uti,... and never misses a days work.  But this exhaustion is extreme for me.  I would love some direction, from those of you who have been down this road before. 

Thanks ahead of time!

Liquid Diet Starts Tomorrow!

Dec 22, 2010

Tomorrow, Christmas Eve will mark the beginning of a new way of life.  Christmas Eve has been an emotional day for me for many years because that is the day my grandmother died. I always think of her and remember her cooking, her never ending love for me and her love and service to our Lord Jesus Christ.  So on the the day she left us, I will leave this fat ridden body.  I will move onward and upward.  I think about how she battled with fat her entire life, and how excited she would be for me to have figured a way out of this.  I can see her right now, smiling, clapping her hands and encouraging me.  So with her imagined approval I will start this two week process.

I have been thinking of all the things I should eat today, but nothing comes to mind that I am just  going to die without.  I guess that is a good thing.  I did get up this morning and fix myself a huge glass of Mt.Dew.  That is the  one thing that I am going to miss.  But I think I am going to pick up some steaks and potatoes for supper tonight.  That is something my husband and I always enjoy together.   I know in time I will be able to eat most foods again, but just not as much.  I am looking forward to not eating so much, and feeling good about myself.  

My husband called a few minutes ago and gave me a pep talk and told me that he knew I was feeling guilty about the stress I was going to be putting the family in over the next month or so.  And he is right.  I feel like my kids are going to suffer for a while, and my mom and mother-in-law are going to have to pick up my slack.  But he reminded me that I deserve this.  I deserve to do this for myself.  I deserve to do something that will make the rest of my life better.  And in turn make everyone else's life better.  I will have more energy, feel better, look better, and will not be sick anymore.  So, I will look at this time of self indulgence as self improvement, and keep my chin up.  My family loves me and wants to help.

The next two weeks are going to be very trying.  I have a problem will milk, lactose to be exact, and I think everything the Dr. has told me to try has milk in it.  I have researched, and have some options in place, but I know two weeks is a long time with only a few options.  But I will keep it in mind that it is only two weeks.  Then after surgery, I will regroup.  

So for today, I am drinking Mt. Dew, eating steak and baked potato, and looking forward to a brighter, thinner life.  


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 19, 2010
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