I hate the Psychologist

Jul 10, 2009

I went to see the psychologist and the Nurse Practitioner on Wednesday.  The appointment with the Nurse Practitioner went very well.  I was upset because she talked about my weight.  Then she said she would get the psychologist for my next appointment.  I sat with her and she started talking about all kinds of things.  Really touchy family situations.  I just broke down crying.  I was so upset I didn't know what to do.  Once it was all over she said she was not going to give me the appointment for the endocrinologist.  I was devastated.  I have to see a shrink and possibly get on medication before she will refer me on.  She also said I would not be able to get my surgery until October instead of September.   I was so upset I left there crying.  Then something amazing happened.  I got on OH and put up a post, I hate the Psychologist.  I had some very nice replies to the post and my OH family made me feel better about what was happening.  I actually left the site feeling much better and thinking it was probably the best thing for me.

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Newark, DE
Surgery Date
May 14, 2009
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