Food Anxiety 6 weeks and 5 days out

Mar 19, 2011

Man, I knew this surgery would be a scary thing to do. I knew there would be a lot of changes I would have to make. But I didn't think it would be this hard! My surgeon put me on a fish and soft food regimen longer than was scheduled in my Kaiser info and the info his office gave me. He says right now I need to take advantage of the first six months to lose as much weight as I can. I'm not even trying to be skinny. I just want to get rid of all of the co-morbid conditions I have. Within six months my body will be used to what I am doing and my metabolism will go into starvation mode I guess.

It is so hard to eat because you have to limit what you can take in (usually 4 oz. per serving) and the variety of foods you can eat SUCK!!! I am so sick of eating tuna. And if I get canned salmon, I have to fix it the same way. Same taste, just fishier. Then they say I'm not allowed to have tortilla chips or crackers with any of the fish stuff I have to eat. Not having any carbs at all is driving me crazy. I get so freakin hungry. I thought this surgery was supposed to take away my hunger pangs because the part of the stomach they cut off will no longer produce the hunger hormone. Man, I was hungry the day after my surgery. When I asked my surgeon about this he said yeah, we can't really pinpoint how hunger works. They should have told me that in the beginning! Maybe I would have made a different decision.

I tried buying a cook book for people after weight loss surgery to get different recipes. Of course this book was published in 2004 and according to it I can damn near eat anything under the sun as long as I puree it. My surgeon's team says no, no, no. You have to introduce one food item to your diet one at a time, a thimble at a time. Are they crazy? Who can eat like that, especially when you have hunger pangs like me. I think everyone is different.

I went to a nurse practitioner last Monday for post-bariatric maintenance I guess you can say. I was hoping she would be able to give me some food pointers. Her answer was to try tofu. Tofu has no flavor. I have no problem getting enough protein in my diet. Then she tells me I'm only supposed to be eating 400-600 calories per day. LOL I didn't think I was getting that at all. When I tracked my food intake on the Food Log on this website, boy was I surprised. Yesterday I ate 1100 calories worth of stuff, using other people's recipes. Today I only ate 800, but that still more than what is recommended at this stage of eating. No wonder I've been at the same weight for 2 weeks. =) 

I know that if I exercised it would help as well. I still haven't integrated exercise into my daily life. I will say I do feel better and I am glad that I can fit into my clothes a lot better. I know I have work to do but I'm still trying to get this eating thing down. Why am I so freakin hungry?!?!?!?!


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 23, 2010
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