Vacation in Arkansas

Jul 04, 2007

We went to Petit Jean State Park on top of Petit Jean Mountain for our vacation.I had so much fun.While i was there,i met a woman that really looked familier to me.She was one of the interpreters for their programs they do up there so i thought maybe i had seen her there the previous year.Well,she mentioned that she had started working there the month after i had been there,so that wasnt it.But where did i know this woman from?Then we got to talking and lo and behold,it was MS Spot (Vickie) from the lapband and Arkansas Board!!!I was so excited to meet her!!!! I had a blast!!! We played softball!!! Ok,so i admit,we had the kids running the bases for us,or we were supposed to anyways,but i had 2 kids running for me and i had to run with then mama kicked off her flip flops and got serious...i hit the ball straight down the pitchers line and almost nailed Ms Spots boss in his almost forgot about the kids running for me and i took off!!!! I was sad to have to leave and come home,but as we all know,all good things must come to an end,so we left and came home cant wait til i get to go back and see Vickie again.

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Holden, LA
Nov 07, 2006
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Vacation in Arkansas
