Friends you meet along the way

Oct 14, 2008

Greg & Ruth (Did David tell you I wanted a new truck?) The weight loss journey wasn't lonely
And success hasn't been the "end" of the journey

To be able to get healthy, feel so absolutely awesome in my own skin, and wear the size clothes I feel are perfect for me, are all blessings.

But to have found these lifetime friendships along the way is a bonus I never expected.

We're all at different points in our weight loss experiences. I'm "done" losing, but always watchful and always keeping health as a top priority. These, my friends, are closing in on goals that are dear to them. We're a team. We support each other. We laugh a LOT, and sometimes cry together.

It's rich, and it's such an honor, to be a leader and a friend to these people. If we all had bought the same brand of vacuum cleaner, I'm sure the bond between us wouldn't be as deep. I will be their friend for life, as they will mine. We are each other's cheering section, emotional strength, and sounding board. How do people change their lives without a team to walk with them? It could have been a lonely road.

Here's to their health. My friends, I am SO proud to know you, and so thankful to have you in my life.

Grow old along with me
The best is yet to be

Ruth aka Mom Shap


  • Never giving up

    Sep 18, 2008

    I'm listening to the CD version of Jeff Olson's book 'The Slight Edge' (Secret to a successful life). I have listened through the entire book twice, and am going for my third time. Yes, it's that good.

    Some of my friends on the Obesity Help page are discouraged with their weight loss journey. I think Jeff Olson's ideas about the simple disciplines, repeated over time, having the desired GOOD effect, are key here.

    What did you do today to make you feel proud? Doing a little something good every single day will add up to greatness down the road.

    Today I enjoyed my usual breakfast shake. I know I've read posts on this forum that lament the horrible protein shake. I cannot identify, since I've been happily mixing these shakes since August 2, 2006, and having one or more a day every day since then. I am disappointed when I have to miss my shake. (That is extremely rare! I take my blender everywhere)

    I feel so good, it should be illegal. And with a retail business that is taking 6+ days a week to run, and which is marginally profitable, I should be tired, stressed out, and miserable. I'm grateful for health and strength.

    Baby steps. Those of you who have already lost 100+ pounds and have those pesky 40 - 50 to go - take heart! Choosing to do simple disciplines every day will get you to your goal.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm "cheating" because I have the best nutrition on the planet and it "costs" 250 calories. But it's not cheating. It's just smart!!!!

    To your health!

    Eating right on the go!

    Sep 02, 2008

    Hubby and I own a used and new appliance store. Our days and hours are really hectic.

    I have learned to make very healthy 30 minute meals! I'm thinking of doing a little cookbook... what do you think?

    Turn on the INTERNAL shower!

    Aug 31, 2008

    This morning hubby reminded me that we're going to do a cleanse together today. I will do a 2-day, and he will only do one day of total internal cleansing because he doesn't wish to drop 8 pounds! What's funny about him is that he "FEELS" the effect of the cleanse immediately.

    Here is our routine for the day:
    Start off the morning with 4 oz of 'Cleanse for Life' cleansing mineral drink and a bunch of purified water. Immediately both of our bodies recognize this healthy routine and "submit". It's weird, and I can't explain it. The body just knows you are doing this amazingly healthy thing, and says "OK then. That's what we're doing today". Hubby actually can feel the minerals go to work just under his skin. Today he was amazed that he felt the cleansing action in his head, and in some of the parts of his lower body (!!!). What we're doing today, according to the scientists who explain this, is addressing the blood glucose issues. Tomorrow addresses fat. Both days serve to clean the filter systems of our bodies, every single cell. It's NOT a colon cleanse, and it's not a kidney or liver cleanse. It's basically "all of the above", and yet "none" of the above as you've experienced them.

    Yeah, my pants will fit even better tomorrow, and yeah, this is my KEY to remaining at my goal weight. But more importantly will be that those I see in the next couple of days will mention that I "must be doing a cleanse", because they see it in my eyes and skin. I switched my default photo because the contrast is so obvious. Not just Mrs. Puffy to Mrs. Slim, but the healthy glow...

    August 2nd was my two year anniversary of finding the ultimate nutrition. I couldn't be happier.

    For those of you who live in Washington State - I'm planning a BIG event at which Rodney, the guy in my photos who released 107 pounds for his daughter's wedding (was going for 50) will be speaking. Rod is from Michigan, but will fly out to do a large presentation for me. He's at the 110+ pound mark as far as his journey goes, and you can see him in the newer photos I posted, from Vegas.

    Wow. It's so amazing how the human body really does know health when you feed it health. I am coming down with a sort of bug of some kind that's making a gland in my neck swell and my throat hurts. STILL, I have this surge of wonderfulness as the minerals race to the over 50 trillion cells of my body. What a great thing. Hubby said it may help me push past this virus, to get some cleansing action going on!!!

    Oh man. Don't weight. Cleanse.

    Dropped 3 1/2 lbs yesterday - PLEASE READ

    May 10, 2008

    I'm participating in a study my health coach is doing. Since August, 2006, I've been incorporating nutritional cleansing and super foods into my daily routine and I've released all my excess weight and have kept it off. The system I followed has two days of two superior undenatured whey protein shakes in place of meals for two days, then two days of nutritional cleansing (a cleansing mineral drink that FLOODS the body with priceless minerals that help fat cells let go of their contents), then back to two super food shakes plus a meal for five days, finishing with two more cleansing days. After that 11 day routine (during which I released 15 pounds) I went to two shakes a day and a sensible meal, doing a nutritional cellular level cleanse one day per week. After releasing an additional 15 pounds, I dropped back to one shake a day, two regular meals, and one cleanse day twice a month. I've put on about 5 lbs of lean muscle over the course of this year and a half, but have kept the fat loss. I generally weigh 135 now, and I'm 5' 7 1/2", 50 years old. I wear size 8 most of the time, although I still wear some of my baggy 10s. I've had to give away a lot of clothes.

    Well, the nutrition coach has been studying the effects of total cellular cleansing, and he has found something magic in that second day. He and his wife both look AMAZING, and they've been on the program for over two years now. But incorporating this second day approach, like we did when actively LOSING weight, makes a real difference. So, yesterday was day one of a two day nutritional cleanse for me. What is happening in my body right now? Well, I dropped 3 1/2 pounds yesterday, which was alright by me, although you'd say I didn't "need" to lose weight. Who are you to say that? I may have dangerous fat around my organs, that would slowly cause all kinds of problems I wish to avoid. Weight loss isn't a cosmetic issue, entirely. Sure; I love being told I look great for my age, or being told I don't look like I have an 8-year-old granddaughter. But I want to be running around after my grandchildren 10 years from now - HEALTHY and fit. So I let that poundage go down the sewer system, urinated out, and I feel so amazingly wonderful today. NO, I'm not hungry. When you flood your body with minerals that are no longer present in our food supply, it UNDERSTANDS that you are doing a good thing, and all your cravings shut up. I'm not weak, or faint, and my hair isn't going to fall out. I actually feel a sort of faint buzzing sensation just under my skin, as if there are little clean up crew members ridding me of the build up of poisons and impurities we encounter JUST BECAUSE WE LIVE in a dirty world. Pesticides, herbicides, chemical cleaners, chlorine, poluted air, other peoples' cigarette smoke, etc. We face it every day. And our fat cells, bless their little hearts, surround these poisons to protect our vital organs. If you don't believe this, you may wish to study the Eastern Washington Geese crisis where hundreds of female geese were dying during nesting season - when they lived off fat reserves that contained the residue of pesticides and herbicides from the wheat fields. We have the SAME reaction in our bodies. It's purely science.

    So, back to my coach. He has found that on day one of the two day cleanse, glucose issues are addressed, and on day two, a major fat exodus occurs. Now, I've dropped over 3 pounds already, and this is the morning of the second day. My "goal" weight, after putting on lean muscle, I settled at 135 lbs. That's not doctor's orders or some miracle formula, it's just where my body seemed to settle. Maybe I do need to go back to 130. I'm finding a definition in body shape I never had when I was younger, and it's due to the fat cell release, but also to muscle tone the world-class undenatured whey protein provides. I can now wear a low-cut dress! I've NEVER been able to do that. EVER. Even as a 125-pound highschooler.

    I've got several friends and one family member, who have had WLS. Three bands and one bypass. I have tons more people I've met and talked with who have had the band. My success exceeds many of them, especially when muscle tone, health, and energy are taken into consideration. However, two of my friends who've had the band are using the same nutrition I am, and have seen amazing health results. I know that doctors have something of a say in what you eat, but they don't prescribe your food. So you're free to explore the best foods available on the planet to reach and hold your goals.

    I'll check in on Mothers' Day with my fat loss total for this two days, and I'll be posting pictures after that.

    I just had 4 ounces of cleansing mineral drink and a nice glass of purified water. I'll take in a total of 16 ounces of the mineral drink by 8 tonight, and I'll be drinking water all day. I have little snack wafers that stabalize my blood sugar and curb cravings, and I can snack on raw, organic almonds. I can guarantee that someone will think I'm drinking lattes, because I'll have more energy and clarity of thought than the average grandma. :-)

    Stay tuned.

    My email address is [email protected]

    About Me
    Bothell, WA
    Apr 06, 2008
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    Latest Blog 15
    Hypno-Therapy CD for eating disorders
    If it's funny, you just have to laugh!
