Hey Ya'll! Thanks for checking out my profile. I'm 40 years and going. I have been overweight my whole life. I can't remember a time that I weighed less than 200lbs except when I was less than age 12 and I am ready to start living! My weight is 383lbs right now and my highest weight has been 414lbs. I contemplated with the idea of WLS since I was age 29, but after searching for a Health Insurance provider through my employer and failing, I put off the idea and instead bought my children a house. I was and still am a single mom at the time I couldn't imagine if something happened to me where that would leave my daughter and my son. I worked my butt off and found motivation I never knew I had! I went from 414lbs to 332lbs. I was so proud of myself!! I began working all the time but the problem was that I was working sitting down as a Social Worker and yep I fell off the wagon because it was easier to grab something quick since I couldn't couldn't take much time for me.

I found myself getting really depressed again about my weight, I again started thinking about having surgery. I researched anything and everything I could get my hands on. Every horror story, every positive story and everything in between. I had since gotten married to a wonderful man who loves me for me no matter what size, so when I felt like this was what I really wanted to do, I shared my thoughts with my husband. He was so supportive with my decision, but he told me if you are going to be healthier and happier to spend lots more years with me then do it. I am ready to start living and spending time with him and going fishing and being able to get into the boat with him and not just watch him sit on the bank knowing he wants to be in the water but won't go if it means leaving me behind.  I am ready to get on rides and not hear I'm sorry but we can't get the bar closed maam you will have to get off when my son is looking at me and saying it's OK mom that's a stupid rule we'll find something else to ride.  I'm tired of walking into a restuarant in fear that they might not have chairs or a table open and hearing my family automaticly say WE NEED A TABLE please when I'd rather be sitting next to them in the booth but can't fit.  I want to LIVEEEEEEEE. I want to do so much in life and feel like I am on the fast track to death with all my health problems i've gotten since being over weight.

I'm not scheduled for any surgeries yet but I got let go from my job due to health reasons and now i've been told to apply for Social Security and I would rather be working I know if I can get this surgery I can live and go back to work again and be so much more for my kids and my husband.  I've studied and feel like RNY is my way to go now just have to find a doctor who will take Texas Medicaid and tell them THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE.

Looking for Hope!

About Me
Sep 19, 2011
Member Since

Friends 9
